
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Lake County Law & Judicial Committee met Jan. 7

Webp 6

Ann Maine (District 3) Lake County Board Member | Lake County Website

Ann Maine (District 3) Lake County Board Member | Lake County Website

Lake County Law & Judicial Committee met Jan. 7

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call of Members

4. Addenda to the Agenda

5. Public Comment

6. Chair's Remarks

7. Unfinished Business

8. New Business

CONSENT AGENDA (Items 8.1 - 8.7)


8.1 25-0090

Committee action approving the Law and Judicial Committee Joint Budget Hearing minutes from October 15, 2024.

8.2 25-0089

Committee action approving the Law and Judicial Committee meeting minutes from October 29, 2024.


8.3 24-1635

Report from Erin Cartwright Weinstein, Clerk of the Circuit Court, September 2024.

8.4 24-1636

Report from Erin Cartwright Weinstein, Clerk of the Circuit Court, October 2024.

8.5 24-1682

Report from Erin Cartwright Weinstein, Clerk of the Circuit Court, November 2024.

8.6 25-0064

Report from Jennifer Banek, Coroner’s Office, for the month of September 2024.

8.7 25-0001

Report from John D. Idleburg, Sheriff, for the month of October 2024.


8.8 25-0002

Joint resolution authorizing an amendment of a one month extension of a Greater Illinois - Reimagine Public Safety Act (GI-RPSA) grant, with an additional award amount of $20,961, which helps to reduce violence by providing emotional or trauma-related therapies, and through assistance with housing, employment, job training/placement, family engagement, and wrap-around support services.

• The Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office has been awarded $125,767 in grant funds by the Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS), Bureau of Violence Prevention Services (VPS).

• An additional amount of $20,961 has been awarded along with a one-month extension.

• The new grant expiration date is January 31, 2025.

• The Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office will use the funds to fund and supply two Gun Violence Prevention Initiative Victim Specialists, and to contract with Waukegan Township to engage in direct violence interruption services on behalf of the Gun Violence Prevention Initiative (GVPI).

• Grant program funding will be used to cover the salary and benefits of two Gun Violence Prevention Initiative Victim Specialists, and a subaward to Waukegan Township to cover the costs of a Violence Interrupter and Case Manager.

8.9 25-0004

Joint resolution authorizing the State’s Attorney’s Appellate Prosecutor Program for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 for a continued participation fee of $55,000.

• This is a renewal for the continued operation of the State’s Attorney’s Appellate Prosecutor Program.

• Through this program the State’s Attorney’s Appellate Prosecutor handles Lake County criminal appeals, provides investigative and prosecutorial support in criminal cases, provides comprehensive training programs for prosecutors, and provides monthly case law newsletters, legislative updates, and Uniform Complaint Book supplements.

• The State’s Attorney’s approved FY 2025 budget includes the $55,000 expense.

• The State’s Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor’s Office of the State of Illinois requires a formal resolution for participation in the program.

8.10 25-0005

Joint resolution authorizing an amendment of a three-month extension of a Greater Illinois - Reimagine Public Safety Act (GI-RPSA) grant with an additional award amount of $18,841, which builds local capacity to reduce firearm violence by encouraging effective, collaborative working relationships across providers in violence prevention, community organizing, asset mapping, resource allocation and capacity building.

• The Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office has been awarded $37,683 in grant funds by the Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS), Violence Prevention Services (VPS).

• An additional amount of $18,841 has been awarded along with a three-month extension.

• The new grant expiration date is March 31, 2025.

• The Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office will use the funds to assist in the continuation of its Gun Violence Prevention Initiative (GVPI) by funding a Violence Prevention Council Coordinator (VPCC) Program Coordinator to serve as the lead convener for each identified area.

• Grant program funding in the amount of $18,841 will cover a portion of the salary and benefits of the VPCC Program Coordinator.

• If funding for this position ends, and new funding is not secured, the position will be eliminated.

8.11 25-0006

Joint resolution authorizing the acceptance and execution of a Victim of Crime Act (VOCA) grant which will provide funding for our Highland Park victim assistance program, including an emergency appropriation of $117,791 in grant funds.

• The Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office (LCSAO) has been awarded $117,791 as interim funding until the Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program grant is awarded in 2025.

• The grant term is October 1, 2024 through March 31, 2025.

• LCSAO will use funds in the amount of $117,791 to cover videos for victims, printed materials, trial parking for victims/witnesses and other miscellaneous supplies.

8.12 25-0008

Joint resolution authorizing the renewal of the State’s Attorney’s Office Prosecutor-Based Victim Assistance Program through a Victim of Crime Act (VOCA) grant awarded by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) to the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office, including an emergency appropriation of $200,000 in federal funds.

• This VOCA Prosecutor-Based Victim Assistance grant extension will enable continuation of this program that provides advocacy services to the currently under-served sexual assault, misdemeanor domestic violence, elder abuse and aggravated battery victim populations.

• The grant is administered through the ICJIA for the performance period of January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025.

• The Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office currently receives Victim of Crime Act grant funding from ICJIA to support two Victim Specialist positions in the office. The Victim Specialist work with the victims throughout the criminal justice process by providing them with advocacy, on-going support and an understanding of the criminal court process.

• The funding will be used to fund the salary and benefits for a Sexual Assault Victim Specialist and the salary and benefits for a full-time Domestic Violence Victim Specialist for the period of January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025. The salaries had been requested to be funded in the General Fund in Fiscal Year 2025 in the event the grant was not obtained. Therefore, no additional positions are required.

8.13 25-0049

Discussion and presentation regarding a Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement between the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office (LCSAO) and the Lake County Community Foundation (LCCF) which will allow LCCF to sponsor a Project Fund for the Gun Violence Prevention Initiative (GVPI).

• The Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office (LCSAO) has engaged the Lake County Community Foundation (LCCF) for fiscal sponsorship of the LCSAO’s Gun Violence Prevention Initiative (GVPI).

· LCSAO’s Gun Violence Prevention Initiative (GVPI) will utilize the Project Fund to fund initiatives that are aligned with addressing the root causes of gun violence and that will advance the implementation of short and long-term strategies to interrupt violence.

• The GVPI Director will provide the Committee a summary of the agreement and fiscal arrangement.

9. County Administrator's Report

10. Executive Session

11. Member Remarks and Requests

12. Adjournment
