
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Lake County Board of Health met Oct. 23

Webp 9

Diane Hewitt (District 8) Lake County Board Member | Lake County Website

Diane Hewitt (District 8) Lake County Board Member | Lake County Website

Lake County Board of Health met Oct. 23

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

1. Call to Order

President Sashko called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m.

2. Roll Call of Members

Present10 - Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large Hagstrom D.D.S., Member Belmonte D.O., Member Cerk, Member Larson Ph.D., Member McDowell M.D., Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D., Member Parekh, President Sashko and Member Soulakis Ph.D.

Absent 2 - Vice President Johnson Jones Ed.D. and Member-at-Large Maine

3. Pledge of Allegiance

This matter was presented

4. Public Comment to the Board


5. Awards and Recognition


6. Presentations


7. President’s Report

President Sashko reported on the following:

1. The Health Department's Emergency Response Team was very involved and active in the aftermath of the Highland Park 4th of July parade shooting. Of the team of organized therapists and volunteers also involved, 76 of them have since joined the Health Department's Medical Reserve Corps (MRC). As a result, Patti Corn, Emergency Response Coordinator, has been invited to present the team's response model at conferences in Michigan, Illinois, Cleveland, and Atlanta.

2. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. November is Prostate Cancer Awareness month. A great reminder to take care of our personal health.

3. President Sashko had the pleasure of joining the Senior Leadership Team at their meeting on October 10, 2024. As a result, President Sashko learned a lot and left feeling that the agency was in good hands during this time of transition.

4. On October 15, 2024, Sam Johnson, Interim Executive Director, and the Executive Team attended the Health Department's budget meeting with the County where they presented the Health Department's FY2025 budget to the County Board's Health and Community Services Committee and Financial and Administrative Committee. After a brief question and answer period, the Health Department's FY2025 budget was approved.

5. On Thursday, October 24, 2024, President Sashko will be attending and speaking at the United Way 211 Recognition Breakfast in celebration of 211's five-year anniversary. CBS News will be there along with a great panel of people speaking on the success of 211.

6. President Sashko announced that Lisa Kroeger, Executive Director Assistant, is retiring on Friday, January 3, 2025. The meeting on November 20, 2024, will be Lisa's last and we will formally recognize her at that time.

8. Consent Agenda

President Sashko called for a motion adopt the consent agenda and approve item

8.1. Motion by Member Belmonte, second by Member DeVaux. Motion carried by the following roll call vote:

Aye: 10 - Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large Hagstrom D.D.S., Member Belmonte D.O., Member Cerk, Member Larson Ph.D., Member McDowell M.D., Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D., Member Parekh, President Sashko and Member Soulakis Ph.D.

Absent: 2 - Vice President Johnson Jones Ed.D. and Member-at-Large Maine

8.1 September 25, 2024 Meeting Minutes

This matter was approved

9. Regular Agenda

9.1 Health Resources and Services Administration, Uniform Data System Plus, $46,032 - Grant Approval - Burke

President Sashko called for a motion to approve the HRSA UDS+ program grant funding and emergency appropriate $46,032 for FY24. Motion by Member Larson, second by Member Belmonte. Motion carried by the following roll call vote:

Aye: 10 - Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large Hagstrom D.D.S., Member Belmonte D.O., Member Cerk, Member Larson Ph.D., Member McDowell M.D., Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D., Member Parekh, President Sashko and Member Soulakis Ph.D.

Absent: 2 - Vice President Johnson Jones Ed.D. and Member-at-Large Maine

9.2 Group Home Renovation Bid #24363 - Nordstrom

President Sashko called for a motion to approve the award of a contract with ALFA Chicago Inc., in the amount of $683,200 for the Group Home renovation. Motion by Member Hagstrom, second by Member DeVaux. Motion carried by the following roll call vote:

Aye: 10 - Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large Hagstrom D.D.S., Member Belmonte D.O., Member Cerk, Member Larson Ph.D., Member McDowell M.D., Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D., Member Parekh, President Sashko and Member Soulakis Ph.D.

Absent: 2 - Vice President Johnson Jones Ed.D. and Member-at-Large Maine

9.3 Licensed Independent Practitioner (LIP) Privileging / Credentialing / Reappointment - Maine

President Sashko called for a motion to approve the reappointment of the five LIP as presented. Motion by Member Larson, second by Member Belmonte. Voice vote, all in favor, motion carried.

Aye:10 - Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large Hagstrom D.D.S., Member Belmonte D.O., Member Cerk, Member Larson Ph.D., Member McDowell M.D., Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D., Member Parekh, President Sashko and Member Soulakis Ph.D.

Absent: 2 - Vice President Johnson Jones Ed.D. and Member-at-Large Maine

10. Discussion Items

10.1 Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures - Cooper

Angela Cooper, Director of Finance and Administrative Services, reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet.

This matter was presented

10.2 Certificate of Infection Control (CIC) Recipients - Kritz

Dr. Sana Ahmed, Medical Epidemiologist, introduced CD Program team members Lisa Dallmeyer, Kelley Donley, and Yves Helou, who all successfully passed their Certificate of Infection Prevention and Control exam.

This matter was presented

11. Attachments for Board Review

11.1 Media Placement Highlights - Nordstrom

This matter was presented

12. Lake County Community Health Center Governing Council Update 

Kim Burke, Director of Physical Health, informed the Board that the Governing Council last met on Tuesday, October 8, 2024. Kim also reminded the Board that HRSA will be coming for their onsite visit during the first quarter of 2025. When notification is received of the exact dates, that information will be shared with the Board. Site visit training for the Governing Council members will begin in November.

13. Lake County Tuberculosis Board Update


14. Added to Agenda Items


15. Old Business


16. New Business


17. Executive Session

President Sashko called for a motion to enter into Executive Session. Motion by Member Belmonte, second by Member Hagstrom, to enter into Executive Session at 6:27 p.m. for the purpose of discussing personnel matters under 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).

Motion carried by the following roll call vote:

Aye: 9 - Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large Hagstrom D.D.S., Member Belmonte D.O., Member Cerk, Member Larson Ph.D., Member McDowell M.D., Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D., Member Parekh and President Sashko

Absent: 2 - Vice President Johnson Jones Ed.D. and Member-at-Large Maine

Not Present: 1 - Member Soulakis Ph.D.

17.1 Personnel Matters - Sashko

Discussion was held in Executive Session.

President Sashko called for a motion to come out of Executive Session. Motion by Member Hagstrom, second by Member Parekh, to come out of Executive Session at 7:30 p.m. Voice vote, all in favor, motion carried.

Aye: 9 - Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large Hagstrom D.D.S., Member Belmonte D.O., Member Cerk, Member Larson Ph.D., Member McDowell M.D., Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D., Member Parekh and President Sashko

Absent: 2 - Vice President Johnson Jones Ed.D. and Member-at-Large Maine

Not Present: 1 - Member Soulakis Ph.D.

18. Adjournment

President Sashko adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
