Ann Maine (District 3) Lake County Board Member | Lake County Website
Ann Maine (District 3) Lake County Board Member | Lake County Website
Lake County Board of Health met Oct. 25.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
President Sashko called the meeting to order 6:01 p.m.
2. Roll Call of Members
Member Parekh joined the meeting at 6:09 p.m.
Present10 - President Sashko, Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large Hagstrom D.D.S., Member-at-Large Maine, Member Cerk, Member Johnson Jones Ed.D., Member Larson Ph.D., Member Parekh, Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D. and Member Soulakis Ph.D.
Absent 2 - Vice President Ehrlich M.D. and Member Belmonte D.O.
3. Pledge of Allegiance
This matter was presented
4. Public Comment to the Board
5. Awards, Recognitions, Appointments and Reappointments
6. Presentations
6.1 Uniting for Ukraine: Tuberculosis Clinic Grant Performance - Dr. Ahmed
Dr. Sana Ahmed, Medical Epidemiologist, presented the information and slides provided in the agenda packet. Dr. Victor Plotkin, retired LCHD Infection Control Program Coordinator and epidemiologist who came out of retirement to assist with the implementation of the grant, commented that none of the outreach efforts made as part of this grant were left to chance. He thanked the Board of Health and LCHD programs and staff for the aid and support they provided to Ukrainian refugees, very vulnerable and traumatized individuals, not only in Lake County but in the collar counties and communities, as well. Mark Pfister echoed Dr. Plotkin's comments noting that staff did a great job in a very short time frame and commented that as a Board of Health, we need to start weighing in more to the State of Illinois on categorical disease funding and why a more wholistic funding approach is preferred.
7. President’s Report
President Sashko reported on the following:
1. County Board Chair Sandy Hart has announced that after an internal candidate search Lake County will enter into contract negotiations with Patrice Sutton to become Lake County’s next County Administrator. Ms. Sutton currently serves as the county's Chief Financial Officer, a role she has held for the last six years.
8. Consent Agenda
President Sashko called for a motion to adopt the consent agenda and approve items 8.1 and 8.2. Motion by Member Hagstrom, second by Member Johnson Jones. Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
Aye: 10 - President Sashko, Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large Hagstrom D.D.S., Member-at-Large Maine, Member Cerk, Member Johnson Jones Ed.D., Member Larson Ph.D., Member Parekh, Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D. and Member Soulakis Ph.D.
Absent: 2 - Vice President Ehrlich M.D. and Member Belmonte D.O.
8.1 September 27, 2023 Meeting Minutes
This matter was approved
8.2 Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS), Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), $88,730 - Grant Increase Approval - Kritz
This matter was approved
9. Regular Agenda
9.1 Illinois Department of Public Health - Strengthening Illinois Public Health Administration, $350,000 - Grant Approval - Mackey
Larry Mackey, Director of Environmental Health, presented and reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet.
President Sashko called for a motion to approve the IDPH SIPHAgrant funding as presented. Motion by Member Larson, second by Member Soulakis. Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
Aye: 10 - President Sashko, Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large Hagstrom D.D.S., Member-at-Large Maine, Member Cerk, Member Johnson Jones Ed.D., Member Larson Ph.D., Member Parekh, Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D. and Member Soulakis Ph.D.
Absent: 2 - Vice President Ehrlich M.D. and Member Belmonte D.O.
9.2 Revised Board of Health Bylaws - Sashko
President Sashko reminded the Board that this item was postponed from the September 27, 2023 meeting because two-thirds of the entire membership of the Board was not present as required under Article IX - Amendments.
President Sashko called for a motion approve the revised Board of Health bylaws as presented. Motion by Member Johnson Jones, second by Member Pollina. Voice vote, all in favor, motion carried.
Aye:10 - President Sashko, Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large Hagstrom D.D.S., Member-at-Large Maine, Member Cerk, Member Johnson Jones Ed.D., Member Larson Ph.D., Member Parekh, Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D. and Member Soulakis Ph.D.
Absent: 2 - Vice President Ehrlich M.D. and Member Belmonte D.O.
9.3 Licensed Independent Practitioner (LIP) Privileging / Credentialing / Reappointment - Maine Credentialing Committee Chair Maine presented the LIP's for privileging and credentialing, and reappointment. She noted that Victoria Johnson, MD, Psychiatry, will be doing telehealth for both children and adults. Dr. Johnson will be LCHD's second telehealth psychiatry provider. Sam Johnson, Director of Behavioral Health, added that a third is being brought on in December.
President Sashko called for a motion to approve the appointment and reappointment of the LIPs as presented. Motion by Member Maine, second by Member Larson. Voice vote, all in favor, motion carried.
Aye:10 - President Sashko, Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large Hagstrom D.D.S., Member-at-Large Maine, Member Cerk, Member Johnson Jones Ed.D., Member Larson Ph.D., Member Parekh, Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D. and Member Soulakis Ph.D.
Absent: 2 - Vice President Ehrlich M.D. and Member Belmonte D.O.
10. Discussion Items
10.1 Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures - Riley
Pam Riley, Director of Finance, reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet. This matter was presented
11. Attachments for Board Review
11.1 Media Placement Highlights - Nordstrom
This matter was presented
12. Lake County Community Health Center Governing Council Update
Kim Burke, Director of Healthcare Operations, informed the Board that the Governing Council last met on October 10, 2023. They approved additional Saturday hours at the North Chicago Health Center and the Zion Health Center. The other two health centers with Saturday hours are North Shore and Midlakes. Saturday and evening hours provide for greater client access.
13. Lake County Tuberculosis Board Update
No update at this time.
14. Added to Agenda Items
Executive Director Mark Pfister informed the Board that LCHD's FY2024 budget was presented to the County Board's Joint Committee of Health and Community Services (HCS) and Finance and Administration (F&A) on Tuesday, October 17th. There were very few questions and they approved the Board of Health's recommended budget. He thanked HCS Chair Parekh and HCS Member Maine for their positive comments, especially on how LCHD handled COVID-19 and continues to be a leader in the county, state, and nationally.
15. Old Business
16. New Business
17. Executive Session
18. Adjournment
President Sashko adjourned the meeting at 6:39 p.m.