
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Antioch Planning and Zoning Board met Nov. 1

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Trustee Brent C. Bluthardt | Village Of Antioch

Trustee Brent C. Bluthardt | Village Of Antioch

Village of Antioch Planning and Zoning Board met Nov. 1

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Chairwoman Henning called the November 1, 2023 regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board to order at 7:00 pm at the Antioch Municipal Building.


The Planning and Zoning Board led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll call indicated the following Commissioners were present: Sanfilippo, McCarty, Carstensen, Madigan and Turner. Also present were Chairwoman Henning, Community Development Director Garrigan, Attorney Kiernat and Recording Secretary Thiel. Absent: Commissioner Ryan.


Director Garrigan gave an update on the Site Plan for the Kia Dealership that was approved by the Village Board. He also provided an update on the text amendment regarding restricted uses on Lake Street. The Village Board is not comfortable with restricting services and non-retail/restaurants on Lake Street. Additionally, Director Garrigan advised the Commission that he has been working with the Mayor and Chairwoman Henning to coordinate additional training for commission members.


Commissioner McCarty moved, seconded by Commissioner Madigan, to approve the September 6, 2023 Planning and Zoning Board meeting minutes as presented.

Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Sanfilippo, McCarty, Carstensen and Madigan.

NO: 0.

ABSTAIN: 2: Turner and Henning.

ABSENT: 1: Ryan.



There was no public comment prior to the public hearings.




1. PZB 23-16 – Consideration of a Site Plan Review and variance for rear and side yard setback for a new storage building to be located at the property commonly known as 882 Anita Ave; PIN 02-08-404-012

Director Garrigan stated this was a public hearing. The applicant is proposing to construct a new storage building in the same general location of a previously existing metal building. The new building would be located 12 feet from the rear property line. Therefore, the applicant is requesting relief from the required 15 foot setback. Director Garrigan gave a brief overview of the surrounding properties and stated staff does not believe the requested variance would pose any negative impact to the surrounding properties. He stated the applicant has met all requirements for the findings of fact.

Director Garrigan continued to present the site plan review. He provided a brief description of the existing multi-suite building on the subject property. The proposed storage building will be constructed of CMU with a metal standing seam roof. There will be no changes made to the existing access point. The applicant has also submitted a landscape plan and photometric plan. The applicant is proposing to plant about 127 “mugo” pines to provide ground cover around the buildings. Staff has asked that some perennials also be incorporated into the landscape plan. Storm water management is not currently required for the subject site. However, if the applicant should be required to improve the storage yard with asphalt, the applicant may be required to provide stormwater retention. Director Garrigan stated staff makes a favorable recommendation for the proposed variance and site plan.

Commissioner Sanfilippo asked if all of the landscaping will be “mugo” pines. Director Garrigan reiterated that the applicant has been asked to also incorporate some perennials and additional different shrubs. Staff will work with the applicant’s architect to submit a revised landscape plan. Commissioner Sanfilippo asked what the yard is constructed of. Director Garrigan explained that the yard mainly consists of unimproved gravel and some remnants of broken up asphalt.

Commissioner McCarty inquired if the previously existing building was demolished due to a fire. Director Garrigan confirmed it was. Commissioner McCarty asked if the Fire Department has reviewed the applicant’s request. Director Garrigan stated the request was submitted to the Fire Department but has not received any comments back. Commissioner McCarty asked where the nearest fire hydrant was located to the subject property. He stated similar requests made in the past have been required to have a fire hydrant located within a certain distance from the proposed building. Director Garrigan assured that the request will be subject to approval by the Fire Department and the applicant will have to comply with any additional requests made by the Fire Department.

Secretary Thiel administered the oath to Ivan Aratlakov, owner of the subject property and applicant.

Mr. Aratlakov stated there is a hydrant located in front of the existing multi-suite building toward the center. Director Garrigan explained that the Fire Department may make a request for an additional fire hydrant at the time of the building permit review.

Commissioner Carstensen asked if the proposed storage building will be used by Born Again Barns. Mr. Aratlakov stated he is also the owner of the business Born Again Barns, but he does not intend to use the proposed storage building for that business.

Commissioner Turner asked if the club that is also located in the mulit-suite building will have use of the proposed storage building. Director Garrigan stated the club will not be using the proposed building.

Chairwoman Henning asked if there is a buffer requirement for the railroad. Director Garrigan answered there is no required buffer but there is a significant existing right-of-way.

Commissioner McCarty moved, seconded by Commissioner Turner to recommend approval of the variance and site plan for PZB 23-16 seeking relief from the rear and side yard setback requirements for a new storage building to be located at the property commonly knowns at 882 Anita Avenue, with the following stipulations:

1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer,

2. Compliance with the requirements of the Antioch Fire Protection District,

3. That subject to the input of the PZB, the applicant makes improvements to the storage yard’s surface area,

4. And that the applicant incorporates a variety of foundational plantings around the buildings.

Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Sanfilippo, McCarty, Carstensen, Madigan, Turner and Henning.

NO: 0.

ABSENT: 1: Ryan.


2. PZB 23-18 – Consideration of a Special Use, variance and site plan for a Solar Farm to be located at the property commonly known as 650 E North Avenue; PIN 02-03-300-027 Director Garrigan stated the applicant has requested that this public hearing be continued to the December 6, 2023 meeting.

Commissioner Sanfilippo moved, seconded by Commissioner McCarty, to continue PZB 23-18 to the December 6, 2023 Planning and Zoning Board meeting.

Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Sanfilippo, McCarty, Carstensen, Madigan, Turner and Henning.

NO: 0.

ABSENT: 1: Ryan.


3. PZB 23-19 – Consideration of a Variance for relief from the Village’s height limitation of 60 feet for towers to allow for the construction of an antenna tower of 100 feet to be located at the property commonly known as 41133 N Route 83; PIN 02-14-400-025

Director Garrigan stated this was a public hearing. He explained that the applicant, ComEd, is seeking a variance to construct an antennae support structure. The current tower height limitation is 60 feet and ComEd is looking for a variance to construct a 100-foot tower. Director Garrigan gave a brief overview of the subject property and surrounding properties. There is nothing to indicate that allowing the construction of a 100-foot tower would have any negative impact on adjacent properties. Therefore, staff makes a favorable recommendation to approve the requested variance.

Commissioner Madigan inquired about the height of transmission lines. Director Garrigan stated the transmission lines are between 100 and 140 feet high.

Secretary Thiel administered the oath to Will Otter of Sidley Austin, counsel for the applicant.

Commissioner Madigan asked if the ordinance should be amended to increase the allowed height of towers. Director Garrigan agreed that amending the ordinance should be addressed.

Secretary Thiel administered the oath to Joe Turnage, External Affairs Manager for ComEd.

Mr. Turnage expressed his appreciation to the Commission for their consideration of the requested variance and commended Commissioner Madigan for her idea to update the ordinance pertaining to tower height.

Commissioner Turner moved, seconded by Commissioner Madigan, to recommend approval of the variance for PZB 23-19, granting relief from the Village’s height limitation of 60 feet for towers and allowing the construction of a 100-foot antenna tower to be located at the property commonly known as 41133 N Route 83, with the following stipulations:

1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer,

2. Compliance with the requirements of the Antioch Fire Protection District,

Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Sanfilippo, McCarty, Carstensen, Madigan, Turner and Henning.

NO: 0.

ABSENT: 1: Ryan.



There being no further discussion, the Planning and Zoning Board regular meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm.
