
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Lake County considers upgrades to emergency response vehicle


The Lake County Public Works and Transportation Committee met Oct. 5 to consider upgrading the emergency response vehicle. | File photo

The Lake County Public Works and Transportation Committee met Oct. 5 to consider upgrading the emergency response vehicle. | File photo

The Lake County Public Works and Transportation Committee met Oct. 5 to consider upgrading the emergency response vehicle.

The Lake County Public Works and Transportation Committee is responsible for the county’s transportation, water districts and sanitary districts. Meetings are typically held at 8:30 a.m. on the two Wednesdays preceding the County Board meeting.

Here's the meeting's agenda, as provided by the county:

Lake County Illinois

Lake County Courthouse and Administrative Complex 18 N. County Street Waukegan, IL 60085-4351

Agenda Report - Final

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

8:30 AM

Assembly Room, 10th Floor

Public Works and Transportation Committee

October Public Works and Transportation 5, 2016 Committee

Agenda Report - Final

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Approval of Minutes

4. Added to Agenda

5. Public Comment

6. Old Business

7. New Business


7.1 16-0942

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Sauber Manufacture of Virgil, Illinois, to procure the outfitting of a customized emergency response vehicle for Lake County Public Works in the amount of $123,534.

• Public Works currently owns an emergency response vehicle. The interior of the chassis now requires outfitting with equipment including an air compressor, hydraulic power unit, on-board generator, and miscellaneous cabinetry supplied by a specialty contractor.

• In July 2016, Lake County Purchasing issued a bid for the purchase of a chassis for the water and sewer emergency response vehicle for Public Works.

• An invitation for bid was sent to nine vendors and the County received one responsive bid in the amount of $123,534.

• Lake County Public Works has contacted multiple governmental agencies that have procured similar trucks and determined that Sauber Manufacture has a successful history of outfitting these types of vehicles.

• Pursuant to Article 6, Section 102, the Purchasing Agent convened an ad hoc review group that approved a bid exemption on the basis that Sauber Manufacture is the only source that provides outfitting of this type of customized emergency response vehicle.

7.2 16-0938

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Berger Excavating Contactors Inc. of Wauconda, Illinois, in the amount of $1,530,150 for the East Main Force Main Project.

• The East Main Force Main is a 5,500-foot-long, 30-inch diameter, reinforced concrete pipe originally constructed in 1979.

• A televised inspection identified significant deterioration of the pipe at three locations and requires refurbishment and repair of necessary sections.

• This project will include the installation of three vaults to provide access to the interior of the pipe for spray lining of 1,400 lineal feet to accomplish the repairs and extend the service life of this force main.

• The County received bids from three contractors, ranging from $1,530,150 to $1,952,600, and award of this contract is recommended to the lowest responsive responsible bidder, Berger Excavating Contractors Inc. in the amount of $1,530,150.

• Berger Excavating Contractors Inc. has performed similar projects for the County and their performance has been excellent.

Attachments: 16-0938 E Main Repairs Bid Tab 7.3 16-0939

Joint resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement with Donohue & Associates Inc. of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, in the amount of $161,700 for design engineering and construction engineering services for the Mill Creek Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) Process Improvements Project.

• The Mill Creek WRF is a regional wastewater treatment plant that provides services for the Northeast Lake Facilities Planning Area.

• This project requires engineering services for design of biological nutrient removal process improvements to meet proposed phosphorus and nitrogen removal criteria established by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA).

• The project also includes revisions to the electrical system so that key treatment processes can be automatically powered by the existing generator in the event of power loss.

• Base on utilization of the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, the qualified and recommended firm is Donohue & Associates Inc. of Sheboygan, Wisconsin.

• This resolution authorizes the execution of a professional services agreement with Donohue & Associates Inc. of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, in the amount of $161,700.

Attachments: 16-0939 Mill Creek Engineering Service Contract - PW2014.092 7.4 16-0944

Ordinance amending water and sanitary sewer related rates and fees for certain Lake County systems.

• Chapter 51 of the Lake County Code of Ordinances establishes all water and sewer user rates, connection fees and additional charges for use of the County’s water and sewer systems. The Ordinance is revised periodically to modify rates and fees, as necessary.

• Amendments are needed to modify the Arden Shores water rate and clarify several connection fee amounts.

• The Ordinance reflects an increase in the hourly charge for force account work by Public Works staff from $60 to $65, during regular business hours, and from $90 to $100, for overtime, in accordance with a recently completed cost account analysis.

• Laboratory Fees were revised to align the Public Works Lab fees with the Health Department Lab fee charges.

• Revised user fees and connection fees will become effective December 1, 2016.

Attachments: 16-0944 Exhibit A Rate Ordinance.pdf 7.5 16-0940

Joint resolution ratifying an emergency procurement with Chicagoland Paving Contractors Inc. of Lake Zurich, Illinois, in the amount of $9,900 for emergency repairs to the pavement along Gages Lake Road damaged as a result of a water main break.

• Public Works owns and operates water mains serving diverse communities throughout the County.

• Some of these water mains are located under paved roadways and require repairs, from time to time.

• A water main break occurred under Gages Lake Road on June 16, 2016.

• Public Works was notified about buckling in the road and a large amount of water loss at that location and immediately mobilized its utility crew to repair the main break.

• Chicagoland Paving Contractors, currently under contract for asphalt patching work with Lake County Public Works, was selected to perform the emergency pavement repairs.

• Pavement repairs were completed and an emergency procurement was authorized at that time for a majority of the repairs.

• Further pavement repair work was necessary to meet the paving standards of the County’s Division of Transportation.

• Public Works and the Division of Transportation worked collaboratively to reduce the additional expense of striping the roadway after completion of the patching repairs.

• Pursuant to the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance emergency procurements are made when there exists a threat to public health, welfare, or safety, or to prevent or minimize serious disruption of governmental services.

• Pursuant to Article 6, Section 103, the Director of Public Works has submitted a written determination of the basis for the emergency and the certification that the selection of the contractor was appropriate.

Attachments: 16-0940 Emergency Repair Gages Lake Rd Patch 7.6 16-0943

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Joseph J. Henderson & Son Inc. of Gurnee, Illinois, in the amount of $862,000 for the construction of the Vernon Hills New Century Town (NCT) Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) Phase 1 - 2016 Improvements Project.

• The Vernon Hills NCT WRF is a major treatment plant that provides service to the Village of Vernon Hills and unincorporated portions of Southeast Central Lake County.

• Repair or replacement of major equipment is necessary including the rehabilitation of 3 sludge presses, aeration piping improvements, gas detection equipment replacement and other miscellaneous repairs and improvements.

• An invitation to bid was extended to multiple contractors, eight bidders registered for the bid documents and responses were received from three contractors, ranging from $862,000 to $1,169,000.

• Award of this contract is recommended to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Joseph J Henderson Inc., in the amount of $862,000.

Attachments: 16-0943 Vernon Hills NCT JJ Henderson Bid Tab 7.7 16-0040

Director’s Report - Public Works.


7.8 16-0914

Joint resolution appropriating $360,000 of 1?4% Sales Tax for Transportation funds for the acquisition of necessary right-of-way, by agreement or condemnation, and other right-of-way costs associated with the improvement of Old McHenry Road, in downtown Long Grove, and designated as Section 11-00083-09-RS.

• Old McHenry Road in Downtown Long Grove, Reconstruction; Right-of-Way Acquisition: Appropriation with Condemnation Authority.

• Preliminary plans and specifications for this improvement have been prepared.

• Before right-of-way acquisitions can proceed, appropriation and condemnation authority are necessary.

7.9 16-0916

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with RS&H Inc., of St. Charles, Illinois, for Phase II design engineering services for the intersection improvement of Wadsworth Road at Lewis Avenue, at a maximum cost of $498,506.90, appropriating $600,000 of 1?4% Sales Tax for Transportation funds, and designated as Section 13-00055-06-WR.

• Wadsworth Road at Lewis Avenue; Phase II: Consultant Agreement and Appropriation.

• Phase II design engineering services are needed to develop plans and specifications for the intersection improvement of Wadsworth Road at Lewis Avenue.

• A consultant will be utilized to undertake Phase II design engineering services.

• In accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, the recommended firm is RS&H Inc., of St. Charles, Illinois, with a maximum cost of $498,506.90.

Attachments: 16-0916 Wadsworth Road at Lewis Ave Phase II Consultant Agreement Draft.pdf 7.10 16-0912 Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with Alfred Benesch & Company Inc., of Chicago, Illinois, for Phase II design engineering services for the intersection improvement of Illinois Route 59 at Grand Avenue in the Village of Fox Lake, at a maximum cost of $739,049, appropriating $890,000 of 1?4% Sales Tax for Transportation funds, and designated as Section 10-00279-01-CH.

• Illinois Route 59 at Grand Avenue; Phase II: Consultant Agreement and Appropriation.

• Phase II design engineering services are needed to develop plans and specifications for the intersection improvement of Illinois Route 59 at Grand Avenue in the Village of Fox Lake.

• A consultant will be utilized to undertake Phase II design engineering services.

• In accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, the recommended firm is Alfred Benesch & Company Inc., of Chicago, Illinois, with a maximum cost of $739,049.

Attachments: 16-0912 Illinois 59 at Grand Avenue Phase II Consultant Agreement Draft.pdf 7.11 16-0910 Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with Crawford, Murphy & Tilly Inc. of Aurora, Illinois, for Phase I preliminary engineering services for the realignment of Cedar Lake Road, from Nippersink to Hart Road, in the Village of Round Lake, at a maximum cost of $766,445.83, appropriating $920,000 of 1?4% Sales Tax for Transportation funds, and designated as Section 02-00065-01-FP.

• Cedar Lake Road Realignment, from Nippersink Road to Hart Road; Phase I: Consultant Agreement and Appropriation.

• A study is needed to determine the preferred realignment of Cedar Lake Road through downtown Round Lake.

• A consultant will be utilized to undertake Phase I preliminary engineering services.

• In accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, the recommended firm is Crawford, Murphy & Tilly Inc. of Aurora, Illinois, with a maximum cost of $766,445.83.

Attachments: 16-0910 Cedar Lake Road Realignment Consultant Agreement Draft.pdf 7.12 16-0908 Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Parsons Transportation Group Inc. of Schaumburg, Illinois, for professional engineering services for the provision of traffic signal system enhancements for Lake County PASSAGE at a maximum cost of services described of $1,675,000, appropriating $2,010,000 of the 1?4% Sales Tax for Transportation funds, and designated as Section 16-00268-15-TL.

• Lake County ITS PASSAGE System Integration 2016, Design and Integration Services: Consultant Agreement and Appropriation.

• The System Integration work for Lake County PASSAGE will continue to enhance the current system, design and integrate field communication devices, maintain system components in the Traffic Management Center (TMC) and in the field, adjust traffic signal timing, and provide data collection and analysis.

• A consultant will be utilized to undertake the System Integration work for Lake County PASSAGE.

• Lake County PASSAGE is currently connected to 578 traffic signals and 356 traffic monitoring cameras.

• In accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, the recommended firm is Parsons Transportation Group Inc. of Schaumburg, Illinois, with a maximum cost of $1,675,000.

Attachments: 16-0908 ITS PASSAGE 2016 Agreement Draft.pdf 7.13 16-0915

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates Inc. of Portland, Oregon, for the Lake County Paratransit Market Analysis Study, at a maximum cost of $142,066, and designated as Section 16-00280-05-ES.

• Lake County Paratransit Market Analysis Study: Consultant Agreement.

• A study is needed to determine transportation options for the mobility challenged and to prepare an implementation plan.

• A consultant will be utilized to undertake the Lake County Paratransit Market Analysis Study.

• In accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, the recommended firm is Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates Inc. of Portland, Oregon, with a maximum cost of $142,066.

• This County Board, at its meeting of June 14, 2016, authorized an agreement with Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) for the reimbursement receipt of the Unified Work Program (UWP) federal planning funds and appropriated $250,000 of 1?4% Sales Tax for Transportation funds for this study.

Attachments: 16-0915 Paratransit Market Analysis Study Agreement Draft.pdf Lake County Illinois Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with Alfred Benesch & Company Inc. of Chicago, Illinois, at a maximum cost of $84,758.53, for revisions to the “Lake County Highway Access Regulation Ordinance”, Chapter 90 of the Lake County, Illinois Code of Ordinances (Access Ordinance) and the “Lake County Highway Temporary Closure and Utility and Facility Placement Ordinance”, Chapter 91 of the Lake County, Illinois Code of Ordinances (Utility Ordinance), appropriating $105,000 of 1?4% Sales Tax for Transportation funds, and designated as Section 16-00999-24-ES.

• Lake County Code of Ordinance, Chapters 90 and 91 Revisions: Consultant Agreement and Appropriation.

• Revisions to the “Lake County Highway Access Regulation Ordinance”, Chapter 90 of the Lake County, Illinois Code of Ordinances (Access Ordinance) and the “Lake County Highway Temporary Closure and Utility and Facility Placement Ordinance”, Chapter 91 of the Lake County, Illinois Code of Ordinances (Utility Ordinance) are needed.

• The scope of work will also include development of a Technical Reference Manual that will identify processes, technical requirements and standards for submittals required under the consolidated ordinance, as well as stakeholder outreach and public involvement throughout the ordinance revision and consolidation process.

• A consultant will be utilized to undertake this project.

• In accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, the recommended firm is Alfred Benesch & Company Inc., Chicago, Illinois, with a maximum cost of $84,758.53.

• This resolution appropriates $105,000 of 1?4% Sales Tax for Transportation funds for this project.

Attachments: 16-0911 LCDOT Ordinance Consultant Contract Draft.pdf 7.15 16-0913

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with the Village of Round Lake for the resurfacing of Nippersink Road/Cedar Lake Road in the Village of Round Lake, appropriating $345,000 of 1?4% Sales Tax for Transportation funds, and designated as Section 08-00065-02-RS.

• Nippersink Road/Cedar Lake Road Resurfacing: Village of Round Lake Agreement and Appropriation.

• The Village of Round Lake will be the lead on the resurfacing of Nippersink Road/Cedar Lake Road in the Village of Round Lake.

• The County will reimburse the Village for work done on the County jurisdiction portion, estimated to be $285,974.

• The County will use $300,000 received from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) when Cedar Lake Road was jurisdictionally transferred to Lake County in 2012.

• This resolution authorizes an agreement with the Village of Round Lake, and appropriates $345,000 of 1?4% Sales Tax for Transportation funds for this improvement.

• The Village approved that agreement on September 19, 2016.

Attachments: 16-0913 Cedar Lake Road Village of Round Lake Agreement Draft.pdf Lake County Illinois Joint resolution authorizing an intergovernmental and license agreement with the Lake County Forest Preserve District (LCFPD) stating the terms and conditions for the construction and maintenance of the Buffalo Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank, and designated as Section 01-00000-00-ES.

• Buffalo Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank: LCFPD Intergovernmental and License Agreement.

• It is necessary to mitigate for impacts to wetlands caused by the construction of improvements to designated routes on the County highway system.

• The use of a wetland mitigation bank is an environmentally appropriate and cost effective way of handling the mitigation of said minor wetland impacts.

• Lake County will construct, establish and administer a wetland bank on the Buffalo Creek Forest Preserve property.

• The LCFPD will maintain the wetland bank, with reimbursement from Lake County.

• This County Board, at its meeting of August 9, 2016, appropriated $2,285,000 of County Bridge Tax funds for the construction of the Buffalo Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank.

• The resolution authorizing an agreement with the LCFPD identifies the terms and conditions for the construction and maintenance of the Buffalo Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank and the construction of a trail on LCFPD property.

Attachments: 16-0918 Buffalo Creek LCFPD Agreement Draft.pdf 7.17 16-0917

Joint committee action item approving Change Order No. 1 consisting of an increase of $39,652.19 for additions to the Warren Township Resurfacing Contract, and designated as Section 16-14149-01-GM.

• Warren Township Motor Fuel Tax Resurfacing Project: Change Order No. 1.

• Change Orders need to be approved by the standing committees for cumulative net increases over 10 percent.

• Warren Township project is under contract with Peter Baker & Son Co. in the amount of $91,000.29.

• Warren Township added an additional 986 feet of curb replacement to the project, adding additional cost to the contract.

• 100 percent of the additional cost was paid by Warren Township from their general fund.

Attachments: 16-0917 Warren Township Change Order 1.pdf 7.18 16-0883

Ordinance extending the existing 35 miles per hour (M.P.H.) speed zone on Lewis Avenue, County Highway 27, from Edgewood Road, to a point 1,300 feet north of Edgewood Road, located in the City of Waukegan, Illinois, in conformity with Chapter 625 - Section 5/11-604 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes.

• County Speed Zone Ordinance: Lewis Avenue, County Highway 27, in the City of Waukegan.

• An ordinance is required to extend current speed zone.

• The necessary speed studies have been undertaken as part of the Lake County

Division of Transportation’s standard review process.

7.19 16-0909

Committee action approving the Fall 2016 Adopt-A-Highway Program.

• Adopt-A-Highway Program; Fall 2016 Application Cycle: Approval.

• In accordance with the Lake County Adopt-A-Highway Ordinance, applications have been received for the Fall 2016 application period.

• The Public Works and Transportation Committee must approve the allocation of roadway segments and the posted names for volunteer groups that have applied.

• A staff report is provided on the applications received and recommendations for allocation.

Attachments: AAH Fall 2016 Staff Report.pdf 7.20 16-0028

Director’s Report - Transportation.

8. Executive Session

9. County Administrator's Report

9.1 16-0957

Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency (CLCJAWA) 907 Rule.

10. Adjournment