
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Antioch Board of Trustees met April 10

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Mayor Scott J. Gartner | Village Of Antioch

Mayor Scott J. Gartner | Village Of Antioch

Village of Antioch Board of Trustees met April 10

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Absent Trustees Wishing to Attend Remotely

1. Mayoral Report – National Telecommunicator’s Week, Autism Awareness Month, Child Abuse Prevention Month

2. Antioch Pizza Championship Title

Citizens Wishing to address the Board (The public is invited to make an issue-oriented comment on any matter of public concern not otherwise on the agenda)

IV. Consent Agenda

1. Approval of the March 13, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes as presented

2. Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Administrator to execute a contract with Advantage AVL to provide new bandshell lighting for the Village of Antioch in the amount of $29,100 - Resolution No. 24-22

3. Approval of a Resolution authorizing a special event liquor license for the Village of Antioch Summer Wine Walk on June 8, 2024, waiving all fees – Resolution No. 24-23

4. Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Administrator to execute an agreement with Imperial Surveillance in the amount of $26,768.99 for installation of Door Access Controls at the Open Space Development located at Main St. and Orchard St - Resolution No. 24-24

5. Approval of an Ordinance Granting a Special Use for an Electronic Message Board to be located at Fire Station #1 at the property commonly known as 835 Holbek Drive – Ordinance No. 24-04-20

6. Approval of an Ordinance Granting a Variance to allow for an 18.0 Square-Foot Electronic Message Board Sign for the Antioch Fire Protection District located at 835 Holbek – Ordinance No. 24-04-21

7. Approval of an Ordinance authorizing and approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village of Lake Villa and the Board of Education of Antioch CCSD #34 and the Village of Antioch (Shared Use of a School Resource Officer) – Ordinance No. 24-04-22

8. Approval of a Resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Northeastern Illinois Regional Crime Laboratory (INRCL) for Forensic Services and Resources - Resolution No. 24-25

V. Regular Business

9. Consideration and approval to ratify payment of the March 27, 2024 accounts payable as prepared by staff in the amount of $1,370,821.19

10. Consideration and approval of payment of accounts payable as prepared by staff in the amount of $173,501.24

11. Consideration and approval of an Ordinance Annexing certain real property to the Village of Antioch, Lake County, Illinois (Brown 173 LLC – 22950 W. IL Route 173) – Ordinance No. 24-04-23

12. Consideration and approval of a Resolution Granting a Final Plat of Subdivision for property located in the Village of Antioch, Illinois (Brown 173 LLC – 22950 W. IL Route 173) – Resolution No. 24-26

13. Consideration and approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Professional Services Agreement between the Village of Antioch and William Morris Endeavor Entertainment, LLC – Resolution No. 24-27

14. Consideration and approval of a Resolution authorizing change orders and costs associated with the Open Space Development at Main Street and Orchard Street related to the installation of an activation bollard for the splash pad and the integration of the existing irrigation system South of Orchard Street into the new control system for the Open Space Development irrigation system in the amount of $12,524 - Resolution No. 24-28

15. Consideration and approval of an Ordinance Granting a Special Use for an Electronic Message Board to be located at Antioch Community High School at the property commonly known as 1133 Main Street – Ordinance No. 24-04-24

16. Consideration and approval of an Ordinance Granting a Variance to allow for an 18.0 SquareFoot Electronic Message Board Sign for the Antioch Community High School located at the property commonly known as 1133 Main Street – Ordinance No. 24-04-25

VI. Administrator’s Report

VII. Village Clerk’s Report

VIII. Department Reports: Community Development, Finance, Police

IX. Trustee Reports

X. Adjournment
