
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Lake County Board of Health met Feb. 28

Webp 7

Gina Roberts, (District 4) Lake County Board Member | Lake County Website

Gina Roberts, (District 4) Lake County Board Member | Lake County Website

Lake County Board of Health met Feb. 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

1. Call to Order 

Vice President Johnson Jones called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. 

2. Roll Call of Members 

Member Parekh and Member Soulakis were in attendance via Teams in accordance with the BOH bylaws, Article V, Paragraph M, and therefore entitled to vote on any matter before the Board as if they were physically present at this meeting. Member Parekh joined the meeting at 6:19 p.m., so he was not present for any of the action items. 

3. Pledge of Allegiance 

This matter was presented 

4. Public Comment to the Board 


5. Awards and Recognition 


6. Presentations 


7. President’s Report 

President Sashko was not in attendance, so there was no President's Report. Vice President Johnson Jones took this opportunity to remind the Board members of their requirement to file a Statement of Economic Interest, and to inform Lisa Kroeger if they have not yet received a filing notice email from the County Clerk as those emails went out  on Friday, February 16, 2024. 

8. Consent Agenda 

Vice President Johnson Jones called for a motion to adopt the consent agenda and  approve items 8.1 and 8.2. Motion by Member Hagstrom, second by Member Belmonte. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: 

Aye: 9 - Vice President Johnson Jones Ed.D., Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large Hagstrom D.D.S., Member-at-Large Maine, Member Belmonte D.O., Member Cerk, Member Larson Ph.D., Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D. and Member Soulakis Ph.D. 

Absent: 1 - President Sashko 

Not Present: 1 - Member Parekh 

8.1 January 24, 2024 Meeting Minutes 

This matter was approved 

8.2 Cooperative Operational Agreement - Pfister 

This matter was approved 

9. Regular Agenda 

9.1 Digitizing of Paper Charts Request for Proposals #23147 - $273,942.70 - Nordstrom 

Jerry Nordstrom, Director of Business Operations, reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet. Member Maine asked if the digitized records will be added to the electronic health records (EHR). Jerry stated that if an EHR currently exists for a client named in the newly digitized record, that digitized record will be attached to the corresponding EHR. 

Vice President Johnson Jones called for a motion to approve the award of RFP #23174 for digitizing of paper charts in the amount of $273,942.70 as presented. Motion by Member Larson, second by Member Pollina. Motion carried by the following roll call vote:

Aye: 9 - Vice President Johnson Jones Ed.D., Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large  Hagstrom D.D.S., Member-at-Large Maine, Member Belmonte D.O., Member Cerk, Member Larson Ph.D., Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D. and Member Soulakis Ph.D. 

Absent: 1 - President Sashko 

Not Present: 1 - Member Parekh 

9.2 2023 Annual Report - Nordstrom 

2023 Annual Report - Final 

Jerry Nordstrom reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet. Vice President Johnson Jones called for a motion to approve the 2023 Annual Report as presented. Motion by Member DeVaux, second by Member Maine. Voice vote, all in favor, motion carried. 

Aye: 9 - Vice President Johnson Jones Ed.D., Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large  Hagstrom D.D.S., Member-at-Large Maine, Member Belmonte D.O., Member Cerk, Member Larson Ph.D., Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D. and Member Soulakis Ph.D. 

Absent: 1 - President Sashko 

Not Present: 1 - Member Parekh 

9.3 Annual Compliance Work Plan Review and Approval - Nordstrom

Jerry Nordstrom reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet. Vice President Johnson Jones called for a motion to approve the 2023 Compliance Work Plan Summary and 2024 Compliance Work Plan as presented. Motion by Member Pollina, second by Member Belmonte. Voice vote, all in favor, motion  carried.

Aye: 9 - Vice President Johnson Jones Ed.D., Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large  Hagstrom D.D.S., Member-at-Large Maine, Member Belmonte D.O., Member Cerk, Member Larson Ph.D., Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D. and Member Soulakis Ph.D.

Absent: 1 - President Sashko 

Not Present: 1 - Member Parekh 

9.4 Licensed Independent Practitioner (LIP) Privileging / Credentialing - Maine 

Credentialing Committee Chair Maine informed the Board that the committee met just prior to this regular meeting and reviewed the providers presented for privileging/credentialing and recommends approval. 

Vice President Johnson Jones called for a motion to approve the  privileging/credentialing of the three providers as presented. Motion by Member  Maine, second by Member DeVaux. Voice vote, all in favor, motion carried. 

Aye: 9 - Vice President Johnson Jones Ed.D., Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large  Hagstrom D.D.S., Member-at-Large Maine, Member Belmonte D.O., Member Cerk, Member Larson Ph.D., Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D. and Member Soulakis Ph.D. 

Absent: 1 - President Sashko 

Not Present: 1 - Member Parekh 

9.5 Proposed Revisions to Health Department Employee Policies - Hagstrom  

Personnel Committee Chair Hagstrom informed the Board that the committee met just prior to this regular meeting and reviewed the proposed revisions to the three employee policies noted in the agenda packet. The committee made two additional changes to The Pay Plan - Hiring, Transfers, Promotions, and Demotions: Paragraph III.B.1: the word “outside” changed to “external” to be consistent with the use of the word throughout that  paragraph, and Paragraph III.B.2: “or transfer” added after “promotional” so that the sentence reads, “…are not permitted to apply for promotional or transfer  opportunities,…”. With those additional changes, the committee recommends approval. He noted that the committee also reviewed the Attendance policy but that policy will be brought to the Board for approval at their meeting on March 27, 2024, as it was  inadvertently omitted from this evening's regular meeting agenda packet. 

Vice President Johnson Jones called for a motion to approve the revisions to the employee policies as presented. Motion by Member Larson, second by Member Polllina. Voice vote, all in favor, motion carried. 

Aye: 9 - Vice President Johnson Jones Ed.D., Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large  Hagstrom D.D.S., Member-at-Large Maine, Member Belmonte D.O.,  Member Cerk, Member Larson Ph.D., Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D. and Member Soulakis Ph.D. 

Absent: 1 - President Sashko 

Not Present: 1 - Member Parekh 

9.6 Revised 2024 Board of Health Committee Appointments - Sashko 

Revised 2024 BOH Committee Appointments

Vice President Johnson Jones called for a motion to approve the revised 2024 committee appointments as presented. Motion by Member Hagstrom, second by Member Cerk. Voice vote, all in favor, motion carried. 

Aye: 9 - Vice President Johnson Jones Ed.D., Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large Hagstrom D.D.S., Member-at-Large Maine, Member Belmonte D.O., Member Cerk, Member Larson Ph.D., Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D. and Member Soulakis Ph.D. 

Absent: 1 - President Sashko 

Not Present: 1 - Member Parekh 

9.7 Environmental Health Advisory Committee Appointment - Mackey 

Larry Mackey, Director of Environmental Health, reviewed the information provided in the  agenda packet. 

Vice President Johnson Jones called for a motion to approve the appointment of Victor Plotkin as a new member of the Environmental Health Advisory Committee. Motion by Member Larson, second by Member Hagstrom. Voice vote, all in favor,  motion carried. 

Aye: 9 - Vice President Johnson Jones Ed.D., Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large Hagstrom D.D.S., Member-at-Large Maine, Member Belmonte D.O.,  Member Cerk, Member Larson Ph.D., Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D. and Member Soulakis Ph.D.

Absent: 1 - President Sashko 

Not Present: 1 - Member Parekh 

10. Discussion Items 


11. Attachments for Board Review 


12. Lake County Community Health Center Governing Council Update 

Kim Burke, Director of Healthcare Operations, informed the Board that the Governing Council last met on February 13, 2024. At that meeting, the Council approved a change in Scope of Service that temporarily removes the North Chicago Health Center while it's closed for remediation and restoration as a result of the damage done by the flooding. Once the work is done, the Council will be asked to approve adding the North Chicago Health Center back to the Scope of Services and HRSA will be notified. Mark Pfister called upon Jerry Nordstrom to provide a brief update on the status of the North Chicago Health Center restoration. Jerry informed the Board that the initial demolition is complete and a meeting was held last week with the large claims insurance adjuster. The contractor is currently working with the insurance company on an estimate of restoration costs. The current estimated time frame is 6-9 months. Mark added that North Chicago Health Center care teams and clients are at the Belvidere Medical Building until the restoration process is complete. 

13. Lake County Tuberculosis Board Update 

Lisa Kritz, Director of Prevention, informed the Board that the TB Board last met on January 25, 2024, and were introduced to Tom Mohr, the new TB Program Coordinator. 

14. Added to Agenda Items 

Member Hagstrom asked for an update on the Vista Medical Center East (VMCE) situation. Mark Pfister reported the following: 

- On Monday, February 5, 2024, Mark and Jennifer Banek, Lake County Coroner, hosted a press conference at the Health Department. 

- The majority of Health Department clients go to VMCE, causing great concern over the quality of care provided. 

- There is also great concern over AHS's fiscal, leadership, and management abilities. 

- In one month VMCE lost 28 providers including neurology, urology, and anesthetists. Urology has since returned after being paid the money VMCE owed. 

- IDPH inspections confirmed reports that VMCE was low on platelets and blood. 

- The two OB/GYNs who deliver Health Department client babies almost exclusively at VMCE informed the Health Department that due to safety and quality issues they are no  longer going to deliver at VMCE unless that is where the mother wants the delivery to take place. They are now delivering almost exclusively at Advocate Condell Medical  Center. 

- Out of VMCE's 200 beds, only 130 are functioning which speaks to the staffing issues. 

- VMCE does not have a Trauma Coordinator on staff to meet the minimum requirement  of a Level II Trauma designation so IDPH has revoked that designation. This means those with Level II Trauma will now have to be transported to Advocate Condell Medical Center or Northwestern Medicine Lake Forest Hospital adding 30-40 minutes to each trip and leaving fewer ambulances available to respond.

- IDPH did a re-inspection on February 8, 2024, and The Joint Commission (TJC) went in  on February 13-14, 2024. TJC found VMCE not in compliance with CMS standards and has given them a preliminary denial of accreditation. 

- If VMCE does come in to compliance, they will not be paid by CMS (Medicaid, Medicare) which is their primary patient population. 

- At this time VMCE has not provided a corrective action plan for public review. 

15. Old Business 


16. New Business 


17. Executive Session 


18. Adjournment 

Vice President Johnson Jones called for a motion to adjourn. Motion by Member DeVaux, second by Member Maine. Voice vote, all in favor, motion carried. Meeting  adjourned at 6:55 p.m.

Aye:10 - Vice President Johnson Jones Ed.D., Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large Hagstrom D.D.S., Member-at-Large Maine, Member Belmonte D.O., Member Cerk, Member Larson Ph.D., Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D., Member Parekh and Member Soulakis Ph.D. 

Absent: 1 - President Sashko
