Brian E. VanVickle, Sheriff | Ogle County Website
Brian E. VanVickle, Sheriff | Ogle County Website
Ogle County Long Range & Strategic Planning Committee met Dec. 10
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Call Meeting to Order: Chairman Griffin called meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. Present: Corbitt, Fox, Gillis, Heuer, Janes, Oltmanns, Reising and Griffin. Absent: None Others Present: Arlene Sangmeister and June Jacobs.
2. Opening Comments: Griffin again thanked the committee for all their work this year and shared it has been a pleasure working with them.
3. Public Comment: None
4. Approval of Minutes – November 12, 2024: Motion by Corbitt to approve minutes, 2nd by Gillis.
Motion carried.
5. Discussion and approval of any pending Long Range Invoices: None
A. New Business:
1. Committee Descriptions: Griffin asked the committee to look at what was put in the yearbook last year and wondered if there were any changes they would like to see made to the description. Griffin shared he thought Capitol planning should be added to the description but they would vote on it next month. Reising shared he liked it how it was.
6. Old Business:
A.Budget, update Facility Optimization, Energy savings, Alpha, Community Solar: Griffin stated the budget report was provided for review but next month they will look deeper and decide where we want to go next year. Griffin reviewed reports from Newkirk that showed savings in electrical but also savings in gas. Griffin shared in Facilities earlier it was asked that a summary of our savings since going solar be provided to show the benefits of our efforts. Griffin commented based on data received since the community solar documents were signed it looks like it will be a year before we see any numbers for that project.
B. Capital Plan/Master Plan update. Facility Roof Inspections: Griffin asked Reising to comment on his review of insurance documents. Reising shared form what he can tell it appears that we should be talking with both the insurance and BOSS to figure out why and what their differences are. He stated it isn’t uncommon but we should make sure they are both looking at the same issues to make sure some of the numbers are closer together. Oltmanns asked is there a reason for concern that this is taking so long, are we running a risk of things not being covered due to timing. Reising shared maybe but the insurance money has already been provided but the issue would lie in cost fluctuations really. Reising shared as long as things are wrapped up soon then he didn’t foresee any issues.
C. Solar: None
D.Courthouse generator, lighting update: Griffin shared has nothing on the generator. Griffin also commented Nordman told him they were out working on trenching the wires for lighting.
E. Courthouse Basement floor: Griffin explained he received communication stating this item will need to be taken to the board. Griffin shared he wasn’t sure what that meant so we will have to wait and see but he is going to be reaching out to them soon. Reising shared the reasoning for the large amount in that project is because of the asbestos.
F. Memorial Project: Griffin stated at this time is looks like we will mostly be looking at a couple of spotlights and landscaping.
G. Vehicle Purchase Procedure: Griffin asked Oltmanns to talk about where we are at on this project. Oltmanns explained the big picture that he would like to see is all applicants (except for emergencies) will be seen on one day and present all of their information and then the committee will review and recommend based on need. Oltmanns stated this is going to be a task based on the amount of funds that the committee has been given to be stewards over. Oltmanns also shared that he has been contacted by several departments with interest in purchasing vehicles in 2025.
Oltmanns stated based on what was provided at last month’s meeting and the time to review are there any suggestions form the committee besides what was mentioned last month about putting in a leasing option. Discussion was had on the ability to lease vehicles and the committee shared mixed feelings with this option. Griffin shared he would like to see the leasing option on the form but ultimately the committee will make the decision per vehicle. Corbitt offered to find out the timeline of the State process. Oltmanns also shared that he feels strongly that if the departments are using the allotted funds to purchase vehicles any money back, whether it be a refund or trade amount, it should go back into the vehicle purchasing fund. He also commented that an amount should be considered to hold back in case of emergency throughout the year but he is uncertain of what that amount should be. Oltmanns asked the committee to please brainstorm any ideas and send them ahead of time to the committee but is hoping that things can be voted on next month.
7. Closed Session: None
8. Open Session: None
9. Adjournment: With no further business Chairman Griffin adjourned the meeting at 2:57 P.M.