
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Highwood City Council met July 16

Webp 19

Celebrate Highwood Residents | Celebrate Highwood /Facebook

Celebrate Highwood Residents | Celebrate Highwood /Facebook

City of Highwood City Council met July 16

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. Roll Call

Present: Mayor Pecaro, Alderman Levi, Slavin, Falberg, Fiore, Peterson, Hospodarsky

Also Present: City Manager Coren, Assistant City Manager Facchini, City Attorney Jablecki

2. Pledge of Allegiance

All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Review of Minutes to be Ap proved

3.1. Moved by Alderman Slavin and seconded by Alderman Levi to approve the minutes for City Council: June 18, 2024. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried.

3.2. Moved by Alderman Fiore and Seconded by Alderman Levi to approve the minutes for Committee of the Whole: June 18, 2024. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried.

4. Appointments

5. Approval of Warrant List:

5.1. Moved by Alderman Fiore and seconded by Alderman Peterson to approve the 07/16/2024 AP Warrant List for payment. All present voting aye, by roll call vote, and the motion carried.

6. Public Input Items Not on Agenda

7. Mayor’s Report

8. Committee Reports

9. Treasurer ’s Report

10. Clerk’s Report


11. Unfinished Business

12. New Business

12.1. Moved by Alderman Hospodarsky as amended from 2 to 3 and seconded by Alderman Peterson to Consideration of an Ordinance Amending Section 4-1-7: Classification of Licenses in the Highwood City Code to Add a Class D Liquor License. Alderman Falberg recused himself, and all other elected bodies voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried.

12.2. Moved by Alderman Slavin as amended and seconded by Alderman Fiore to Consider an Ordinance Amending Section 4-1-7: Classification of Licenses in the Highwood City Code to Add a Class B Liquor License. Alderman Falberg recused himself, and all other elected bodies voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried.

12.3. Motion made by Alderman Peterson to waive first reading as drafted and seconded by Alderman Levi for the Consideration of an Ordinance Approving Certain Amendments to the Highwood City Code to Provide Craft Distilleries/Breweries with Class N Liquor Licenses to Also Produce Wine. Alderman Falberg recused himself, and all other elected bodies voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried.

12.4. Motion made by Alderman Levi to waive competitive bidding and seconded by Alderman Peterson for a consideration Authorizing the City Manager to Accept a Proposal from Mariani Landscaping in an Amount not to Exceed $100,000 to Install Lighting and Irrigation Systems at the Pocket Park Located at Walker Avenue and Waukegan Avenue. All present voting aye, by roll call vote, motion carried.

12.5. Motion made by Alderman Levi to waive competitive bidding and seconded by Alderman Peterson for a consideration Authorizing the City Manager to Accept a Proposal from Mariani Landscaping in an Amount not to Exceed $90,000 to Plant Plants and Shrubs at the Pocket Park Located at Walker Avenue and Waukegan Avenue. All present voting aye, by voice vote, and the motion carried.

12.6. Consideration of a Resolution Approving an Easement Agreement with Nightengale One LLC for Access Between Sheridan Road and a Development Located at 400 Green Bay Road. 

Action taken in conjunction with 12.7

12.7. Motion Made by Alderman Levi and seconded by Alderman Fiore to approve a Resolution Approving an Easement Agreement and for Purchase and Sale of a 1,241 Square Foot Parcel of Real Estate to Nightengale One LLC for $5,000. Aldermen Levi, Slavin, Falberg, Hospodarsky, and Fiore voting aye, and Alderman Peterson voting Nay, the motion carried.

12.8. Motion made by Alderman Slavin to waive first reading and seconded by Alderman Peterson for the Consideration of an Ordinance Providing the Appropriations for the Fiscal Year Beginning May1, 2024 and Ending April 30, 2025. All present voting aye, by voice vote and the motion carried.

12.9. Motion made by Alderman Slavin to waive first reading and seconded by Alderman Fiore for the consideration of an Ordinance on Salary and Compensation for the city of Highwood for the FYE 2025 Budget. All present voting aye, by voice vote and the motion carried.

13. Executive Session (if necessary)

14. Any Action Necessary Coming Out of Executive Session

15. Adjournment moved by Alderman Peterson and seconded by Alderman Levi to adjourn the meeting. All present voting aye, by voice vote and the motion carried. Mayor Pecaro adjourned the meeting at 7:39 PM. 
