Ann Maine (District 3) Lake County Board Member | Lake County Website
Ann Maine (District 3) Lake County Board Member | Lake County Website
Lake County Zoning Board of Appeals met Jan. 28
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance (if flag is present)
4. Public Comment
5. Approval of the Minutes
5.1 24-1679 Action approving the Zoning Board of Appeals Special Session minutes from October 29, 2024.
5.2 24-1680 Action approving the Zoning Board of Appeals minutes from November 14, 2024.
5.3 24-1681 Action approving the Zoning Board of Appeals minutes from December 3, 2024.
5.4 25-0185 Action approving the Zoning Board of Appeals minutes from December 12, 2024.
6. Added to Agenda Items
7. Deferred Matters
8. Other Business
8.1 25-0123 CUP-001040-2024: On the petition of Sergio Escobedo, record owner, who seeks a Conditional Use Permit to establish an Outdoor Contractor’s Equipment Sales or Storage use. The subject property is located at 36893, 36871, & 36907 N. Illinois Route 83, Lake Villa, Illinois and is approximately 0.57 acres. PIN: 06-09-205-007, 06-09-205-006, 06-09-205-005
8.2 22-0245 Executive Session to discuss evidence presented and deliberate application pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(4).
9. Adjournment