
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Lake County Community Health Center Governing Council met May 21

Webp 9

Diane Hewitt (District 8) Lake County Board Member | Lake County Website

Diane Hewitt (District 8) Lake County Board Member | Lake County Website

Lake County Community Health Center Governing Council met May 21

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. Call to Order 

Chair Fornero called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 

2. Roll Call of Members 

Present 7 - Chair Fornero, Vice Chair Smith-Taylor, Secretary Lara, Member Aaroneaux, Member Bejster, Member Chuc and Member Ross Cunningham 

Absent 2 - Member Argueta and Member Hernandez 

3. Pledge of Allegiance 

This matter was presented 

4. Approval of Minutes 

4.1 April 9, 2024 Meeting Minutes 

C Minutes 4.9.24 - DRAFT 

Chair Fornero noted that the minutes for item 7.5, Revised Governing Council Committee Appointments for 2024, should indicate that Member Aaroneaux was appointed to the Budget Committee. Mark Pfister stated that he will have Lisa Kroeger make that change before those minutes are finalized and published. 

Chair Fornero called for a motion to approve the minutes of April 9, 2024, as amended. Motion by Member Cunningham, second by Member Smith-Taylor. Voice vote, all in favor, motion carried.

Aye: 7 - Chair Fornero, Vice Chair Smith-Taylor, Secretary Lara, Member Aaroneaux, Member Bejster, Member Chuc and Member Ross Cunningham 

Absent: 2 - Member Argueta and Member Hernandez 

5. Public Comment to the Council 


6. Executive Director's Report 

Executive Director Mark Pfister reported on the following: 

1) Director of Finance and Administrative Services: Recruitment was done for the Director of Finance and Administrative Services position with all members of the Executive Team participating and the selection of a candidate was finalized today. The selected candidate has accepted the offer and will be starting on June 17, 2024. The selected candidate is a former employee of the Health Department and since then has worked in finance in two different County departments, gaining the necessary additional experience. 

2) Measles Outbreak in Chicago: There are now sixty-four cases in Chicago, and only four  since the Council's last meeting on April 9, 2024. The majority of cases are 0-4 years of age. Fortunately, there has been only one case in Lake County that was a contact of a case in Chicago, but LCHD staff expended over 700 hours on that one case. 

3) Healthy Illinois Survey IDPH: This survey is happening now and is like the old  Behavioral Risk Factor survey, but is also intended to support health equity goals. Randomly selected Lake County individuals age 18 and older will be contacted with a minimum goal of 200 completed surveys per zip code. 55,000 surveys per year is the overall goal. Over sampling is being done in minority zip codes to create balanced data sets. Recipients of the survey will receive a $1 pre-incentive included in the mailing, and $10 after completion and submittal. Standard topics included in the survey are Social Determinants of Health (SDOH), such as health care access and chronic health conditions, immunizations, neighborhood, tobacco, diet, and adverse childhood experiences. 

4) H5N1 Avian Flu in Bovine Dairy Farms: This has not been found in Illinois yet, and Lake County has only one large (>400 cows) dairy farm in operation. One Texas dairy worker who had contact with infected cows became ill but only moderately. There is minimal to no risk for the general population, but the concern is if it mutates, crosses over  and spreads from human to human. 

5) Executive Director Retirement as of September 1, 2024: Mark announced that he will be retiring from his position as Executive Director of the Lake County Health Department effective September 1, 2024. Mark made this announcement to Leadership at their meeting on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, and then to all staff in an email on Thursday, May 16, 2024.  

Member Cunningham, Chair Fornero, Vice-Chair Smith-Taylor, and Secretary Lara all commented on the outstanding job Mark has done in his 30+ years with the agency, especially during his time as Executive Director, and gave their thanks and well wishes. 

7. Action items 

7.1 FY2025 Proposed Budget Timetable - Haag 

FY25 Proposed Budget Timetable 

Member Bejster commented on the September Governing Council meeting date being moved up to September 3, 2024, to accommodate budget approval requirements by HRSA, but wondered what would happen if a physical quorum is not present on September 3, 2024, and added that she will not be able to attend. Mark stated that September 3, 2024, is the actual date the meeting must take place so a quorum has to be present on that date. In addition to the updated meeting invite already sent to everyone, it is being addressed again so that it is part of the minutes of this meeting and on record for HRSA, and the Governing Council Budget Committee is meeting on August 21, 2024, so that will give us some grace if there is an emergency. Also, the Governing Council Nominating Committee is meeting at the end of the month to interview two additional consumers as the Council is aware there is one member who has been repeatedly absent and who will most likely resign when another consumer member is brought on. 

Chair Fornero called for a motion to approve and adopt the budget timetable for the  purpose of developing the FY2025 budget. Motion by Member Cunningham, second by Member Bejster. Voice vote, all in favor, motion carried. 

Aye: 7 - Chair Fornero, Vice Chair Smith-Taylor, Secretary Lara, Member Aaroneaux, Member Bejster, Member Chuc and Member Ross Cunningham 

Absent: 2 - Member Argueta and Member Hernandez 

7.2 Governing Council Member Reappointment - Pfister 

Hernandez, Manny Reappt Memo 5.6.24 

Mark Pfister noted that Member Hernandez has been a value to the Council in a number of ways. He has been involved with the Community Health Improvement Plan, is working on a team with the Community Education Committee, and through his occupation he is  directly in contact with Health Department consumers and understands their needs. Chair Fornero called for a motion to accept and approve the reappointment of Manuel "Manny" Hernandez for a two-year term ending May 31, 2026. Motion by Member Bejster, second by Member Smith-Taylor. Voice vote, all in favor, motion carried. 

Aye: 7 - Chair Fornero, Vice Chair Smith-Taylor, Secretary Lara, Member Aaroneaux, Member Bejster, Member Chuc and Member Ross Cunningham 

Absent: 2 - Member Argueta and Member Hernandez 

8. Presentations 

8.1 2024 Strategic Plan Update - Hargett 

2024 Strategic Plan Update 

Buddy Hargett, Director of Organizational Effectiveness and Development, reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet. 

Chair Fornero asked for an explanation of a health equity training plan. Buddy stated that it is ensuring that Health Department staff understand that health equity is critical and that in order for them to promote the health and well being of all who live, work, and play in Lake County, they need to understand how the Health Department plays a role in the overall health of Lake County. Some of the health equity trainings are rolled out to all staff, and some are tailored to specific audiences and the groups they are working with, but all of them address the Social Determinants of Health (SDoH). Chair Fornero asked what health equity is. Buddy explained that health equity is working to ensure that every person in Lake County is positioned to have the best health possible through health care, access to healthy food, and a safe built and natural environment. The Health Department conducts that work by being a part of policy discussions at the local, state, and federal level, connecting those dots, and connecting programs internally and across community partners. In regard to Leaveapalooza, Member Aaroneaux asked if there is the opportunity to bring on new hires prior to a staff member's retirement so that the retiring staff member can mentor the new hire. Buddy explained that every situation is different and retirement in particular is a very emotional decision, so advance notice of a specific departure date is not always given, but if there is the opportunity to budget and plan for overlap it sometimes happens. Member Aaroneaux asked if new hires are given the opportunity to adjust to their new position. Buddy stated that organizationally we try to be as understanding as possible. Member Aaroneaux asked for the status of the County-wide compensation study. Buddy stated that the initial results are expected to be available in July and implementation of those recommendations, which the County Board has already budgeted for, will be discussed later in the summer. Member Aaroneaux asked if incentives are available to bring in new hires. Buddy explained that sign-on bonuses have been offered and that an exit survey is also completed to understand why individuals are leaving. Counselor compensation was adjusted and that turnover rate has leveled off. Medical Assistant compensation was adjusted but turnover continues to be a challenge, as well as Front Desk Clerks as there is not a lot of opportunity for advancement. Mark Pfister reminded the Council that when HMA, the consultant working with the Health Department on value-based care, has finalized their plan and before value-based care is implemented, the Council's Strategic Planning Committee will begin working with staff on an operational  strategic plan and performance metrics to yield positive value-based care because the concept is if we make our clients healthier, especially those at highest risk, more revenue will come in to help support our efforts. As part of those efforts, the Community Health  Workers (CHW) are utilizing the PRAPARE (Protocol for Responding to & Assessing Patients’ Assets, Risks & Experiences) screening tool to ensure all of our clients are going through the screening and receiving the care they need. The Council and it's Strategic Planning Committee are also to be looking at the Annual Needs Assessment and Triannual Needs Assessment. As an example, over the last two years the Annual Needs  Assessment has identified that only 4% of our clients are coming from the Highland Park and Highwood zip codes leaving open appointment slots at our North Shore Health Center forcing clients to drive there from North Chicago, Zion, Waukegan, and Round Lake to be seen by a provider. Operationally, we have to ask if the North Shore Health Center should be used for other purposes or is it time to divest from it and move those providers to BMB, North Chicago, and Midlakes. Member Bejster commented that she has been excited about the PRAPARE tool since the Council was told about it and is happy to hear that it is  fully engaged and utilized, and asked that the Council be provided with an update on how many individuals have received a PRAPARE screening, what is being found at the individual level and how they are being connected with resources, and what the aggregate data leads to or what is hoped it leads to. Mark commented that in addition to being used by the CHW's, the team has piloted the PRAPARE tool at two of our health centers, and the number of individuals screened continues to increase with a current average of 100  screenings per month. After the pilot phase, it will be rolled out to all of our health centers for all clients, not only those that opt in. 

This matter was presented 

9. Discussion Items 


10. Director of Healthcare Operations Report 

10.1 Director of Healthcare Operations Report - Burke 

FQHC Healthcare Operations Metric Dashboard 05.24 

Thomas Peer, Associate Director of Physical Health, reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet. He noted that the open provider positions increased by two with the resignation on May 17th of Dr. Betsy Luka, family medicine at North Chicago, and Dr. Saranya Ravichandran, pediatrician at BMB, who is leaving in June. 

This matter was presented 

11. Director of Finance Report 

11.1 Director of Finance Report - Haag 

FQHC Mar 24 

Jean Haag, Interim Director of Finance, reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet noting that the FY23 audit done by the County should be done by the end of the  week or early next week, and there were no findings for the Health Department. This is year two of the single audit and it will be done in June/July and those auditors did pull the WIC audit for the FQHC. The Medicare Cost Report due by the end of April was submitted on time. The Medicaid Cost Report is due by the end of May but we will be asking for an extension as the final audit report is needed to complete it. 

This matter was presented 

12. Added to Agenda 


13. Old Business 


14. New Business 


15. Executive Session 


16. Adjournment 

Lake County Illinois Page 5 of 6

Lake County Community Health May 21, 2024 

Meeting Minutes - Final 

Center Governing Council 

Chair Fornero adjourned the meeting at 6:52 p.m. 




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