
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Mundelein Village Board met Nov. 25

Webp karen walsh

Karen Walsh, Village Clerk | Village of Mundelein Website

Karen Walsh, Village Clerk | Village of Mundelein Website

Village of Mundelein Village Board met Nov. 25

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The 3311th Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mundelein was held on November 25, 2024 at 300 Plaza Circle, Mundelein. Mayor Lentz called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


Clerk Walsh took the roll call. It indicated as follows:

Board Attendance

PRESENT: Trustees Juarez, Lambert, Meier, Ross, Schwenk, Wilson, and Mayor Lentz


Village Attendance

PRESENT: Attorney Cahill, Village Administrator Guenther, Assistant Village Administrator Monroe, Assistant Finance Director Limperatos, Fire Chief Lark, Police Chief Seeley, Building Department Director Sellas, Community Development Director Orenchuk, Public Works and Engineering Director Boeche

ABSENT: Finance Director Miller


Mayor Lentz led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Motion to approve the Board of Trustees Regular meeting minutes from November 11, 2024.

RESULT: Passed [Yes 6, No 0, Abstained 0]

MOVER: Trustee Juarez

SECONDER: Trustee Berman Ross

AYES: Trustee Juarez, Trustee Lambert, Trustee Meier, Trustee Berman Ross, Trustee Schwenk, Trustee Wilson

NAYS: None



Chris Woodard spoke and displayed a calendar that the Lake County Tool Library will be selling. They hope to raise enough money that will be matched by a program Sue Goedke's employer has available that will match donations up to $10,000. Ms. Goedke was able to get this donation for the Park District's all-Inclusive Playground and is hoping to be able to raise at least $5,000 to be matched for the Lake County Tool Library. The Lake County Tool Library got sponsors for each month of the calendar and these calendars will be available for a donation of $20. Also there is a soft opening for the Lake County Tool Library this weekend, everyone is invited to check out the new location.


Terrabis Concept Presentation

The Village Board is asked to provide feedback and direction on the proposed concept plan, with particular attention to the land use. In the future, this project would require action from the Village Board to increase the number of licenses available for cannabis dispensaries (from one to two licenses), which is at the Village Board’s discretion. 

Terrabis, a privately-held multi-state cannabis operator made a presentation before the Board; they are looking to open a dispensary in the Village but the Village code allows for only 1 license for a cannabis dispensary. Terrabis is hoping for an ordinance for an increase to 2, allowing them to open one as well.

A very detailed slide show outlined their vision for the old Rosati's Restaurant. One of the features focused on was the security they would have in place and a 3d video showed a walk through of their proposed business site. The building would be redone so it would be a non-descript white color.

The Terrabis Group gave stats on the spending at the surrounding businesses saying that customers that would shop at Terrabis would very likely also visit the surrounding businesses like Target, etc.

Trustee Schwenk asked about any locations with on-site consumption, the answer is no and there are no plans for this. Trustee Wilson commented that the packet makes the site look almost like a medical building, very discrete, which is good, Mr. Wilson pointed out that this site would be on Rt 60 which is an entry-way into the Village.

Trustee Juarez said he is torn about the location due to it being across from the new homes at Sheldon Woods across the street--they didn't buy a home knowing there would be a dispensary across from them. Trustee Schwenk asked about the entries and exits. There are 2 of each. Trustee Meier complemented the Group on their presentation, it was well-done and thorough. Trustee Lambert said she "was conflicted but for dumb reasons": she is against it for emotional reasons ("weed is bad") but logically it is just like alcohol. Trustee Schwenk feels similar to Ms. Lambert but the Board knew that this day would come--that cannabis would treated very similar to alcohol; he had questions about the security lights that would be shining especially with the homes across the street. The representative from Terrabis said these lights would be aimed downward and they would be working with the Building Dept. to adhere to code. Trustee Ross agreed that the presentation was well done. Trustee Juarez said he will be a "no" due to the residents across the way and that this road is an entry-way to the Village. Ms. Lambert asked Police Chief Seeley if he had any comments or concerns; he said the presentation answered any questions he had. When Rise first came to the Village there was a lot of concern about their business but they have proved to be great; he expects that Terrabis will be the same.



Resolution canceling the December 23, 2024 Board Meeting

Motion to adopt a Resolution canceling the Village Board Meeting of December 23, 2024, and authorizing the Village Administrator to approve payment of bills between the period of December 10, 2024 and December 23, 2024.

RESULT: Passed [Yes 6, No 0, Abstained 0]

MOVER: Trustee Juarez

SECONDER: Trustee Meier

AYES: Trustee Juarez, Trustee Lambert, Trustee Meier, Trustee Berman Ross, Trustee Schwenk, Trustee Wilson

NAYS: None


Mayor Lentz announced that he will not be running for Mayor again. He will have more to say at election time in April and at the State of the Village meeting in February. He has been on the Board for 16 years, with 3 terms as Mayor. Life is changing fast for Mr. Lentz and his wife and he will be concentrating on family. Mr. Lentz said it has been an honor to serve on the Board.

Amendment to the Parking Ordinance - Morris Avenue and Park Street

Motion to amend Ordinance 74-07-21, Chapter 10 of the Mundelein Municipal Code, regarding Parking.

RESULT: Passed [Yes 4, No 2, Abstained 0]

MOVER: Trustee Wilson

SECONDER: Trustee Berman Ross

AYES: Trustee Juarez, Trustee Meier, Trustee Berman Ross, Trustee Wilson

NAYS: Trustee Lambert, Trustee Schwenk


Trustee Wilson said this parking change came about due to residents coming to the Board asking for some restrictions Trustees Schenk and Lambert asked why the changes/exceptions were made when we already have ordinances in place allowing parking on one side of the street only due to width, Police Chief Seeley said this is what the recommendation was.

Old # 1 Fire Truck Preservation Committee Ordinance Update

Motion to pass an Ordinance Amending Chapter 2.19.010 of the Municipal Code relating to Membership of the Old # 1 Fire Truck Preservation Committee.

RESULT: Passed [Yes 6, No 0, Abstained 0]

MOVER: Trustee Juarez

SECONDER: Trustee Wilson

AYES: Trustee Juarez, Trustee Lambert, Trustee Meier, Trustee Berman Ross, Trustee Schwenk, Trustee Wilson

NAYS: None



Community and Economic Development Committee (Wilson, Schwenk, Meier)

RISE Mundelein Dispensary – 1325 Armour Boulevard – Expansion of On-Premises Consumption Lounge

Motion to pass an Ordinance approving an amendment to Ordinance No. 21-09-70 that granted GTI Mundelein, LLC a use variance to conduct on-premises cannabis consumption on the property located at 1325 Armour Boulevard and 1570 Baskin Road, Mundelein, Illinois.

RESULT: Passed [Yes 6, No 0, Abstained 0]

MOVER: Trustee Wilson

SECONDER: Trustee Schwenk

AYES: Trustee Juarez, Trustee Lambert, Trustee Meier, Trustee Berman Ross, Trustee Schwenk, Trustee Wilson

NAYS: None


Flaherty and Collins Townhouses Ordinance

Motion to pass an Ordinance Granting a Special Use and Certain Variations for Townhouses at 322-360, 331-339, and 385 Plaza Circle (AREA by Flaherty & Collins)

RESULT: Passed [Yes 6, No 0, Abstained 0]

MOVER: Trustee Wilson

SECONDER: Trustee Schwenk

AYES: Trustee Juarez, Trustee Lambert, Trustee Meier, Trustee Berman Ross, Trustee Schwenk, Trustee Wilson

NAYS: None


Public Works Committee (Ross, Meier, Lambert)

Allanson Road Water Main Improvement Project - Change Order #1

Motion to approve purchase order number 14416 for A Lamp Concrete in the amount of $48,654.00 for change order to the Allanson Road Water Main Improvement Project.

RESULT: Passed [Yes 6, No 0, Abstained 0]

MOVER: Trustee Berman Ross

SECONDER: Trustee Juarez

AYES: Trustee Juarez, Trustee Lambert, Trustee Meier, Trustee Berman Ross, Trustee Schwenk, Trustee Wilson

NAYS: None


Trustee Wilson thanked Public Works and Engineering Director Boeche for the nice work they did on the Memorial Point site with fixing up the gazebo, pouring a new concrete slab for the cannon, and refurbishing the cannon. There was a lot of concern when the cannon was removed but it is back now.

Finance Committee (Schwenk, Juarez, Ross)

Governing Body

Motion to approve the payment of bills, as indicated in the Governing Body Report for the period between November 12, 2024 and ending November 25, 2024 in the amount of $641,154.16.

RESULT: Passed [Yes 6, No 0, Abstained 0]

MOVER: Trustee Schwenk

SECONDER: Trustee Juarez

AYES: Trustee Juarez, Trustee Lambert, Trustee Meier, Trustee Berman Ross, Trustee Schwenk, Trustee Wilson

NAYS: None


Governing Body - AT&T

Motion to approve the payment of bills, as indicated on the report dated 11/25/24.


11/25/24 AT&T $1,760.92

11/25/24 AT&T $646.07

11/25/24 AT&T LONG DISTANCE $100.00

RESULT: Passed [Yes 5, No 0, Abstained 1]

MOVER: Trustee Schwenk

SECONDER: Trustee Juarez

AYES: Trustee Juarez, Trustee Lambert, Trustee Berman Ross, Trustee Schwenk, Trustee Wilson

NAYS: None

ABSTAIN: Trustee Robin Meier

Public Safety Committee (Lambert, Wilson, Juarez)

Fire Chief Lark reminded all that there will be a blood drive on December 7, 9 AM to 3 PM at Station #1.

Building Committee (Juarez, Ross, Wilson)

No report.

Transportation & Infrastructure Committee (Meier, Lambert, Schwenk)

No report.

Other Reports



Omnibus Vote Items

Executive Session Minute Approval

Motion to approve the Board of Trustees Executive Session meeting minutes as outlined in Schedule A that is attached and as reviewed at the November 11, 2024

Executive Session meeting.

RESULT: Passed [Yes 6, No 0, Abstained 0]

MOVER: Trustee Juarez

SECONDER: Trustee Wilson

AYES: Trustee Juarez, Trustee Lambert, Trustee Meier, Trustee Berman Ross, Trustee Schwenk, Trustee Wilson

NAYS: None


Release of Executive Session Minutes and Destruction of Audio Recordings

Motion to adopt a Resolution declaring the Executive Session minutes outlined on Schedule A to be open to the public for inspection and approval of the destruction of Executive Session audio recordings for released minutes where more than 18 months have elapsed as outlined on Schedule B.

RESULT: Passed [Yes 6, No 0, Abstained 0]

MOVER: Trustee Juarez

SECONDER: Trustee Wilson

AYES: Trustee Juarez, Trustee Lambert, Trustee Meier, Trustee Berman Ross, Trustee Schwenk, Trustee Wilson

NAYS: None


Verigreen Development Annual TIF Payment

Motion to approve Purchase Order number 14432 in the amount of $22,856.86 to Verigreen Development for the annual TIF payment tax year 2023 paid in 2024.

RESULT: Passed [Yes 6, No 0, Abstained 0]

MOVER: Trustee Juarez

SECONDER: Trustee Wilson

AYES: Trustee Juarez, Trustee Lambert, Trustee Meier, Trustee Berman Ross, Trustee Schwenk, Trustee Wilson

NAYS: None



Village Administrator


Village Attorney


Village Clerk



Motion to recess into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2(c)(11), land acquisition or sale of property pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2(c)(5), personnel pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2(c)(1), and minutes pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2(c)(21).

RESULT: Passed [Yes 6, No 0, Abstained 0]

MOVER: Trustee Schwenk

SECONDER: Trustee Meier

AYES: Trustee Juarez, Trustee Lambert, Trustee Meier, Trustee Berman Ross, Trustee Schwenk, Trustee Wilson

NAYS: None


Motion to recess at 8:15 PM.

Motion to reconvene Village Board Meeting

RESULT: Passed [Yes 6, No 0, Abstained 0]

MOVER: Trustee Meier

SECONDER: Trustee Juarez

AYES: Trustee Juarez, Trustee Lambert, Trustee Meier, Trustee Berman Ross, Trustee Schwenk, Trustee Wilson

NAYS: None


The Regular Board Meeting reconvened at 8:35 PM.


Clerk Walsh took the roll call. It indicated as follows:

Board Attendance

PRESENT: Trustees Juarez, Lambert, Meier, Ross, Schwenk, Wilson, and Mayor Lentz


Village Attendance

PRESENT: Attorney Cahill, Village Administrator Guenther, Assistant Village Administrator Monroe, Community Development Director Orenchuk

Action from Executive Session





Motion to Adjourn the Regular Board Meeting

Motion to Adjourn the Regular Board Meeting.

The Regular Board Meeting adjourned at 8:36 PM.
