
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Lake Forest Preservation Commission continues 676 Lake Road site-plan review


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Contributed photo

At a meeting this week, the Lake Forest Historic Preservation Commission will continue discussing a request for a permit to demolish the property at 676 Lake Road and build a new home on the site.

The Lake Forest Historic Preservation Commission aims to preserve the historic character of Lake Forest and is made up of seven Lake Forest residents who are appointed by the mayor and approved by City Council. The commissioners serve for a maximum of three two-year terms on a staggered basis. The commission preserves historic buildings, gardens and streetscapes in an effort to preserve the historic character of the community. The commission also reviews project plans that fall within the city's historic districts and projects that affect landmark properties inside city limits.

Below is the agenda for this meeting, as provided by the commission.

The City of Lake Forest

Historic Preservation Commission Agenda

Regular Meeting Wednesday, May 25, 2016 6:30 P.M.

City Hall Council Chambers – 220 E. Deerpath

Susan Rafferty Athenson

Elizabeth Sperry

Bruce Grieve Chairman

Wells Wheeler

Robert Alfe

Carol Gayle

William Redfield

The Historic Preservation Commission meetings are broadcast live on Cable TV

1. Introduction of Commissioners and staff, overview of meeting procedures – Chairman


2. Consideration of the minutes from the April 27, 2016 meeting.

Continued Petitions

3. Continued consideration of a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for demolition

of the existing residence located at 676 Lake Road and approval of a replacement

residence, attached garage, pool, pool shed, the overall site plan and conceptual

landscape plan.

Owner: Robert Crawford

Representatives: Jill Danly, project manager; Natalie Clemens, architect; Craig

Bergmann, landscape architect

4. Continued consideration of a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for alterations

and additions to the side and rear of the existing residence located at 1290 N. Sheridan


Owner: Donald Zordani, Jr.

Representative: Jon Clair, architect

New Petitions

5. Consideration of a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for a partial demolition,

replacement addition and alterations to the existing residence located at 245 Vine

Avenue. A building scale variance is also requested.

Owners: Darren and Susan Weninger

Representative: Diana Melichar, architect

6. Consideration of a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for additions and

alterations to the existing residence located at 540 Pine Lane.

Owner: Albert Zoller

Representative: Victoria Lidstrom, project manager

Other Items

7. Opportunity for the public to address the Historic Preservation Commission on nonagenda


8. Additional information from staff.

Mandatory Adjournment time is 11:00 p.m


Historic Preservation

Commission meetings follow the

procedures outlined below. In

the spirit of fairness to all parties,

any of these procedures may be

modified for a particular item at

the discretion of the Chairman.

1. Introduction of the Item by

the Chairman

2. Declaration of Conflicts of

Interest and Ex Parte

Contacts by members of the


3. Presentation by the Petitioner

– 10 minutes.

4. Identification of Issues by

Staff - 5 minutes.

5. Questions or requests for

clarification from

Commission to Petitioner or


6. Public Testimony - 5 minutes

per speaker.

7. Final Questions from

Commission to Petitioner or

Staff, or direction to

Petitioner and Staff to

provide additional


8. Petitioner Rebuttal - 10


9. Staff response to public

testimony- 5 minutes.

10. Commission Discussion and


11. Motion and second

12. Final Commission


13. Commission Action

Mandatory Adjournment time

11:00 p.m.

Individuals with disabilities who

require certain accommodations in

order to allow them to observe

and/or participate in this meeting, or

who have questions regarding the

accessibility of the meeting or the

facilities, may contact the

Community Development

Department at 847-810-3503.