
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Abernathy: Voters tired of 'games,' ready for new leadership


Voters have been voicing their opinions to Dawn Abernathy, Republican candidate for House District 59, and they are "tired."

They want new leadership and for their voices to be heard.

Dawn Abernathy | Contributed photo

They want true representation.

“In the last two weeks, we have heard from the voters that they are tired of the Mike Madigan games,” Abernathy said to the Lake County Gazette. “Republicans and Democrats alike. They want new representation, and they want new leadership in the House. They are happy with the stopgap budget, but they want a real budget. This is a Band-Aid, but it doesn’t solve any of the problems we are facing in Illinois.”

The stopgap budget, passed last month with the support of Gov. Bruce Rauner and Democratic Assembly leaders, provides a temporary reprieve from the budget crisis facing the state. It will fund education and vital services until December; however, it is not a permanent solution.

Abernathy said this stopgap was passed due to the persistence of Rauner and Republicans in Springfield fighting for families.

“Gov. Rauner and the Republicans (in the Assembly) weren’t going to punish families with school-age children (due to) the big government ruling class’ unwillingness to balance state spending with revenue,” Abernathy said. “But I will, and they (Republicans) will continue to fight those who want the “same old politics” in Springfield.”

Abernathy directs contempt at her opponent, Carol Sente, and Sente’s inability to pass beneficial reforms. Abernathy said that given the years of reckless spending by Sente and the Democrats, Illinois cannot continue much longer or return to prosperity if Sente and her party are allowed to continue opposing reasonable reforms.

Reckless spending has been a major sore spot for voters and Abernathy. Many voters have said the state should be financially sound, but faces its current fiscal crisis due to mismanagement of funds and spending.

Abernathy concurs with that assessment, stating that tax revenue is not the problem and won’t be the solution. The problems are the leadership.

“Illinois’ perennial crises stem from Democrats’ -- including Carol Sente -- persistent overspending and misplaced spending priorities," Abernathy said. "The 2016 budget gridlock is the culmination of years of fiscal mismanagement under the leadership of Speaker Mike Madigan, who has been aided and abetted by Carol Sente.”

Abernathy said the tax hikes placed on voters didn't put a dent in the state’s financial burden.

“Record tax hikes in 2011-2014 did nothing to solve Illinois’ fiscal crisis or fund social services,” Abernathy said. “Instead, the additional tax revenue went to government-worker pay and benefits. Politicians doubled payments to pensions for four years, while funding for K-12 and higher education actually fell by nearly 10 percent.”

Abernathy calls for accountability from Assembly leaders. Such calls currently are being directed at the state’s auditor general, Frank Mautino, who is facing an investigation from the Illinois State Board of Elections over spending irregularities from his now-inactive campaign fund.

Abernathy said Mautino’s position requires political objectivity, and demands a personal record that is fully vetted and compliant with all laws to ensure the highest level of trust.

Mautino has broken that trust, Abernathy said, and she is not alone in that belief. A resolution co-sponsored by 20 GOP lawmakers seeks to remove Mautino from office.

“Frank Mautino refuses to answer even the most basic questions about his campaign spending,” Abernahty said in a press release. “I call on Frank Mautino to resign from the office of auditor general.”

Abernathy calls for new leadership who will represent the voice of family and responsibility. House Speaker Mike Madigan (D-Dist. 22), Sente and Mautino are not the kind of leadership Illinois needs, Abernathy said.

“We need new independent leadership in Springfield,” Abernathy said. “Carol Sente has had the opportunity to stand up for our families and bring accountability to Springfield for seven years. Instead, she stood with Mike Madigan and voted to give Madigan’s top lieutenant a 10-year job with a guaranteed salary of $152,000. Now, even with a federal investigation into Mautino’s campaign spending, my opponent refuses to act.”

Abernathy asserts that every time there has been an opportunity to demonstrate independent leadership, Sente has fallen in line and protected the party. Abernathy refuses to let this continue to happen.

Abernathy concludes that she will take on Springfield and fight for the interests of the people rather than the interests of politicians.

“I am going to Springfield to take on the political system that is aligned against our interests,” Abernathy said in the press release. “That means removing, from government, individuals who have proven that they view the state as their personal piggy bank rather than a compassionate provider of government services.”