
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Libertyville Plan Commission re-zones 2.8 acres

Webp meeting41

The Libertyville Plan Commission/ Zoning Board of Appeals met Oct. 10 to re-zone approximately 2.8 acres of land.

Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the board:





Monday, October 10, 2016

7:05 p.m.

Call to Order: Roll Call.

Approval of the Minutes of: September 12, 2016.

Old Business:

127, 131, and 201 S. Stewart Avenue

DRH Cambridge Homes Inc., Applicant

PC 16-06

This item will be continued to the Monday, October 24, 2016,

Plan Commission meeting.

1600 W. Park Avenue

Conventual Franciscan Friars of Marytown,


PC 16-27 and PC 16-28

Amendment to Section 11, Figure 11-5, of the Libertyville

Zoning Code in order to expand the Overlay District for

Electronic Message Board Signs for property located in an IB,

Institutional Buildings District. [PC 16-27]

Special Use Permit for an Electronic Message Board Sign for

property located in an IB, Institutional Buildings District. [PC


600 N. US Highway 45

Valent BioSciences Corporation, Applicant

PC 16-29

This item will be continued to the Monday, November 28,

2016, Plan Commission meeting.

New Business:

400 W. Lake Street

SA Station Square LLC, Applicant

PC 16-31, PC 16-32, PC 16-33, and

PC 16-34

Map Amendment to re-zone approximately 2.8 acres of land

from C-1, Downtown Core Commercial District and R-6,

Single Family Residential District to R-8, Multiple Family

Residential District in order construct a residential development

on approximately 11 acres of land currently located in a C-1,

Downtown Core Commercial District and R-6, Single Family

Residential District. [PC 16-31]

Special Use Permit for a Planned Development in order

construct a residential development on approximately 11 acres

of land currently located in a C-1, Downtown Core Commercial

District and R-6, Single Family Residential District. [PC 16-32]

Planned Development Concept Plan in order construct a

residential development on approximately 11 acres of land

currently located in a C-1, Downtown Core Commercial

District and R-6, Single Family Residential District. [PC 16-33]

Preliminary Plat of Subdivision in order construct a

residential development on approximately 11 acres of land

currently located in a C-1, Downtown Core Commercial

District and R-6, Single Family Residential District. [PC 16-34]

October 10, 2016, Plan Commission Agenda

Page 2 of 2

175 W. Peterson Road

N3 Property Advisors, LLC, Applicant

PC 16-35 and PC 16-39

These items will be continued to the Monday, October 24,

2016, Plan Commission meeting.

160 W. Rockland Road

Libertyville School District 70, Applicant

PC 16-37 and PC 16-38

Special Use Permit for a Planned Development in order to

construct building additions, parking lot, and other site

improvements to the Rockland Elementary School located in

an IB, Institutional Buildings District. [PC 16-37]

Planned Development Concept Plan in order to construct

building additions, parking lot, and other site improvements to

the Rockland Elementary School located in an IB, Institutional

Buildings District. [PC 16-38]

Communications and Discussion: Items not on the Agenda (5 minutes for each Item).



Any individual who would like to attend this meeting, but because of a disability

needs some accommodation to participate, should contact the

ADA Coordinator at 118 West Cook Avenue, Libertyville, Illinois 60048 (847) 362-2430.

Assistive listening devices are available.