
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Lake County committee considers plan to replace collapsed culvert/bridge

Webp meeting 07

At a meeting today, the Public Works and Transportation Committee considered a joint resolution to approve emergency procurement contracts with Alfred Benesch & Company and Berger Excavating Contractors to replace the collapsed culvert/bridge under Diamond Lake Road, between Gilmer Road and Illinois Route 60 at Indian Creek.

The Lake County Public Works and Transportation Committee is responsible for the county’s transportation, water districts and sanitary districts. Meetings are typically held at 8:30 a.m. on the  two Wednesdays preceding the County Board meeting.

Below is the agenda for this meeting, as provided by the committee.

Lake County Public Works and Transportation Committee is located at 18 North County Street, Waukegan.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

8:30 AM

Lake County Illinois

Lake County Courthouse and Administrative Complex

18 N. County Street

Waukegan, IL 60085-4351

Assembly Room, 10th Floor

Public Works and Transportation Committee

Agenda Report - Final

Public Works and Transportation June 8, 2016


Agenda Report - Final

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Approval of Minutes

3.1 16-0551

Minutes from April 6, 2016.

Attachments: PWT 4.6.16 Minutes Final

3.2 16-0578

Minutes from April 27, 2016.

Attachments: PWT 4.27.16 Minutes Final

3.3 16-0579

Minutes from May 4, 2016.

Attachments: PWT 5.4.16 Minutes Final

4. Added to Agenda

5. Public Comment

6. Old Business

7. New Business


7.1 16-0592

Joint resolution executing a contract with RJ Underground Inc., Kenosha, Wisconsin,

for the Arden Shores Water Main Replacement Project in the amount of $594,204.

· The Arden Shores water system was originally constructed over sixty years ago and

must be upgraded to comply with current standards to insure public health and safety.

· The Arden Shores Water Main Project focuses on the replacement of the water main

along Bay Shore Drive, Hillside Avenue, Glendell Avenue and Juneway Terrace.

· This improvement will enable Lake County to purchase Lake Michigan water on a

wholesale basis from the City of North Chicago for distribution to residents in the Arden

Shores Estates Subdivision.

· An invitation to bid was extended to 16 vendors and responses were received from four

contractors, ranging from $594,204 and $648,734.

· RJ Underground Inc. submitted the lowest responsive and responsible bid in the

amount of $594,204.

Attachments: 16-0592 Arden Shores Water Main Bid Tab.pdf

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7.2 16-0595

Joint resolution authorizing a utility easement agreement and payment in the amount of

$6,500 to Woodlands on Green Bay, LLC, related to the Arden Shores Water Main

Replacement Project.

· As part of the Arden Shores Water Main Replacement Project, it is necessary to

acquire a temporary construction easement and a permanent easement from the

property owner of the Woodlands on Green Bay apartment complex.

· The property owner has agreed to grant the easements in exchange for a $6,500


· This resolution authorizes the County to remit an easement fee of $6,500 and

authorizes the County Board Chair and County Clerk to execute a Utility Easement

Agreement with the property owner of Woodlands on Green Bay, LLC.

Attachments: 16-0595 Arden Shores Easement Offer Letter and Agreement.pdf

7.3 16-0548

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Synagro, Baltimore, Maryland, for a

biosolids management program for Lake County Public Works in an estimated annual

amount of $597,880.

· There is a need to enter into a contract with a successful vendor to provide a biosolids

management program for Lake County Public Works.

· Lake County Public Works oversees the management of the contract which includes

site permitting, public relations, preparation of reports to regulatory agencies and the

owner, transportation of biosolids, land application of biosolids, landfill disposal of

biosolids and all other requirements of a professional biosolids management program.

· An invitation to bid was issued and extended to 12 vendors and one sealed bid was

received in the amount of $597,880.

· Synagro, Baltmore, Maryland, was determined to be the lowest responsive and

responsible bidder who best meets the needs of the County.

· The contract authorizes a one year contract with two, one year renewals with Synagro,

Baltmore, Maryland in the estimated annual amount of $597,880.

7.4 16-0040

Director’s Report - Public Works.


7.5 16-0590

Joint resolution authorizing, on behalf of the Lake County Coordinated Transportation

Services Committee (LCCTSC), an application to the Regional Transportation

Authority (RTA) for a Section 5310 grant for the continuation of the Ride Lake County

Central Project in cooperation with Pace, the Townships of Fremont, Libertyville, and

Shields, and the Villages of Libertyville and Mundelein, subject to further County Board


· Ride Lake County Central Project: RTA Section 5310 Grant Application.

· The RTA Section 5310 grant cycle is underway.

· The RTA grant funds being requested are from the Federal Section 5310 grant


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· The Ride Lake County Central Project was created by LCCTSC, with support from the

Townships of Fremont, Libertyville, and Shields, and the Villages of Libertyville and

Mundelein, and is operated by Pace.

· The Section 5310 grant application will continue coordination of existing dial-a-ride

programs in the Townships of Fremont, Libertyville, and Shields, and the Villages of

Libertyville and Mundelein.

· The County’s role will be grant coordinator on behalf of the LCCTSC.

· The local match, to be supplied for the grant, is in accordance with the Lake County

Division of Transportation Paratransit Coordination with LCCTSC Policy.

· This resolution authorizes the County to apply for the grant, and if approved, it will be

brought back to the Lake County Board for acceptance.

7.6 16-0593

Joint resolution authorizing, on behalf of the Lake County Coordinated Transportation

Services Committee (LCCTSC), an application to the Regional Transportation

Authority (RTA) for a Section 5310 grant for the continuation of the Ride Lake County

West Project in cooperation with Pace, the Townships of Antioch, Avon, Fremont,

Grant, Lake Villa and Wauconda, subject to further County Board approval.

· Ride Lake County West Project: RTA Section 5310 Grant Application.

· The RTA Section 5310 grant cycle is underway.

· The RTA grant funds being requested are from the Federal Section 5310 grant


· The Ride Lake County West Project (formerly known as the Northwest Demonstration

Project) was created by the Lake County Coordinated Transportation Services

Committee (LCCTSC) with support from the Townships of Antioch, Avon, Fremont,

Grant, Lake Villa and Wauconda and is operated by Pace.

· The Section 5310 grant application will continue coordination of expanded dial-a-ride

services in the Townships of Antioch, Avon, Fremont, Grant, Lake Villa and Wauconda.

· The County’s role will be grant coordinator on behalf of the LCCTSC.

· The local match, to be supplied for the grant, is in accordance with the Lake County

Division of Transportation Paratransit Coordination with LCCTSC Policy.

· This resolution authorizes the County to apply for the grant, and if approved, it will be

brought back to the Lake County Board for acceptance.

7.7 16-0554

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Superior Road Striping Inc., Melrose Park,

Illinois, in the amount of $209,814, for the removal and replacement of reflective

pavement markers with recessed pavement markers at various locations on the County

highway system, and designated as Section 16-00000-12-GM.

· 2016 Reflective Pavement Marker Replacement Program: Contract Award.

· The County has raised and recessed reflective pavement markers delineating medians

and lane lines throughout the highway system.

· The Lake County Division of Transportation undertakes the removal and replacement,

where necessary, of these reflective pavement markers.

· This project will replace raised reflective pavement markers with recessed pavement

markers at various locations on the County highway system.

· A total of four bids were received, ranging from $209,814 to $399,859, and the lowest

responsible bidder is Superior Road Striping Inc., Melrose Park, Illinois, in the amount

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Agenda Report - Final

of $209,814.

Attachments: 16-0554 Bid Tab, 2016 Reflective Pavement Markers.pdf

7.8 16-0556

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Superior Road Striping Inc., Melrose Park,

Illinois, in the amount of $413,924.46 for the removal, replacement or refurbishment of

pavement markings on bituminous and concrete pavements of various County

highways, and designated as Section 16-00000-15-GM.

· 2016 Pavement Markings for Bituminous and Concrete Pavements: Contract Award.

· The County has miles of pavement markings for medians, lane lines and cross walks

on bituminous and concrete pavements.

· Thermoplastic and polyurea markings last longer than paint, but eventually require


· A total of four bids were received, ranging from $413,924.46 to $759,177.05 and the

lowest responsible bidder is Superior Road Striping Inc., Melrose Park, Illinois, in the

amount of $413,924.46.

Attachments: 16-0556 Bid Tab, 2016 Pavement Markings.pdf

7.9 16-0555

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Campanella & Sons Inc., Wadsworth,

Illinois, in the amount of $210,492.46, for the modifications of existing stormwater

detention basins to improve functionality and water quality, and designated as Section


· 2016 Stormwater Detention Basin Retrofits: Contract Award.

· Lake County Division of Transportation proposes to retrofit certain stormwater detention

basins with improved design features and best management practices to improve

stormwater management and water quality treatment.

· One bid was received, and the lowest responsible bidder is Campanella & Sons Inc.,

Wadsworth, Illinois, in the amount of $210,492.46.

Attachments: 16-0555 Bid Tab, Detention Basin Retrofits.pdf

7.10 16-0557

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with National Power Rodding Corp., Chicago,

Illinois, in the amount of $29,563.02, for televising, inspecting and cleaning storm

sewers along various County highways, and designated as Section 16-00000-05-GM.

· 2016 Televise and Clean Storm Sewers: Contract Award.

· The County maintains over 213 miles of storm sewers along the County highway


· Maintenance of these storm sewers requires televising and inspecting to identify

locations where repairs or replacements are necessary.

· One bid was received, and the lowest responsible bidder is National Power Rodding

Corp., Chicago, Illinois, in the amount of $29,563.02.

Attachments: 16-0557 Bid Tab, Clean and Televise Storm Sewer.pdf

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Agenda Report - Final

7.11 16-0558

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with J.A. Johnson Paving Company, Arlington

Heights, Illinois, in the amount of $306,425.23, for hot mix asphalt (HMA) patching on

Buffalo Grove Road, from Deerfield Parkway to Main Street, and designated as

Section 16-00249-04-RS

· Buffalo Grove Road Patching: Contract Award.

· Buffalo Grove Road, from Deerfield Parkway to Main Street, will be improved with HMA


· A total of five bids were received, ranging from $306,425.23 to $431,642.43, and the

lowest responsible bidder is J.A. Johnson Paving Company, Arlington Heights, Illinois,

in the amount of $306,425.23.

Attachments: 16-0558 Bid Tab, Buffalo Grove Road Patching.pdf

7.12 16-0559

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Chicagoland Paving Inc., Lake Zurich,

Illinois, in the amount of $122,970.02, for the hot mix asphalt (HMA) surface removal,

base repair with undercut contingencies and resurfacing with HMA binder and surface

courses on Marshall Avenue in the Grant Township Road District, and designated as

Section 16-08101-01-GM.

· 2016 Grant Township Road District: Contract Award.

· A total of five bids were received ranging from $122,970.02 to $168,762.02, with

Chicagoland Paving Inc., Lake Zurich, Illinois, being the lowest responsible bidder with

a contract amount of $122,970.02.

Attachments: 16-0559 Bid Tab, 2016 Grant Road District.pdf

7.13 16-0560

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Chicagoland Paving Inc., Lake Zurich,

Illinois, in the amount of $75,929.54, for the overlaying of existing pavement with hot

mix asphalt (HMA) surface course and cutting back butt joints on various Waukegan

Township Road District streets, and designated as Section 16-16000-01-GM.

· 2016 Waukegan Township Road District: Contract Award.

· A total of three bids were received, ranging from $75,929.54 to $86,277.54, with

Chicagoland Paving Inc., Lake Zurich, Illinois, being the lowest responsible bidder with

a contract amount of $75,929.54.

Attachments: 16-0560 Bid Tab, 2016 Waukegan Road District.pdf

7.14 16-0547

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with TGF Enterprises Inc., Libertyville, Illinois,

for herbicide application to the right-of-way for the Lake County Division of

Transportation in an estimated annual amount of $32,455.08.

· There is a need to enter into a contract, with a successful vendor, to provide all

materials and labor for the herbicide application to right of ways.

· The contractor shall apply a herbicide for total vegetation kill including a drift control

agent with all applications.

· An invitation to bid was issued and extended to 17 vendors and sealed bids were

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Agenda Report - Final

received from three vendors ranging from $32,455.08 to 70,358.90.

· TGF Enterprises Inc., Libertyville, Illinois, was determined to be the lowest responsive

and responsible bidder who best meets the needs of the County in the amount of


7.15 16-0563

Joint resolution authorizing emergency procurement contracts with Alfred Benesch &

Company, Naperville, Illinois, in the amount of $14,854.52 and Berger Excavating

Contractors Inc., Wauconda, Illinois, in the amount of $825,586.39 for emergency

procurement and replacement of the collapsed culvert/bridge under Diamond Lake

Road, between Gilmer Road and Illinois Route 60 at Indian Creek, appropriating a

supplemental amount of $295,000 of County Bridge Tax funds, and designated as

Section 13-00139-06-DR.

· Diamond Lake Road Culvert/Bridge Emergency Declaration: Supplemental

Appropriation and Contract Awards.

· On July 17, 2015, the County Engineer declared an emergency for the collapsed

culvert/bridge under Diamond Lake Road, between Gilmer Road and Illinois Route 60

at Indian Creek.

· In accordance with Article 6-103 of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, the County

Engineer of Lake County certified an emergency procurement for contractual

construction services.

· The selected professional engineering firm to provide emergency structural design and

geotechnical engineering services is Alfred Benesch & Company, Naperville, Illinois, in

the amount of $14,854.52.

· The contractor selected to provide emergency contractual construction services is

Berger Excavating Contractors Inc., Wauconda, Illinois, in the amount of $825,586.39.

· This County Board, at its meeting of November 11, 2014, approved an appropriation of

$600,000 of County Bridge Tax funds for the repair of the culvert/bridge under Diamond

Lake Road, between Gilmer Road and Illinois Route 60, at Indian Creek.

· Based on the emergency procurement contract amounts, and other emergency

procurements, a supplemental appropriation is needed.

· This resolution, per Article 6-103 of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, ratifies

these emergency procurements and appropriates a supplemental amount of $295,000

of County Bridge Tax funds.

16-0563 Diamond Lake Road Benesch Contract.pdf

16-0563 Diamond Lake Road Emergency Declaration Memo 7 17 2015.pdf

16-0563 Diamond Lake Road Culvert Berger Contract.pdf


7.16 16-0566

Joint resolution authorizing an emergency procurement contract with Campanella and

Sons Inc., Wadsworth, Illinois, in the amount of $116,404.74 for emergency

procurement and replacement of the culverts under Grass Lake Road, 625 feet east of

Illinois Route 83, and Kenosha Road, 300 feet north of 21st Street, appropriating

$125,000 of County Bridge Tax funds for this contract and other emergency related

procurements, and designated as Section 15-00999-21-DR.

· Grass Lake Road and Kenosha Road Culverts Emergency Declaration: Appropriation

and Contract Award.

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Agenda Report - Final

· On October 30, 2015, the County Engineer declared an emergency for the culverts

under Grass Lake Road, 625 feet east of Illinois Route 83, and Kenosha Road, 300

feet north of 21st Street.

· After inspection by the Lake County Division of Transportation staff, the need to replace

the culverts, to protect the traveling public, was evident.

· This constituted an emergency and in accordance with Article 6-103 of the Lake County

Purchasing Ordinance, the Lake County Engineer certified an emergency procurement

for contractual construction services.

· The contractor selected to provide emergency contractual construction services is

Campanella and Sons Inc., Wadsworth, Illinois, in the amount of $116,404.74.

· This resolution, per Article 6-103 of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, ratifies

these emergency procurements and appropriates $125,000 of County Bridge Tax


16-0566 Grass Lake Road and Kenosha Road Culvert Contract.pdf

16-0566 Grass Lake Road and Kenosha Road Culverts Emergency Declaration Memo 10 30 2015.pdf


7.17 16-0567

Joint resolution appropriating $600,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds for

the acquisition of necessary right-of-way, by agreement or condemnation, and other

right-of-way costs associated with the improvement of Cedar Lake Road, from Illinois

Route 120 to Nippersink Road, and designated as Section 08-00065-02-RS.

· Cedar Lake Road, from Illinois Route 120 to Nippersink Road, Reconstruction;

Right-of-Way Acquisition: Appropriation with Condemnation Authority.

· Preliminary plans and specifications for this improvement have been prepared.

· Before right-of-way acquisitions can proceed, appropriation and condemnation authority

are necessary.

7.18 16-0570

Joint resolution appropriating a supplemental amount of $350,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for

Transportation funds for the acquisition of necessary right-of-way, by agreement or

condemnation, and other right-of-way costs associated with the improvement to the

intersection of Hart Road, at U.S. Route 14, and designated as Section


· Hart Road, at U.S. Route 14, Intersection Improvement; Right-of-Way Acquisition:

Supplemental Appropriation with Condemnation Authority.

· The project scope changed: 1) the retaining wall was removed from the project; and 2)

a multi-use path was added.

· This County Board at its meeting of June 10, 2014, approved an appropriation of

$400,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds for right-of-way acquisition.

· The County has been allocated federal Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) funds

to improve this intersection, and the County will receive 80 percent reimbursement of

the costs of the right-of-way, with a maximum reimbursement of $599,900.

· This resolution appropriates $350,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds.

7.19 16-0573

Joint committee action item approving Change Order No. 2 consisting of an increase of

$1,662.50 for additions to the Various Culvert Linings Construction Contract, and

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designated as Section No. 14-00999-06-DR.

· 2015 Culvert Replacement: LCDOT Change Order No. 2.

· Change orders need to be approved by the standing committees for cumulative net

increases over 10 percent.

· The 2015 Culvert Replacement project is under contract with Hoerr Construction Inc.,

in the amount of $152,530.

· The additional funds are necessary as the culvert lengths were determined to be

slightly longer in the field than were estimated.

· Previously approved change order added a culvert lining under Cedar Lake Road.

Attachments: 16-0573 2015 Culvert Replacement Change Order No 2.pdf

7.20 16-0586

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with Bollinger, Lach & Associates Inc.,

Itasca, Illinois, for Phase II design engineering services for the intersection

improvement of Miller Road, at U.S. Route 12, for a maximum cost of services

described as $292,165.67, appropriating $355,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation

funds, and designated as Section 15-00118-12-CH.

· Miller Road, at U,S, Route 12, Intersection Improvement: Consultant Agreement and


· Miller Road, at the intersection of U.S. Route 12, will be improved by adding left turn

lanes and traffic signal modifications.

· A consulting engineering firm will be employed to provide Phase II design engineering


· Using the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, the selected, and

recommended, consultant is Bollinger, Lach & Associates Inc., Itasca, Illinois, at a

maximum cost of services of $292,165.67.

· This resolution authorizes an agreement with Bollinger, Lach & Associates Inc., Itasca,

Illinois, and appropriates $355,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds for these

engineering services.

Attachments: 16-0586 Miller Road at US 12 Phase II Consultant Agreement Draft.pdf

7.21 16-0587

Joint resolution appropriating $625,000 of County Bridge Tax funds for the

replacement of the culvert under Casmir Pulaski Drive at the Skokie River, and

designated as Section 14-00196-09-DR.

· Casmir Pulaski Drive Culvert Replacement: Appropriation.

· The culvert under Casmir Pulaski Drive at the Skokie River is in need of replacement.

· Before a project letting can be held, an appropriation of $625,000 of County Bridge Tax

funds is necessary.

7.22 16-0588

Joint resolution appropriating $535,000 of County Bridge Tax funds for the repair of

bike path bridges on the Robert McClory Bike Path, over Russell Road and Illinois

Route 173, and designated as Section 16-00173-14-BR.

· Robert McClory Bike Path Bridge Abutments: Construction Appropriation.

· The bike path bridge abutments on the Robert McClory Bike Path, over Russell Road

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and Illinois Route 173, are in need of repair.

· Before a project letting can be held, an appropriation of $535,000 of County Bridge Tax

funds is necessary.

7.23 16-0589

Joint resolution appropriating $120,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds for

the acquisition of necessary right-of-way, by agreement or condemnation, and other

right-of-way costs associated with the intersection improvement of Wilson Road at

Nippersink Road, and designated as Section 03-00070-06-CH.

· Wilson Road at Nippersink Road, Intersection Improvement; Right-of-Way Acquisition:

Appropriation with Condemnation Authority.

· Preliminary plans and specifications for this improvement have been prepared.

· Before right-of-way acquisitions can proceed, appropriation and condemnation authority

are necessary.

· This resolution appropriates $120,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds.

7.24 16-0562

Joint resolution providing for the receipt of a maximum of $200,000 reimbursement of

Unified Work Program (UWP) federal planning funds from the Chicago Metropolitan

Agency for Planning (CMAP), to the Lake County Division of Transportation (LCDOT)

for the Paratransit Market Study, appropriating $250,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for

Transportation funds, and designated as Section 16-00280-05-ES.

· CMAP Unified Work Program (UWP) Funding Agreement and Appropriation.

· LCDOT will conduct a Countywide Paratransit Market Analysis Study utilizing a


· CMAP will reimburse LCDOT 80 percent of the project cost using UWP federal

planning funds.

· The estimated project cost is $250,000, with a maximum reimbursement of $200,000.

· The Public Works and Transportation Committee, at its February 3, 2016 meeting,

approved an application to CMAP for a UWP grant for transportation planning for

Countywide paratransit options related to the Transit component of the Lake County

2040 Transportation Plan.

Attachments: 16-0562 CMAP Unified Work Program Funding Agreement Draft.pdf

7.25 16-0561

Joint resolution providing for the receipt of $160,691.47, which is the state fiscal year

(SFY) 2017 reimbursement from the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning

(CMAP), to the Lake County Division of Transportation (LCDOT), of federal highway

planning assistance funds that flow through the Illinois Department of Transportation


· SFY 2017 Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) Planning Liaison


· Planning liaison funds are distributed yearly from the Federal Highway Administration to

IDOT and then to CMAP.

· These funds help support transportation planning provided by LCDOT and the Lake

County CMAP Council of Mayors, i.e., LCDOT staff positions.

· In SFY 2017, which begins July 1, 2016, the allocation to LCDOT will be $160,691.47 to

cover the workload that CMAP describes in its agreement.

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Attachments: 16-0561 FY17 CMAP Planning Liaison Contract Draft.pdf

7.26 16-0511

Ordinance providing for the establishment of an altered speed zone of 45 miles per

hour (M.P.H.), currently posted as 55 M.P.H on Deep Lake Road, County Highway 36,

from North Avenue to the State Line, located in Antioch Township, in conformity with

Chapter 625 - Section 5/11-604 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes.

· County Speed Zone Ordinance: Deep Lake Road, County Highway 36, in Antioch


· Ordinance is required to establish speed zones.

· The speed study was recommended by the Lake County Division of Transportation and

has been completed.

7.27 16-0512

Ordinance providing for the establishment of an altered speed zone of 40 miles per

hour (M.P.H.), currently posted 45 M.P.H. on Gilmer Road, County Highway 26, from a

point 200 feet north of Cardinal Drive to a point 450 feet south of Indian Creek Road,

located in Fremont Township, in conformity with Chapter 625 - Section 5/11-604 of the

Illinois Compiled Statutes.

· County Speed Zone Ordinance: Gilmer Road, County Highway 26, in Fremont


· Ordinance is required to establish speed zones.

· The speed study was recommended by the Lake County Division of Transportation and

has been completed.

7.28 16-0515

Presentation of the Draft Five Year Program.

7.29 16-0028

Director’s Report - Transportation.


7.30 16-0576

Joint resolution requesting an extension of the existing Delegation Agreement between

the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) and Lake County for the solid

waste management site inspection and enforcement program.

· On February 9, 1993, the County Board authorized the execution of a Delegation

Agreement with the IEPA for a solid waste management site inspection and

enforcement program.

· The Delegation Agreement has been renewed six times and the current agreement is

set to expire June 30, 2016.

· IEPA just recently provided the County with a revised Delegation Agreement,

referred to as an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA), for a five year period,

set to expire on June 30, 2021.

· The process to review, provide comments and collaborate with the IEPA, on

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the IGA, surpassed the timeframe to bring it to County Committees and the

County Board Meeting on June 14, 2016.

· The IEPA will allow for a request to extend the current Delegation Agreement

to July 31, 2016. This resolution accomplishes that extension.

8. Executive Session

9. County Administrator's Report

10. Adjournment

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