Welcome to Highwood | City Of Highwood
Welcome to Highwood | City Of Highwood
City of Highwood City Council met Nov. 19
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
CALL TO ORDER by Mayor Pecaro at 7:34 P.M.
1. Roll Call
Present: Aldermen Levi, Slavin, Falberg, Peterson and Hospodarsky
Absent: Alderman Fiore
Also Present: City Manager Coren, Assistant Manager Facchini, City Attorney Jablecki and Administrative Assistant Litjens
2. Pledge of Allegiance
All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Review of Minutes to be Approved
3.1. Moved by Alderman Peterson and seconded by Alderman Hospodarsky to approve the minutes for City Council: October 15, 2024. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried.
3.2. Moved by Alderman Peterson and seconded by Alderman Levi to approve the minutes for Committee of the Whole: October 15, 2024. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried.
4. Appointments
5. Approval of Warrant List:
5.1. Moved by Alderman Peterson and seconded by Alderman Levi to approve the 11/05/2024 AP Warrant List for payment. All present voting aye, by roll call vote, motion carried.
5.2. Moved by Alderman Peterson and seconded by Alderman Levi to approve the 11/19/2024 AP Warrant List for payment. All present voting aye, by roll call vote, motion carried.
6. Public Input Items Not on Agenda
7. Mayor’s Report
8. Committee Reports
9. Treasurer’s Reports
9.1. Moved by Alderman Peterson and seconded by Alderman Levi to approve the September 2024 Treasurer’s Report. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried.
10. Clerk’s Report
11. Unfinished Business
12. New Business
12.1. A Presentation by Moraine Township Supervisor, Anne Flannigan-Bassi on the New 2025 Health Insurance Plans Available on GetCoveredIllinois. Assistance is available until January 15th 2025. Those interested should contact Moraine Township at 847-432-3240 or visit their website at www.morainetownship.org Applications to be appointed on the Mental Health Board are currently being accepted.
12.2. Moved by Alderman Peterson and seconded by Alderman Levi to approve a Resolution Approving an ARC Application for a Wall Sign for Kirby Fit, Located at 4 Highwood Avenue. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried.
12.3. Moved by Alderman Falberg and seconded by Alderman Peterson to waive first reading and approve an Ordinance Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2024 to Pay the Principal and Interest on a General Obligation Bond not to Exceed $3,100,000 Series 2020, of the City of Highwood, Lake County, Illinois. All present voting aye, by roll call vote, motion carried.
12.4. Moved by Alderman Hospodarsky and seconded by Alderman Peterson to waive first reading and approve an Ordinance Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2024 to Pay the Principal and Interest on $9,255,000 General Obligation Bonds Series 2021, of the City of Highwood, Lake County, Illinois. All present voting aye, by roll call vote, motion carried.
12.5. Moved by Alderman Falberg and seconded by Alderman Levi to waive first reading and approve an Ordinance for the Levy, Collection and Assessment of Taxes for the City of Highwood for the 2024 Tax Levy. All present voting aye, by roll call vote, motion carried.
12.6. Moved by Alderman Hospodarsky and seconded by Alderman Slavin to waive first reading and approve an Ordinance Amending Section 4-1-7: Classification of Licenses in the Highwood City Code to Add a Class B Liquor License. Alderman Falberg recused, all others present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried.
12.7. Moved by Alderman Levi and seconded by Alderman Peterson to approve a Motion Directing the City Manager to Increase the PartTime Police Officer Hourly Rate to $40.00 per Hour. All present voting aye, by roll call vote, motion carried.
13. Executive Session (If Necessary)
14. Any Action Necessary Coming Out of Executive Session
15. Adjournment moved by Alderman Levi and seconded by Alderman Hospodarsky to adjourn the meeting. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. Mayor Pecaro adjourned the meeting at 7:51 P.M.