
Lake County Gazette

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Lake Forest approves $1.55 million for road resurfacing & patching

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Alderman Ara Goshgarian | City of Lake Forest

Alderman Ara Goshgarian | City of Lake Forest

The Lake Forest City Council has approved the recommendation from its Public Works Committee to award a contract to Peter Baker & Son Co. for the joint 2025 annual patching and resurfacing project, which will include both Lake Forest and Lake Bluff. The financial commitment from Lake Forest will not exceed $1.55 million.

"We're strategically prioritizing those streets with the highest need," said Byron Kutz, superintendent of engineering, during the council's March 17 meeting. He explained that the aim is to optimize the timing of street treatments such as resurfacing, crack filling, and patching to potentially avoid full reconstruction.

According to Kutz's report presented in the council agenda, approximately 2.6 center-line miles of street are slated for resurfacing along with 3,600 square yards of patches. The city has again partnered with Lake Bluff for this joint bid. Road work in Lake Forest is scheduled to commence after May 5 and conclude before August 1. Residents and businesses within the affected areas will receive notification two weeks prior to construction start. Details on the construction schedule will be available on the city's website under "Construction Updates."

The engineering report lists several streets included in this year's project: W Old Mill Road from Waukegan Road to Telegraph Road; Washington Road from Westminster Road to Walnut Road; Woodstream Court from North End to S Mount Vernon; S Mount Vernon Avenue from Woodstream Court to Everett Road; S Mount Vernon Avenue from North End to Woodstream Court; Timber Lane from Linden Avenue to Longwood Drive; Crest Court from Timber Lane to East End; Linden Avenue from Green Bay Road to Beverly Place; Longwood Drive from Timber Lane to Grandview Lane; North Avenue from Buena to Valley; and various locations in Lake Forest Cemetery.

The agenda packet indicates that the total bid amount, including Lake Bluff's portion, was $1.812 million, with Lake Forest's share being $1.3 million. Local capital funds will finance resurfacing and patching efforts, while cemetery funds will cover cemetery repaving costs. Peter Baker & Son Co., having previously completed resurfacing projects in Lake Forest satisfactorily, has been chosen once again for this task.