
Lake County Gazette

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Ogle County H.E.W., Solid Waste & Veterans Committee met Dec. 10

Webp mike rock

Mike Rock, State's Attorney | Ogle County Website

Mike Rock, State's Attorney | Ogle County Website

Ogle County H.E.W., Solid Waste & Veterans Committee met Dec. 10

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call Meeting to Order: Chairman Fox called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m. Present Daws, Huber, Ramsey, Simms and Fox Absent: Asp and Williams Others: Public Health Administrator Melissa Spangler, Solid Waste Director Paul Cooney, Regional Superintendent of Schools Chris Tennyson, HR Director Amanda Jacinto, Heuer, President OCVAC Joe Drought, OCVAC Superintendent Luz Gilkey, John Winterton, Lloyd Droege, Arlene Sangmeister and June Jacobs

2. Approval of Minutes – Motion by Williams to approve November 12, 2024 minutes as presented, 2nd by Ramsey. Motion Carried.

3. Chairman Comments - Fox stated there is a very full meeting so he asked each person to keep their updates to 5 minutes in order to get through the topics at hand.

4. Public Comment: None

5. Regional Office of Education

a) Monthly Bills: None

b) Department Update: Tennyson shared he sent his reports ahead but wanted to touch on a couple of important topics. We received a grant for preschool services and that is getting up and running for all three Counties. Tennyson also shared one of their employees was recognized and appointed to the Illinois Parents as Teachers State Office Advisory Council as a representative. He shared she has provided great work for several years for us and deserves the recognition.

6. Health Department Update:

a) Spangler commented as of right now the overall respiratory illness is low but will be ramping up soon due to the season. She stated they have started the cost analysis for the dental program in the Rochelle location. Spangler asked the committee who she needed to talk to about a build out if we have a contracted architect and it was recommended to speak with Koch from maintenance for direction. She shared she is working with the Rochelle Foundation for grants next year.

7. Solid Waste Department

a) Monthly Bills: Motion by Ramsey to approve bills for $7,030.48, 2nd by Huber. Motion carried. The committee also reviewed the department claims in the amount of $4,132.23.

b) Department Update: Cooney stated they are done with recycling events for the year. They are working to prepare for what is coming next year.

c) Grant Applications - None

8. Animal Control

a) Monthly Bills: Motion by Simms to approve the Animal Control bills in the amount of $7,545.28, 2nd by Ramsey. Motion carried. Motion by Asp to approve the Pet Population bills in the amount of $1,558 2nd by Huber. Motioncarried.

b) Department Update: No one present.

9. Veterans Assistance Commission:

a) Department Update: Drought shared they are now at 952 Veterans in the system since Luz was hired. Drought shared they are still providing trips to our Veterans for appointments. He commented that the full time VSO has transitioned to part-time. They have hired a new, untrained full-time individual who is being trained. Drought asked if there are any other questions and the committee had none.

10. Reagan Mass Transit District: Not present but reports were sent to committee ahead of time.

11. Mental Health 708 Board Liaison Report: Simms stated the final 708 Board application will be approved in February’s meeting. It was pretty much done but decided to make one change before approval.

12. Old Business: None

13. New Business: None

14. Closed Session: Williams moved to go into closed session per 5 ILCS 120/2(c) 21 and Huber seconds at 3:15 pm. Roll call: Yes- Asp, Daws, Huber, Ramsey, Simms, Williams and Fox. Absent: None Motion carried.

15. Open Session: Committee Returned to open session at 3:48 pm.

Fox moves to approve Dorothy Bowers for reappointment to the 708 Board and Williams seconds.

Motion failed on a voice vote.

Williams moves to approve Jennifer Helfrich for appointment to the 708 Board and Simms seconds.

Motion carried.

Asp moves to approve LeAnn Brandenburg for reappointment to the 708 Board and Huber seconds.

Motion carried.

Fox stated Chambers is not being considered because she resides within Lee County and therefore does not qualify for appointment.

16. Adjournment: With no further business, Chairman Fox adjourned the meeting and wished everyone a Merry Christmas. Time: 3:51 p.m.
