
Lake County Gazette

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Highland Park Plan and Design Commission met Dec. 3

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Nancy R. Rotering - City of Highland Park Mayor | City of Highland Park Website

Nancy R. Rotering - City of Highland Park Mayor | City of Highland Park Website

City of Highland Park Plan and Design Commission met Dec. 3

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:


At 7 p.m., Chairperson Moore called the meeting to order. This Commission meeting takes place on-site.

Staff was asked to call the roll.


Commissioners Present: Chairperson Moore; Commissioners Hecht, Henry, Kerch, Mantis, & Nanus

Councilmember Present: Lidawer

Student Council Absent: Mendoza

Staff declared that a quorum was present.

Guests Present: Alex Perry, CEO/Right Way Signs

Staff Present: Fontane, Burhop, & Mistretta

Others Present: Marcus Martinez, Corporation Counsel/Elrod Friedman LLP Gale Cerabona/Recorder

Commissioner Kerch moved to approve the November 19, 2024, PDC regular meeting minutes.

Commissioner Nanus seconded the motion.

On a voice vote

Voting Yea Chairperson Moore; Commissioners Henry, Kerch, & Nanus

Voting Nay: None

Abstain: Commissioners Hecht & Mantis

Chairperson Moore declared that the motion passed 4-0.

Commissioner Kerch noted on Page 4, Line 36, the word access should be replaced with activity.

Corporation Counsel Martinez noted this motion passes with this understanding reflected.


1. Design Review & Sign Package Amendment (1919-1931 Skokie Valley Road)

Planner Mistretta reviewed the proposal:

● Currently 1931 Skokie Valley Road (formerly Staples)

● Existing Sign Package

● Proposed Sign Package Amendments

● Changes

● Proposed Rendering (Front)

● Proposed Rendering (Rear)

● Proposed Color Specs

● Standards for Sign Packages

● Approval Process & Recommendation

Some PDC questions for Staff are:

● Commissioner Mantis said there’s a reduction of total sign area as no sign will go on the north side. Planner Mistretta concurred. Senior Planner Burhop advised if a future tenant wanted to add a sign on the north side, he/she would have to return to the PDC.

● Chairperson Moore asked if, for all signs on the entire property, everyone has to make his/her sign black and white. Planner Mistretta said this pertains only for 1931 Skokie Valley Road.

● Commissioner Hecht asked and Planner Mistretta noted this is increasing by 20’.

Senior Planner Burhop shared the Petitioner was unable to attend tonight’s PDC meeting.

Chairperson Moore welcomed Alex Perry, CEO, with Right Way Signs, 1134 N. Homan Avenue, Chicago, IL, who is present on behalf of the owner.

Mr. Perry advised this is a nicely fabricated sign with halo-lit lettering. He shared this size is appropriate in the former Staple’s sign space.

Councilperson Lidawer asked if the reason the sign is the same as Staple’s is because it will go over the red.

Mr. Perry replied the ownership is painting all of that area black. The sign will be placed over the corrugated structure. Planner Mistretta added the sign is bigger now, going to 166 square feet from 145 square feet.

Mr. Perry said this will blend in as much as possible.

Some PDC comments are:

● Commissioner Henry asked why a sign that reduces from 157 square feet to 100 square feet needs to come before the PDC. Chairperson Moore responded – because it’s a sign package delineating colors, etc. Senior Planner Burhop added – if the Petitioner was only altering content, this would just be a change at the Building Department. He noted this is larger as there is one additional sign on the west side. Director Fontane said it is intended to be taken holistically and would not come before the PDC for only content change.

● Chairperson Moore asked if the white outline is around the sign/brick area. Mr. Perry said the ownership initially wanted the border. Senior Planner Burhop said this would be approved without the white outline. Chairperson Moore added – it would be painted black. She referred to Pages 17, 22, and 24.

Commissioner Kerch moved to approve design review and sign package amendment with the two conditions as recommended by Staff. Commissioner Mantis seconded the motion.

Senior Planner Burhop stated this relates to the version without white borders on the east and west sides.

Chairperson Moore asked if anyone in the audience wishes to speak. There was no one.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea Chairperson Moore; Commissioners Hecht, Henry, Kerch, Mantis, & Nanus

Voting Nay: None

Director Fontane declared that the motion passed unanimously.

2. Public Hearing #2024-ZTA-007 for a Zoning Text Amendment to modify, add, or strike land use permissions in the Table of Allowable Uses in Sec. 150.490, definitions in Sec. 150.202, and related regulations in the Zoning Code for the land use Kennels.

Senior Planner Burhop reviewed the changes:

● Recommendation (remove Kennel land use from R1-R6 zoning districts)

● Code Change

● Background

Director Fontane said this is aligning with the new Domestic Day Care Text Amendment to not be in residential districts.

Commissioner Hecht:

● stated there is one in all of Highland Park. Senior Planner Burhop concurred and shared the SUP would not transfer to a new owner. Director Fontane said Staff initially recommended it the way it was put forth.

● asked why, if Kennels are overnight and Day Care is during the daytime only, aren’t Kennels in business and other districts. Director Fontane added it is always as it has been in business and other districts.

Commissioner Hecht moved to adopt Findings of Fact recommending approval to City Council.

Commissioner Henry seconded the motion.

Chairperson Moore asked if anyone in the audience wishes to speak. There was no one.

On a voice vote

Voting Yea Chairperson Moore; Commissioners Hecht, Mantis, Henry, Kerch, & Nanus

Voting Nay: None

Director Fontane declared that the motion passed unanimously.


1. Information Item: Administrative Design Review Update

Senior Planner Burhop advised bike storage was administratively approved at 555 Roger Williams.

2. Next Regular Meeting – December 17, 2024

The next regular meeting will be December 17, 2024, in City Hall at 7 p.m.

4. Case Briefing

Director Fontane noted 41 & 45 S. Deere Park Drive was unanimously approved (pertaining to all lots) by City Council on November 18, 2024.


There was no Business from the Public.


Commissioner Hecht moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:39 p.m. Commissioner Nanus seconded the motion.

On a voice vote

Voting Yea Chairperson Moore; Commissioners Hecht, Henry, Kerch, Mantis, & Nanus

Voting Nay: None

Chairperson Moore declared that the motion passed unanimously.
