
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Deerfield Plan Commission met Dec. 12

Webp 7

Robert "Bob" Benton, Trustee | Village of Deerfield

Robert "Bob" Benton, Trustee | Village of Deerfield

Village of Deerfield Plan Commission met Dec. 12

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

The Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield called to order a meeting at 7:30 P.M. on December 12, 2024, at Deerfield Village Hall.

Present were: Bill Keefe, Chairperson, Pro Tem

Lisa Crist

Sara Lubezny

David Rauen

Ken Stolman

Absent: Al Bromberg, Chairperson

Blake Schulman

Also present: Jeff Ryckaert, Principal Planner

Dan Nakahara, Planner II

Mr. Ryckaert called the meeting to order and noted that the Chairperson is absent this evening so a Chairperson Pro Tem needs to be appointed. Commissioner Stolman moved, seconded by Commissioner Crist, to appoint Commissioner Keefe as Chairperson Pro Tem. The motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

Chairperson Pro Tem Keefe swore in all who plan to testify before the Commission.

Public Comment on a Non-Agenda Item

There were no comments from the public on a non-agenda item.


1) Public Hearing on the Request for Approval of a Special Use to Establish a SelfImprovement Facility for Ultimate Ninjas Academy at 775 Waukegan Road in the Deerfield Village Centre Planned Unit Development

Chairperson Pro Tem Keefe asked for proof of publication and certified mailing. Mr. Ryckaert reported that the legal notice was published in the Deerfield Review on November 21, 2024, and certified mailing receipts were provided by the petitioner.

Petitioner Jennifer Brody, along with Stuart Kantoff, with Seneca Real Estate Group, outlined the changes to their plans since the October 24, 2024, Workshop Meeting. Ms. Brody reported that they have revised their sign plan to make sure it is appropriate for the building. She stated the business is for children aged 9 months to 7 years old and will offer physical fitness programs that incorporate social interaction and cognitive development components. They have been working on the interior design and layout which will include a parent viewing area, a party room, and two different play spaces. Cushioning, made from non-toxic materials, has been added to the floors to provide safety for attendees. Their will be safety protocols at the front of the business where students exit and enter the business. Ms. Brody displayed a rendering of the floorplan showing the reception area, office, storage room, and the party room. There will be two ADA accessible restrooms. She noted there will be a half wall that will run almost the entire length of the space that will separate the play spaces. Parents will be able to watch their children over the half wall and it will also serve to contain the children in the play spaces.

Mr. Kantoff noted the drop-offs will take place by the east front door reception area. There will be a secure drop-offs and no children will walk in from cars unaccompanied. Parents must be physically present to hand over their children to staff members. Commissioner Crist asked if they have contacted the landlord and if there will be any spaces temporarily assigned to Ultimate Ninja Academy. Mr. Kantoff stated there are 7-8 existing parking spaces adjacent to the entrance of the business which allow for 15-minute or 30-minute temporary parking. Mr. Kantoff noted the peak hours for the Starbucks, Sweetgreen and Chipotle stores are not the peak hours of Ultimate Ninja Academy. There will likely be a number of carpools and drop-offs that may limit the need for designated parking. Ms. Brody pointed out that the business will only be utilizing 2-3 parking spaces for staff members, and these staff members will not park in the main parking area to minimize impacts to neighboring businesses. Mr. Kantoff stated there will be very limited impact to parking from this type of business, and no more so than any other business in this location would require. Ms. Brody noted the maximum number of people at the business at one time would be 25 people, and half of them would be children.

Commissioner Rauen asked if the landlord for this property is the same as the landlord of the bank. Mr. Nakahara noted some of the spaces are specifically designated for use by customers of the bank. Mr. Kantoff added that it is the same landlord and both properties are part of the same planned unit development. He noted there are also spaces that are specifically designated for employees of the second floor businesses in the development. The bank closes at noon on Saturdays and is closed on Sunday, so there should be extra parking spots available on those days during Ultimate Ninjas Academy’s peak hours.

There was no public comment. Chairperson Pro Tem Keefe stated the Plan Commission has concluded public testimony and will deliberate on their recommendation on this matter. He stated that this portion of the meeting is open to the public, but no new testimony will be taken unless requested by the Commission. He stated the Plan Commission is a recommending body, a written recommendation will be forwarded to the Village Board of Trustees for final action on this matter.

The Plan Commission felt that the Ultimate Ninjas Academy would be a good use of the space and a nice addition to the Deerfield Village Centre. 

Commissioner Crist moved, seconded by Commissioner Lubezny, to recommend approval of a Special Use to establish a self-improvement facility for Ultimate Ninja Academy at 775 Waukegan Road in the Deerfield Village Centre Planned Unit Development.

The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Crist, Lubezny, Rauen, Stolman, Keefe (5)

Nays: None (0)


1. October 24, 2024, Plan Commission Minutes

Commissioner Lubezny provided a correction to the minutes. Commissioner Lubezny moved, seconded by Commissioner Stolman, to approve the minutes with the correction provided. The motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

Items from the Commission

There were no items from the Commission.

Items from the Staff

Mr. Ryckaert notified the Commission the next Plan Commission meeting will be held on January 9, 2025, for document approval. The Commission agreed to hold the meeting at 5:30 p.m.

Designation of Representative for the next Board of Trustees Meeting

Mr. Ryckaert reported that a representative from the Plan Commission will not be needed for the next Board of Trustees meeting.


There being no further discussion, Commissioner Rauen moved, seconded by Commissioner Stolman, to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 P.M. The motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.
