
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Lake County Community Health Center Governing Council met Oct. 10

Webp 7

Gina Roberts, (District 4) Lake County Board Member | Lake County Website

Gina Roberts, (District 4) Lake County Board Member | Lake County Website

Lake County Community Health Center Governing  Council  met Oct. 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order  

Chair Fornero called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.  

2. Roll Call of Members    

Present 8 - Chair Fornero, Vice Chair Smith-Taylor, Secretary Lara, Member Argueta, Member Bejster, Member Chuc, Member Ross Cunningham and Member Tarter  

Absent 1 - Member Hernandez 

3. Pledge of Allegiance  

This matter was presented  

4. Approval of Minutes  

4.1 September 12, 2023 Meeting Minutes 

Attachments: GC Minutes 9.12.23 - DRAFT 

Chair Fornero called for a motion to approve the September 12, 2023, meeting minutes. Motion by Member Tarter, second by Member Ross Cunningham. Voice vote, all in favor, motion carried.    

Aye: 8 - Chair Fornero, Vice Chair Smith-Taylor, Secretary Lara, Member Argueta, Member Bejster, Member Chuc, Member Ross Cunningham and Member Tarter  

Absent: 1 - Member Hernandez 

5. Public Comment to the Council  


6. Executive Director's Report  

Executive Director Mark Pfister reported on the following:  

1) Respiratory Virus Season (COVID-19): COVID-19 burden is currently lower than at previous points in the pandemic, however there are still thousands of hospitalizations and hundreds of deaths each week in the US. Most of the US population has some level of immunity due to infection, vaccination, or both. Vaccine and infection-induced immunity wane and new variants have emerged, suggesting that susceptibility remains and may increase over time. One dose of 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine is recommended regardless of prior vaccination history for people aged 5 years and older who are not immunocompromised. Those that are immunocompromised should speak with their provider.  

2) Respiratory Virus Season - Flu: The highest 2022-2023 rates are among the adult population 65 years and older, which is typical for most flu seasons. One multi-season study found that this group accounted for 54-70% of hospitalizations and 71-85% of deaths. Get the flu shot now as it takes 2 weeks for immunity to be fully achieved. 

3) Respiratory Virus Season – Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV): RSV, like the flu, circulates every year. RSV causes substantial disease and death in the adult population 65 years and older, but lower than flu. It also affects very young children. Two RSV vaccines were licensed in 2023 and adults ages 60 years and older may receive a single dose of RSV vaccine, using shared clinical decision-making. There is also an RSV vaccine for pregnant women. Co-administration with RSV and other adult vaccines is acceptable.  

4) 2023-2024 Fall/Winter Season Outlook: Moderate COVID-19 wave, typical flu and RSV burden. However, a new COVID-19 variant with extremely high immune escape or unusually bad flu season or coinciding peaks for all 3 diseases would change prediction substantially. Coinciding peaks would also overwhelm hospitals and other medical facilities. 

Council members were encouraged to spread the word about the importance of getting vaccinated.  

Chair Fornero asked about the possibility of the triple threat becoming a reality. Mark clarified that has a lower probability as the CDC epidemiologists have forecasted a moderate COVID, flu, and RSV season, but if they do all peak at the same time that could be the perfect storm.  

7. Action items  

7.1 Licensed Independent Practitioner (LIP) Privileging/Credentialing - Burke 

Kim Burke, Director of Healthcare Operations, reviewed the provider presented for privileging/credentialing.  

Chair Fornero called for a motion to approve the privileging/credentialing of Viktoriya M. Rouse-Freeman, FNP-C. Motion by Member Argueta, second by Member Bejster. Voice vote, all in favor, motion carried.    

Aye: 8 - Chair Fornero, Vice Chair Smith-Taylor, Secretary Lara, Member Argueta, Member Bejster, Member Chuc, Member Ross Cunningham and Member Tarter  

Absent: 1 - Member Hernandez 

7.2 Licensed Independent Practitioner (LIP) Reappointment - Burke 

Kim Burke reviewed the providers presented for reappointment.  

Chair Fornero called for a motion to approve the reappointment of Jessica Barrera, FNP-C, Carolyn Bautista, FNP-C, Omar Cockey, DMD, Isabel M. Rojas, DPM. Motion by Member Ross Cunningham, second by Member Smith-Taylor. Voice vote, all in favor, motion carried.    

Aye: 8 - Chair Fornero, Vice Chair Smith-Taylor, Secretary Lara, Member Argueta, Member Bejster, Member Chuc, Member Ross Cunningham and Member Tarter  

Absent: 1 - Member Hernandez 

7.3 Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS), Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), $88,730 - Grant Increase Approval - Kritz 

Attachments: IDHS WIC EA $88,730 

Kim Burke reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet. Member Tarter asked if there is a change in the case load that warrants the hiring of additional staff. Both Kim and Pam Riley confirmed that it has increased. Member Tarter feels that supplemental funding should be used to offset program expenses. Mark explained that the additional grant funding will cover the cost of two additional nutrition assistants and when that additional grant funding ends, those two positions will end which is the usual and customary. Member Tarter commented that WIC has traditionally not been represented on the Council and suggested that a WIC program client be recruited. Chair Fornero thanked Member Tarter for his insight and Mark for his comments and clarification as it shows that the Council is doing what is expected of them.  

Chair Fornero called for a motion to approve the IDHS SSNP WIC additional grant funding and emergency appropriation of $88,730 for LCFY23. Motion by Member Bejster, second by Member Ross Cunningham. Motion carried by the following roll call vote:   

Aye: 8 - Chair Fornero, Vice Chair Smith-Taylor, Secretary Lara, Member Argueta, Member Bejster, Member Chuc, Member Ross Cunningham and Member Tarter 

Absent: 1 - Member Hernandez 

7.4 Change in Health Center Hours of Operation - Burke 

Attachments: Change in Health Center Hours of Operation 

Kim Burke reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet.  

Chair Fornero called for a motion to approve the change in health center hours of operation as presented. Motion by Member Bejster, second by Member Hegar Chuc. Voice vote, all in favor, motion carried.    

Aye: 8 - Chair Fornero, Vice Chair Smith-Taylor, Secretary Lara, Member Argueta, Member Bejster, Member Chuc, Member Ross Cunningham and Member Tarter  

Absent: 1 - Member Hernandez 

7.5 Proposed 2024 Governing Council Meeting Dates - Pfister 

Mark reviewed the dates provided in the agenda packet and thanked the Council for their regular attendance as use of an alternate meeting date has only been needed twice since the alternate meeting date schedule was implemented in March 2020. The alternate meeting dates will continue as HRSA does require this Governing Council to meet monthly. If the Council does not meet monthly, that will result in a finding during the HRSA site visit. There were no suggested changes or questions.  

Chair Fornero called for a motion to approve the meeting dates for 2024 as presented. Motion by Member Smith-Taylor, second by Member Hegar Chuc. Voice vote, all in favor, motion carried.    

Aye: 8 - Chair Fornero, Vice Chair Smith-Taylor, Secretary Lara, Member Argueta, Member Bejster, Member Chuc, Member Ross Cunningham and Member Tarter  

Absent: 1 - Member Hernandez 

8. Presentations  

8.1 FY2022 Audit Results - Riley 

Attachments: LCHD FQHC Report on Schedule of Revenues & Expenses 

Jason Coyle, CPA and Partner with Baker Tilly US, LLP, presented the year-end financial audit results which included the single audit also known as the report on federal awards. There were no questions.  

9. Discussion Items  

9.1 CQI Update - Hayes 

Attachments: UDS Measures 

Christina Hayes, Strategic Planning and Quality Improvement Manager, reviewed the report provided in the agenda packet. She pointed out that a large number of metrics are better than last year and several are above target. The breast cancer and cervical cancer screening targets are close to being met and colorectal cancer screening is above target. Mark Pfister commented that the continued success and improvement comes down to leadership. He thanked Kim and her team, and Christina and her team, for their efforts leading to the changes and improvements, and for ensuring it sticks. He is thankful for and proud of the teams for the continued improvements they continue to make.  

Chair Fornero commented that the Council really appreciates the hard work, efforts, and results. Vice Chair Smith-Taylor commented that she is honored to be part of the CQI committee and enjoys the meetings and discussions.  

10. Director of Healthcare Operations Report  

10.1 Director of Healthcare Operations Report - Burke 

Attachments: FQHC Healthcare Operations Metrics Dashboard 10.23 

Kim Burke reviewed the report provided in the agenda packet. Member Tarter noted that the report states there are only 2 FQHCs in Lake County and one of them has discontinued taking new patients due to a lack of resources. He then asked if Lake County Health Department can do that because the new patient wait list continues to grow and those individuals can't get in. Mark explained that while it could be done, it won't be done as we are still adding 50-60 new patients per week. Doing so would also result in political negativity. He pointed out that the Erie Family organization is more focused in the Chicago area with only one site in Lake County and they are having a difficult time finding individuals who want to work in Lake County as the majority of their staff want to work in their Chicago health center sites. LCHD has to be the safety net and try to meet all the unmet needs, which hasn't been easy, but the continuing CQI efforts towards reducing the no-show rate have resulted in more open appointment slots for individuals looking to establish care with us. Member Bejster commented that she would be disheartened if LCHD stopped taking new patients altogether because if both FQHCs in Lake County stop taking new patients, it begs the question, "then where are those individuals getting care?" And when LCHD starts taking new patients again, how are those individuals going to be made aware, how will they know they can come back, and would they come back. Mark added that those individuals would be going to a minute clinic or one stop shop for acute care, but if they have high blood pressure or diabetes they may end up in the emergency department which is very concerning as provider availability at the hospitals is also an issue.  

11. Director of Finance Report  

11.1 Director of Finance Report - Riley 

Attachments: FQHC Aug 23 

Pam Riley, Director of Finance, reviewed the report provided in the agenda packet. In regard to this evening's audit presentation, she pointed out that there was a vast improvement this year with the new audit firm of Baker Tilly as they have a very organized approach to the process which made it much smoother for her and her team. Baker Tilly is not new though as they were the County audit firm for 10 years until the County switched to RSM for the last 5 years. Mark commended Pam and her team adding that it is great to have such an experienced team as it gives the Council, the Board of Health, and himself ultimate faith that there are going to be no findings.  

12. Added to Agenda  


13. Old Business  


14. New Business  


15. Executive Session  


16. Adjournment  

Chair Fornero adjourned the meeting at 6:09 p.m. 
