
Lake County Gazette

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Local organizations offer numerous college scholarships for Coal City graduates

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Ken P. Miller President | Coal City Community Unit School District 1

Ken P. Miller President | Coal City Community Unit School District 1

A range of local scholarships is available to assist graduating high school seniors with the cost of college. Today, we highlight scholarships offered by Berkot’s Super Foods, Cordogan Clark, Coal City Miners Youth Football, Grundy County Marine Corps League, Joliet Junior College, St. Juvin Post 1336 Veterans of Foreign Wars, Financial Plus Credit Union, Streator Onized Credit Union (SOCU), GFWC-IL Coal City Junior Woman’s Club, Women of the Moose, and the Roy & Mardell Carter Music Foundation.

A new scholarship is being made available to Coal City High School seniors. Berkot’s Super Foods Charity Foundation Scholarship was established to recognize local students who have exemplified outstanding achievements in academics, extracurricular activities, employment, and community involvement. The $1,000 scholarship will go to an individual enrolling full-time at a four- year college/university or community/junior college. Applications are due by April 1.

Cordogan Clark, the Unit 1 School District’s architectural firm presents a Built Environment Scholarship. The awards are presented to graduating seniors who enroll full-time in a two or four-year institution. Scholarship recipients are selected based on their scholastic achievement (3.2 GPA or higher), letters of recommendation, career interest in the built environment and an essay on how the built environment has positively impacted their education. Applications for the Cordogan Clark Scholarship are due by March 21.

The Grundy County Marine Corps League offers an annual scholarship to graduating seniors. The financial award is presented to students with a documented history of community service and academic achievement. The funds are to be used to attend a college, university, technical or trade school. Applicants must include an essay on the topic of "How does volunteering help develop leadership skills." Completed applications are due no later than April .

Each year a graduating senior enrolling at Joliet Junior College is presented with a JJC Foundation Scholarship. The college also offers a variety of scholarships to new and returning students in the areas of academic standing, leadership, financial need, ethnic origin and specialized talents among others. Information on applying for JJC Foundation Scholarship is located at jjc.edu/getting-started/pay-college/scholarships.

St. Juvin Post Veterans of Foreign Wars offers scholarships to Coaler graduates and alumni entering the healthcare field including emergency services such as paramedic and firefighter. Scholarships are awarded based upon demonstrated academic achievement and community service. The veterans organization also provides scholarships to qualified veterans who honorably served in the military..The financial awards are $,.Applications are due April ..

Streator Onized Credit Union [SOCU] offers scholarships up to $.Applicants must be amember ingood standingwith SOCU beenrolled orenrolling asa fulltime student atan accreditedcollege universityor tradeschoolandhave agradepointaverage[gpa]orhigherApplicationsmustbepostmarkedbyApril

If you played football or cheered for the Coal City Miners Youth Tackle Football team youareeligibletoapplyforitscollegescholarshipTheyouthsportsorganizationwillawardtwo$scholarshipsonetoaformerMinersfootballplayerandtheotheraformercheerleaderSelectionwillbebasedonpastparticipationintheorganizationacademicstandinginvolvementinschoolactivitiesandrecommendationfromaschoolofficialteachercounselorprincipalApplicationsmustbereceivedbyApril

Established intheGFWCILCoalCityJuniorWomansClubScholarshiphasannuallyprovidedfinancialassistancetograduatingseniorsatCoalCityHighSchoolTheawardsaremadepossiblethroughvariousfundraisingprojectssponsoredbythecommunityserviceorganizationTheorganizationoffersonescholarshiptoastudententeringanaccreditedcollegeortechnicaltradeschoolTherecipientmustshowscholasticabilitybegoodmoralcharacterhaveleadershipqualitiesandcommunityserviceinvolvementApplicationsaredueApril



