
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Lincolnshire Village Board approves property and liability insurance policy

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Lincolnshire Village Board met Monday, Dec. 12.

Here are the minutes as provided by Lincolnshire:

2.1 MINUTES REGULAR VILLAGE BOARD MEETING Monday, December 12, 2016 Present: Mayor Brandt Trustee Feldman Trustee Grujanac Trustee Hancock Trustee McDonough Trustee Servi Trustee Leider Village Clerk Mastandrea Village Attorney Simon Village Manager Burke Chief of Police Leonas Public Works Director Woodbury Village Treasurer/Finance Director Peterson Assistant Village Manager/Community & Economic Development Coordinator Zozulya Economic Development Director Letendre Assistant Public Works Director/Village

Engineer Dittrich

ROLL CALL Mayor Brandt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., and Village Clerk Mastandrea called the Roll.

2.1 Approval of the November 28, 2016 Regular Village Board Meeting Minutes

Trustee Servi moved and Trustee McDonough seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Village Board Meeting of November 28, 2016 as presented. The roll call vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Feldman, Hancock, Leider, McDonough, and Servi. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Trustee Grujanac. ABSTAIN: None. Mayor Brandt declared the motion carried.

3.0 REPORTS OF OFFICERS 3.1 Mayor’s Report

Mayor Brandt thanked staff and Santa for a wonderful Tree Lighting ceremony that took place on Saturday, December 3, 2016. Mayor Brandt also thanked the restaurants who provided treats and the Marines for the Toys for Tots donations.

Mayor Brandt thanked Public Works staff for their efforts in snow removal the past weekend.

3.2 Village Clerk’s Report - None

3.3 Village Treasurer’s Report

3.31 Revenues and Expenditures Summary for the Month of November, 2016

Village Treasurer/Finance Director Peterson stated the Revenue and Expenditure Summary is included in the Board packet and mentioned the

One Olde Half Day Road Lincolnshire, IL 60069 www.lincolnshireil.gov

E911 Fund revenues are down due to a 3-month lag beyond what is typical.

3.32 Consideration and Approval of an Ordinance Dissolving the Village of Lincolnshire “Fund 06” (Retirement Fund) (Waiver of First Reading Requested)

Trustee McDonough moved and Trustee Feldman seconded the motion to waive the first reading of an Ordinance dissolving the Village of Lincolnshire “Fund 06” (Retirement Fund). The roll call vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Feldman, Hancock, Leider, McDonough, and Servi. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Trustee Grujanac. ABSTAIN: None. Mayor Brandt declared the motion carried.

Trustee McDonough moved and Trustee Servi seconded the motion to approve an Ordinance dissolving the Village of Lincolnshire “Fund 06” (Retirement Fund). The roll call vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Feldman, Hancock, Leider, McDonough, and Servi. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Trustee Grujanac. ABSTAIN: None. Mayor Brandt declared the motion carried.

3.4 Village Manager’s Report

Village Manager Burke noted Village Offices would be closed on December 23rd & December 26th, 2016 in observance of the Christmas holiday.


4.1 Bills Presented for Payment on December 12, 2016 in the amount of


Village Treasurer/Finance Director Peterson provided a summary of the December 12, 2016 bills prelist presented for payment with the total being $270,483.54. The total amount is based on $155,200 for General Fund; $14,900 for Water & Sewer Fund; $45,900 for Retirement Fund; $900 for Water & Sewer Improvement Fund; $2,100 for Vehicle Maintenance; $26,900 for E911 Fund; and $24,700 for the General Capital Fund.

Trustee Feldman moved and Trustee McDonough seconded the motion to approve the bills prelist dated December 12, 2016 as presented. The roll call vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Hancock, Servi, McDonough, Leider and Feldman. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Trustee Grujanac. ABSTAIN: None. Mayor Brandt declared the motion carried.

5.0 CITIZENS WISHING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD (on agenda items only)



7.1 Approval of Fiscal Year 2017 Budget

7.2 Approval of Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance of the Village of Lincolnshire, Illinois for the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2016 and Ending,

December 31, 2016 (Village of Lincolnshire)

7.3 Approval of an Ordinance Levying Taxes for Corporate Purposes of the Village of Lincolnshire, Lake County, Illinois for Fiscal Year January 1, 2016 and Ending December 31, 2016 (Village of Lincolnshire)

7.4 Approval of Professional Service Agreements for Fiscal Year 2017 (Village of Lincolnshire)

7.5 Approval of Ordinance Amending Chapter 15 of Title 1- Comprehensive Fee Schedule of the Lincolnshire Village Code Related to the Establishment of Fees and Charges for Service (Water and Sewer Connection Charges and Rate) (Village of Lincolnshire)

7.6 Approval of Amendment to Village of Lincolnshire Funding Policy for Lincolnshire Police Pension Fund

7.7 Approval of the Use of Village Streets by District 103 Parent-Teacher Organization for a 5K Walk/Run on May 20, 2017 (District 103 Parent-Teacher Organization)

Trustee McDonough moved and Trustee Hancock seconded the motion to approve the Consent Agenda. The roll call vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Feldman, Hancock, Servi, McDonough, and Leider. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Trustee Grujanac. ABSTAIN: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried.


8.1 Planning, Zoning & Land Use

8.2 Finance and Administration

8.21 Consideration and Approval of Property and Liability Insurance Coverage with Travelers Insurance for the Village of Lincolnshire for the Period January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017 in the Amount of $95,672

Finance Director/Village Treasurer Peterson provided a summary of the proposed Property and Liability insurance coverage with Travelers Insurance for 2017 in the amount of $95,672. The current carrier refused to provide public officials liability coverage. Staff received four proposals for insurance and is recommending Travelers Insurance.

Trustee McDonough noted approval of the staff recommendation.

Trustee McDonough moved and Trustee Servi seconded the motion to approve Property and Liability insurance coverage with Travelers Insurance for the Village of Lincolnshire for the period January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017 in the amount of $95,672. The roll call vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Feldman, Hancock, Servi, McDonough, and Leider. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Trustee Grujanac. ABSTAIN: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

8.3 Public Works

8.31 Consideration and Approval of Village of Lincolnshire Tree Grant

Program (Village of Lincolnshire)

Public Works Director Woodbury provided a summary and update highlighting revisions made as a result of the November 28, 2016 Committee of the Whole meeting for the proposed Tree Grant Program. Staff presented two options and requested direction from the Board regarding the options.

Trustee McDonough asked why not present a third option and eliminate the program. Mayor Brandt stated she had requested a revision since there was a need for tree removal throughout the Village and an incentive to get trees planted. Public Works Director Woodbury noted one of the goals was to spend down the money in the tree bank and address issues regarding hazardous tree removals. Trustee McDonough suggested possibly eliminating the program and using the money in the tree bank for removal and planting in areas where the Village sees the need. Public Works Director Woodbury stated staff could come back in January with revisions to the Village Code authorizing the Village to spend Tree Bank Funds for both planting and removals.

Village Manager Burke suggested staff identify priority project areas and work directly with the property owners on a shared cost program.

Public Works Director Woodbury stated one of the challenges staff faces on a regular basis is when residents’ trees encroach other properties and asked how the Board would like to address this. Trustee Leider stated his opinion was for each resident to deal with this issue on their own. Additionally, Trustee Leider suggested putting a limitation on the amount of trees offered to residents rather than eliminating the program.

Trustee Feldman suggested creating a sense of urgency with the residents since the program may go away. Trustee Feldman asked how staff defines a dead tree and suggested there be certain language in place to define dead trees. Public Works Director Woodbury stated the determination of a dead tree is made by the certified Arborists on staff.

Trustee Hancock asked if there was any assessment done to determine what the cost would be if the Village had to replace 50% of trees if classified as dead. Public Works Director Woodbury stated no such assessment has been done but the cost would be substantial. Public Works Director Woodbury stated staff would provide a list of priority project areas.

A conversation regarding how staff will determine the process of residential tree removal versus commercial tree removal and how to prioritize removal followed.

Public Works Director Woodbury asked for Board direction on what should happen with the current Tree Adoption Program. Trustee McDonough stated his opinion is to change the Tree Adoption Program and spend the money on tree needs for the Village. Trustee Leider suggested putting limits of three trees in a five year period on the current program.

Trustee Feldman asked if any applications have been received for the spring under the current program. Public Works Director Woodbury stated no applications have been submitted for the spring. Trustee Leider asked how many applications were addressed this past year. Public Works Director Woodbury stated approximately 27 applicants. Trustee Leider suggested leaving the program in tact with limits and being proactive on tree removal projects.

Village Attorney Simon noted the Village has the authority to order a property owner to remove a dead, dangerous, or diseased tree.

Trustee Hancock asked if staff has approached corporate center property owners with a cost sharing incentive. Village Manager Burke stated this has not been done; staff wanted to get direction from the Board prior to approaching the property owners. Trustee Hancock suggested cost sharing with the corporate center on removal of the trees. Village Manager Burke stated the original proposal involved incentive of $2,000 per property owner. Village Manager Burke stated staff would identify ten (10) problem areas and bring this back to the Board for further direction.

Village Manager Burke asked for direction since staff typically bids out the Tree Adoption program in January; is the Tree Adoption Program being retained for the coming year and if so, will there be limitations put in place. Trustee McDonough stated putting the Tree Adoption Program under temporary suspension for Staff review.

Mayor Brandt asked for resolution on the limitation of trees offered. A conversation regarding limitations followed.

It was the consensus of the Board for staff to bring back a list of 10 priority areas and limitation for the current program for further discussion and direction from the Board.

8.4 Police 8.5 Parks and Recreation 8.6 Judiciary and Personnel



Trustee McDonough moved and Trustee Feldman seconded the motion to adjourn. The voice vote was unanimous and Mayor Brandt declared the meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, VILLAGE OF LINCOLNSHIRE

Barbara Mastandrea Village Clerk