
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Deerfield Board of Trustees to address permits, parade and more

Deerfield family days logo 20111

The Village of Deerfield Board of Trustees will address fence heights and family fare 7:30 p.m. Jan. 19 at Deerfield Village Hall, 850 Waukegan Road, on the second floor.

Call to order, roll call and the Pledge will pave the way for items on the board’s tentative agenda, beginning with a departmental objectives report from the Village’s Public Works & Engineering office. Minutes of the board’s previous meeting will be presented for approval, after which the Treasurer’s Report and Bills and Payroll will be presented.

The floor will open for a public comment period prior to the Consent Agenda, consisting of an ordinance to authorize a fence height.

Old business regards continued discussion of a Class C liquor license for a local Starbucks on Deerfield Road.

New business will revolve around a resolution concerning partial street closure of Waukegan Road for the annual Family Days Parade as well as authorization for an engineering design contract for a portion of Deerfield Road.

The Mayor and Board of Trustees will introduce any relevant items for discussion, followed by the Village Manager reports and adjournment.

All meetings are open to the public and are located in the Robert D. Franz Council Chambers in the Deerfield Village Hall.