
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

LIbertyville police committeee presents newly hired police officers status

Webp police 09

The LIbertyville Fire and Police Committee met April 19 to present the status of newly hired police officers.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the committee:



April 19, 2016 7:00 p.m.


. Approve July 21, 2015 Minutes

. Fire Department Updates

. Police Department Updates

. Other



July 2, 2015


A meeting of the Libertyville Fire and Police Committee was held on Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 6:40 p.m. at the Libertyville Village Hall, Those in attendance included Chairperson/Mayor Terry Weppler and Committee Members Trustee Todd Gaines. Also in attendance were Village Trustee Rich Moras, Village Administrator Kevin J. Bowens, Deputy Village Administrator Kelly Amidei, Police Chief Clint Herdegen, and Fire Chief Rich Carani.

Trustee Gaines moved and Mayor Weppler seconded to approve the minutes of the April 21, 205 Fire and Police Committee meeting. Motion carried unanimously,

Fire Chief Carani reviewed a memorandum regarding a number of Fire Department issues, including the status of the Knollwood Fire Department ambulance service, plan review services for Knollwood, insurance service offices (ISO) recent inspection, award of a $16,546 grant from FEMA, and the hiring of a new Firefighter to fill the opening created by the recent retirement of Tom McDermitt. The Fire Chief also discussed the reorganization of the Lake County Specialized Response Teams, which he believes would be a positive change.

Police Chief Herdegen reviewed a memorandum on a number of Police Department issues, including an update to the Police eligibility entry-level testing process later this fall, status of the newly hired Police Officers, and detailed information regarding the STARRCOMM radio project, and impact of recent ETSB legislation. The Police Chief indicated that the Staff is moving forward with other members of the radio network to the STARRCOMM Statewide Radio Network, and anticipates an agreement will appear on a Village Board agenda in August with no payment required until May 1, 2016. The Police Chief indicated that the Staff should be able to utilize reserves from the radio system as well as the balance in the Libertyville ETSB for the purchase of the radio equipment. The Police Chief and Fire Chief also discussed the impact of the recent Illinois legislation regarding the surcharge and consolidation of 91 service and dispatch centers. The chiefs will be working with Vernon Hills and other area communities on intergovernmental Agreements to phase out the Libertyville ETSB and create a new consolidated ETSB, Mayor Weppler indicated that he wants to make sure the Village maintains the prorated share of 911 surcharge money generated in the Village of Libertyville.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kevin J. Bowens Village Administrator