
Lake County Gazette

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Libertyville Parking Commission discusses parking-garage project

Meeting 09

At a recent meeting, the Libertyville Parking Commission reviewed the status of the Church Street parking garage project.

Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the commission.


Parking Commission July 19, 2016


The Libertyville Parking Commission met at 10:05 a.m. on Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at Village Hall. Those in attendance included Commission members Bob Bleck, Todd Gaines, MJ Seiler, and Pam Hume. Also in attendance were Village Administrator Kevin J. Bowens, Public Works Director Paul Kendzior, Police Chief Clint Herdegen, and Economic Development Coordinator Heather Rowe.

Commission member Gaines moved and Commission member Hume seconded to approve the minutes of the June 21, 2016 meeting. Motion carried unanimously

Police Chief Herdegen reviewed the Downtown District Parking Violation Activity Report for the month of June 2016. Commissioner Seiler asked if the Chief could break down the violations in the parking garage to indicate which are commuters, employees, or shoppers. The Police Chief indicated he would attempt to obtain that information, and may invite the Community Service Officer to attend the next Parking Commission meeting. Commissioner Hume noted that MainStreet Libertyville is looking to cancel the Out to Lunch shuttlebus effective Friday, July 22, 2016, due to a lack of utilization.

Administrator Bowens briefly reviewed the status of the Church Street parking garage, and indicated that the Village and First Presbyterian Church are close on finalizing a real estate agreement for the Maple Street access drive, along with a letter of understanding on restoration of the Church parking lot if utilized by Walsh Construction Company. Administrator Bowens indicated that Walker Parking Consultants completed the plans for the widening and reconstruction of the Maple Street access drive, and Staff is awaiting a cost proposal from Walsh Construction Company, Public Works Director Kendzior briefly reviewed the status of construction activities, noting that Walsh has completed all of the underground utility work and is now in the process of pouring the footings and foundations. Public Works Director Kendzior indicated that the project is on schedule at this point.

Local property owner Jim Engdahl was in attendance to discuss his request to convert the two hour parking spaces adjacent to his building at the northwest corner of Milwaukee Avenue and Lake Street from two hour time zones to 30 minute time zones. The Commission discussed the request and Commissioner Seiler moved and Commissioner Gaines seconded to convert one two-hour space on Milwaukee Avenue (closest to the American Legion building (to 30 minutes, and one space on Lake Street (immediately west of the 15 minute time zone spaces (subject to

review over the next several months. Commissioner’s Bleck, Seiler, and Gaines voted yes, and Commissioner Hume voted no, and the motion carried.

Lee Kuebler of Milwa?ky Trace and Milwalky Taco was in attendance to discuss the condition of the Community garbage dumpsters behind his property. Mr. Kuebler indicated he has been working with Village Staff, and there continues to be problems with grease, linens, and garbage. Mr. Kuebler suggested that the gates to the dumpsters be locked and each business provided a key, and that a camera be installed to determine those businesses that are not taking care of the dumpster facility. Administrator Bowens indicated that the Village Staff has been working on the problem, has ticketed several restaurants, and is working with Manchester Square to move the grease containers and linen containers out of the dumpster area to create more room. Mr. Kuebler indicated he would talk with the other businesses to manage the grease containers, and Village Staff will continue to work with the property owners on addressing the condition of the dumpsters.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kevin J. Bowens Village Administrator