
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of North Chicago City Council met Jan. 2

Webp 4

North Chicago City Mayor Leon Rockingham, Jr. | City of North Chicago

North Chicago City Mayor Leon Rockingham, Jr. | City of North Chicago

City of North Chicago City Council met Jan. 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:





Upon roll call being taken, the following members were present: 

Present: Jackson, Allen, Smith, Murphy, January 

Absent: Coleman, Evans 

Alderman January moved, seconded by Alderman Smith to allow remote participation for  Alderman Coleman due to business. 


Ayes: Jackson, Allen, Smith, Murphy, January 

Nays: None 

Absent: Evans 


4-1 Recognition of Abbvie and DiverzifyPro for their Donations to the 10th St. Police Sub-Station & Community Center 

Police Chief Lazaro Perez showed his appreciation to those that attended the Grand Opening for the 10th St. sub-station. Mrs. Norma Cervantez and Tracy Plats, Abbvie Global Facilities donated  the carpet and furniture John Duffy – DiverzifyPro donated the labor to install the carpet. 

Mrs. Cervante stated on behalf of Abbvie they were there to support the community and make a positive impact. Mr. Duffy loved to support the cause. The Mayor added the easy part was done  and hoped for it continue to grow. 


5-1 Approval of Minutes for Regular Council Meeting, December 18, 2023 

5-2 Approval of Standing Committee Meeting Minutes, December 18, 2023 

5-3 Approval of Treasurer’s Report – November 2023 

5-4 Approval of Flock License Reader - $2,500 per Camera for (5) Years 

5-5 Approval of TAI Work Order Not to Exceed Amount of $101,800 for Design Engineering Services for Foss Park Underpass and Retaining Wal Improvement Project 

Alderman Allen moved, seconded by Alderman Jackson to approve the Omnibus Vote  Agenda as presented. 


Ayes: Jackson, Coleman (RP), Allen, Smith, Murphy 

Nays: January 

Absent: Evans 



Celeste Flores, Director, Mano a Mano Resource Center; explained was seeking an organizer working specifically in the community of North Chicago. She suggested an attachment link to the agenda  attachments assisting to engage the City. Alderman Allen noted that the City newsletter was in Spanish. The Mayor said to better engage with the Latina community the newsletter was in both  English and Spanish.  



Alderman Allen moved, seconded by Alderman Murphy to approve the Ordinance Adopting Regulations for Scheduled Transportation Services. 

The Mayor explained the need of the item being placed on the agenda due to the need of the migrant situation. Attorney David Silverman explained the migrants were mainly from the  state of Texas; the ordinance was to regulate the carriers; unscheduled drop offs could cause possible disruption to the City including services, government operations would be challenged; the couriers would be compelled to cooperate with the City ordinance. The  ordinance requires those carriers (amending Title 5, Chapter 5, Section 25 – vehicle related  businesses) to have a 72–hr. schedule period available to people using their services. It also  identifies a drop off points within the City and establishes a fine that police can levy on unscheduled drops with a fine of $1,000 and not more than $5,000. It would require a 2/3  vote, 5-member approval including the Mayor’s vote and would be immediately enforceable due to its public urgency. In summary upon ordinance adoption, it would hopefully be a quality enforcement tool for transportation operators compelled cooperation with the City and  police department. 

Alderman January asked North Chicago was going be a final destination for the migrants. Concerned with migrants arriving sick unvetted and high concern that North Chicago had many elderly population and what was to being done to mitigate from illness. 

Chief of Staff Greg Jackson explained as quickly as it was determined that there was activity of the migrants coming in the cloak of darkness; he directed staff to develop a contingency plan on how to respond and emergency services worked together to establish that North Chicago would be a pivot point returning those individuals to Chicago’s designated landing zone. North Chicago was unable to accommodate their needs and portions of Lake County, IL. He added had prepared a plan if needed and worked closely with the intergovernmental  partners. 

Alderman January questioned if it also applied to the train. Attorney Silverman stated it applied to any common carrier transport mainly concerned with the unscheduled bus drop offs. Pace Bus’s requirement was no drop-offs between 1 a.m.-5:00 a.m. Alderman January asked if the drop-off locations would be known. Chief of Staff Jackson indicated the  temporary shelter arrangement was with Foss Park District; he has extended to other partners; would provide a copy to each council member for an overview. Alderman January suggested a fee for scheduled and unscheduled, lot of funds for shelter, food, and emergency services.  Attorney Silverman stated was a constitution interstate commerce clause engaged indirectly. The regulations were established and designed to avoid the Interstate Commerce Clause  issues. She informed him that a Columbian Family had moved into housing seeking donations.  

The Mayor clarified was aware of the presence of some migrants though unable to track the  numbers. Alderman January suggested a joint collaboration with the information. He stated  was attempting to track through Lake County and other organizations. There would be various agencies impacted. She estimated 5,500 homeless veterans in the community and unable for services due to the influx of immigrants; need to take care of those here especially  those that have served the country. Alderman January requested her concern was directed to  the Naval Captain. The Mayor stated that it would be directed to the Chief of Staff relaying  her issue to the captain. 

Alderman Smith questioned clarification of procedures after temporary housing; the Mayor explained they would be placed on a train to Chicago landing zone. Alderman Smith asked  the plan if they attempt to stay in North Chicago. Celeste Flores, Mano a Mano Director  explained the migrants were to apply for asylum legally and buses were now being sent to  suburbs. In Chicago they would be assisted with applying for asylum and housing; it was up to  asylum seekers to keep up with the process which was a limited time. All the organizations  were in Chicago, IL. 

Alderman Smith questioned how situations were monitored accordingly if they leave the location. Alderman Jackson explained the migrants had handlers responsible for the numbers  of migrants and with their transportation to Chicago. After arrival, the goal was to transport to Chicago landing zone to be processed. At this time, there weren’t any issues. Ms. Flores clarified couldn’t prevent people from moving; she encouraged them to follow the legal  process providing asylum status. 

Alderman January said realistically there were some people that won’t follow it legally and high concern of citizen safety in the interim of transferring. 

Alderman Smith asked how it was monitored in the early morning hours; the Mayor stated would receive a phone call from one of the police officers. Chief of Staff Jackson explained physical observations by the patrol officers at the (2) Metra Train Stations including Great  Lakes; police staff were directed to observe main thoroughfares especially from expressways 

summarizing physically on the street transparency, mainly containment as the people arrive. The city’s responsibility was to treat everyone humanely, they were unprepared for a different  climate with some hungry and sick. The City of North Chicago had to ensure the numbers of  arrivals, the same were transported and transferred to the Chicago landing zone. There they  would be best serviced and supported. Chicago was the “final destination” for the asylum seekers. The City’s plan was well planned and for other strategic partners. 

Alderman January emphasized the need for citizens to be aware of the drop-off sites in case they needed to inform the police if they witness drop-off. It should also be well communicated to the residents. Alderman Smith included the need of police training for the  type of potential mental issues. Chief of Staff Jackson knew of police de-escalation training  routinely and they were well-skilled; mental health was another tough issue.  


Ayes: Jackson, Coleman (RP), Allen, Smith, Murphy, January, Mayor 

Nays: None 

Absent: Evans 


Attorney Silverman reiterated that the ordinance was immediately enforceable. The Mayor and City Clerk would execute their signatures tonight. 


Alderman Allen moved, seconded by Alderman Murphy to pay the City Bills of Council  Run 1/2/24 in the amount of $573,193.17 when funds available.

General Fund                           $ 281,525.41 

General Grants Fund                   $ 7,500.00 

Motor Fuel Tax Fund                  $ 48,497.39 

Capital Projects Fund              $ 183,545.00 

Water, Sewer & Refuse Fund    $ 31,621.78 

Retiree Premium Fund              $ 14,022.36 

Library Fund                                $ 6,481.23 

                                                $ 573,193.17 

Alderman January asked if enough funds for the City Bills; Comptroller Tawanda Joyner acknowledged there were funds and amount in water fund was $7,481,718.43 at the end of the business day. 


Ayes: Jackson, Allen, Smith, Murphy 

Nays: Coleman (RP), January 

Absent: Evans 




Alderman Jackson, Public Safety Chair announced of the North Chicago Gun Violence Prevention Town Hall Meeting, located at the Greenbelt Cultural Center; January 8, 2024; 6:30 p.m. The Mayor would direct his announcement to be posted on the city website. 

Alderman Smith announced double celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. and his birthday, January 20,  2024, located at 2300 MLK Dr. 

Alderman January recognized Donna Kalinoski helpful in the community, assisting the police and  extended a Happy Birthday to her; she appreciated everyone for her husband prayers some progress and  he had a long recovery to a Rehabilitation Center.  

The Mayor also extended his heartfelt prayers to Charles and Alderman Carl Evans. He echoed the  same sentiments of a Happy Birthday to Donna Kalinoski. He was very thankful to the council members, department Heads and staff for uplifting him, hoping a Happy New Year to everyone. 


There being no further business to come before the Council; a motion was made by Alderman Allen, seconded by Alderman January that the meeting stand adjourned. 


Alderman Evans was absent. 

The Council Meeting adjourned at 6:57 p.m.
