
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Village of Antioch Board of Trustees met Sept. 25

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Trustee Ed Macek | Village Of Antioch

Trustee Ed Macek | Village Of Antioch

Village of Antioch Board of Trustees met Sept. 25

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Absent Trustees Wishing to Attend Remotely

IV. Mayoral Report –

• Recognition of David Karczewski and the Piggly Wiggly

• Appointment of Michael Volling as Chair to the Police & Fire Commission

Citizens Wishing to address the Board (The public is invited to make an issue-oriented comment on any matter of public concern not otherwise on the agenda)

V. Consent Agenda

1. Approval of the September 11, 2024 Village Board Meeting Regular Meeting Minutes as presented

VI. Regular Business

2. Consideration and approval of payment of accounts payable as prepared by staff in the amount of $1,785,525.12

3. Consideration and approval of a Resolution granting the request from the Antioch Chamber of Commerce to host a carnival on May 29-June 1, 2025 – Resolution No. 24-83

4. Consideration and approval of a Resolution authorizing the expenditure of Rebuild Illinois Funds in the amount of $551,579.14 for the Woods of Antioch Pavement Reconstruction Project – Resolution No. 24-84

5. Consideration and approval of a Resolution authorizing the Village Administrator to negotiate terms and enter into an agreement with MGT Impact Solutions, LLC Allowing for an Interim Finance Director – Resolution No. 24-85

VII. Administrator’s Report

VIII. Village Clerk’s Report

IX. Trustee Reports

X. Adjournment
