
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Mundelein Board of Trustees approves commission appointments

Webp meeting8213

Mundelein Board of Trustees met Monday, Feb. 13.

Board of Trustees of the Village of Mundelein will meet on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m.

Here are the minutes as provided by Mundelein:

Regular Meeting February 13, 2017


The 3135th Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mundelein was held on Monday, February 13, 2017 at 300 Plaza Circle, Mundelein. Mayor Lentz called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.


Board Attendance

Clerk Timmerman took the roll. It indicated the following:

Board Attendance

PRESENT: Trustees Abernathy, Kim, Norton, Rekus, Russell and Semple; Mayor Lentz


Village Attendance

Public Works & Engineering Director Boeche, Assistant Village Administrator Flynn, Public Safety Director Guenther, Finance Director Haywood, Chief Deputy Fire Chief Lark, Village Administrator Lobaito, Attorney Marino, Community Development Director Orenchuk and Building Director Schubkegel


Mayor Lentz led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Board of Trustees - Regular Meeting - Jan 23, 2017 7:00 PM


MOVER: Dawn Abernathy, Trustee

SECONDER: Holly Kim, Trustee

AYES Norton, Rekus, Russell, Abernathy, Kim, Semple


Mayor Lentz opened the floor to public commentary.

Ralph Dillon announced that he is presenting his own "Distinguished Citizens Award" to those who have stepped forward in the best interest of the Village. He also expressed concerns about the sign code, the minutes, the effect of the Hawley Street reconstruction project on businesses, the SAIA truck stop development in Grayslake, the Graham annexation and property taxes.

Mayor Lentz closed the floor to public commentary.


Proposed Senior/Mixed-Use Building, 101 East Maple Avenue

David Burg and David Petroni of PRHL Developers, LLC presented the concept plan for a proposed Senior/mixed-use development at 101 East Maple Avenue. Mr. Burg stated that they are returning after their July 2016 visit to provide an update on progress and detail an alternate site as requested by the Board.

Mr. Burg introduced PRHL as a full-service developer, general contractor and owner of high quality single-family and multi-family housing. He assured the Board that they are committed to Mundelein and share staff's vision for the downtown area.

Mr. Petroni explained the concept plan for the new location, proposing a building with 80 units for Senior housing and 3400 sq.ft. of commercial space. He estimated this to be a $22 million project, with construction not beginning until 2018. He also commended Community Development Director Orenchuk for her efforts and assistance.

Mayor Lentz described the proposal as a "home run" for Mundelein.

Trustee Kim inquired about the commercial area, asking if it is on the ground floor of the residential building. Mr. Petroniclarified that it is on the southern end of the development and is separate from the residential building.

Trustee Rekus provided input on architectural style, referencing examples shown during the concept plan presentation. He also expressed a desire for landscaping in parking areas that ties into the building. Trustee Rekus then inquired about parking, asking if it will all be reserved for residents or will be available for public parking. Mr. Petroni confirmed that it will be mostly private. Trustee Rekus concluded by sharing his excitement for the project in this key location, stating that he is hoping for a "Rembrandt on a blank slate."

Village Administrator Lobaito interjected that parking is being discussed, with a goal of increasing public parking in the area.

Trustee Semple declared that Mundelein needs affordable senior housing and described the proposal as a potential "game changer" for the downtown area and a "shot in the arm" for existing businesses. He also noted that the Village owns a small lot in the area which has potential for public parking.

Trustee Abernathy inquired about the number of units reserved for residents subsidized through the state of Illinois and/or the Lake County Housing Authority. Mr. Petroni replied that 22 subsidized units are planned for Lake County residents. Mr. Petronialso provided an explanation of fair housing and income guidelines, adding that there is currently no request or commitment from Lake County Housing Authority. Trustee Abernathy shared her concerns regarding Mundelein residents having access to the apartments and being able to remain in their town. Mr. Burg assured the Board that their marketing area is fairly local (within a few miles of Mundelein), with a focus on Mundelein residents.

YES: Norton, Rekus, Russell, Abernathy, Kim, Semple

Trustee Russell echoed Trustee Semple's enthusiastic comments.

Trustee Norton stated that he approves of the project but questioned the layout on the site, asking about locating the retail portion closer to Route 176 for higher visibility. Mr. Petroni assured the Board that the concept plan can be altered but noted that it currently provides for bringing retail and people closer to the core downtown area.

Trustee Rekus asked if the "public park plaza" on the south side of the property could possibly be used for public art. Mr. Petronistated that they are open to all ideas and Director Orenchuk replied that the "public park plaza" is an important area that will be designed with care.

Mayor Lentz expressed a preference for some type of balcony-type feature on the residential building, stating that it creates a more home-like feeling. Mr. Petroninoted that the train tracks are an issue but confirmed that balconies will be taken under consideration.

Motion to move items VIII.A and VIII.B (Commission Appointments) before item VI.B (CIP Summary) on the agenda


AYES: Norton, Rekus, Russell, Abernathy, Kim, Semple


MOVER: Dawn Abernathy, Trustee SECONDER: Kerston Russell, Trustee

Economic Development Commission Appointment

Motion to approve the appointment of Daniel Juarez to the Economic Development Commission effective immediately.

Mundelein Arts Commission Appointment

Motion to approve the appointment of Roberta Sweetow to the Mundelein Arts Commission effective immediately.


MOVER: Dawn Abernathy, Trustee | SECONDER: Dakotah T. Norton, Trustee | AYES: Norton, Rekus, Russell, Abernathy, Kim, Semple

Capital Improvement Project Summary Reports

Engineer Emmerich stated that this is a recap and celebration of the completion of eight projects totaling over $10 million in construction costs. He extended thanks to business owners, residents, drivers, etc. who were inconvenienced, provided information on funding and listed the benefits of the following projects:

1) Keith Mione Community Park entrance and Midlothian Road traffic signal 2) Safe Routes to School (sidewalks installed to fillingaps) 3) Midlothian Road sidewalk extension from Beckett's Crossing to Graham Fuel Store 4) East Hawley Streetscape Renovations Phases 1 & 2 5) FY2015 Street & Infrastructure (Loch Lomond) 6) FY2016 Street & Infrastructure Part 1 (Fields of Ambria & Cambridge Country) 7) FY2016 Street & Infrastructure Part 2 (Walnut Street, Winthrop Court and Clearbrook Park area) 8) US 45 Sanitary Sewer Improvements

Engineer Emmerich noted that the projects were finished on time and very close to budget. Trustee Rekus commended Public Works for bringing in seven of the eight projects under budget.

Mayor Lentz inquired about the number of concrete streets in Cambridge Country that still need to be replaced with asphalt and Engineer Emmerich replied that there is just one small street remaining.

Trustee Kim thanked Engineer Emmerich for the efforts Public Works staff put forth in communicating with residents of Cambridge Country, stating that it was a difficult project complicated by weather issues.


Negotiating Team Appointments - NLAC

Motion to appoint Trustees Abernathy and Norton to the Northern Lakes Arts Collective Negotiating Team.

Trustee Russell clarified that as president of the Northern Arts Lakes Collective he will abstain from this and any future NLAC votes.


MOVER: Holly Kim, Trustee

SECONDER: Bill Rekus, Trustee

AYES: Norton, Rekus, Abernathy, Kim, Semple ABSTAN: Russell

Meeting Call: March 6, 2017, Committee of the Whole Joint Meeting with Board, Economic Development Commission, and Planning and Zoning Commission - 6:30PM at Mundelein High School, 1350 West Hawley Street.

Mayor Lentz explained that this is the third annual "State of the Village" Economic Summit and encouraged residents to attend.


Community and Economic Development Committee (Abernathv, Russell, Norton

Chairman Abernathy announced the following new businesses:

-T-Mobile, 714 Route 83 -Entourage Clinical Services, Inc., 697 South Lake Street -Eyes on USurveillance Systems, Inc - 333 East Route 83, Suites B2, B5 and B6

Chairman Abernathy reported that:

1) 4 Elements Bath products was recently featured on national television. 

2) Residents are invited to a presentation on Summer 2017 street & utility projects at 6:00PM on

February 20 at Village Hall. 

3) Mundelein High School Varsity Baseball Coach Todd Parola was named Class 4A Area Coach of the Year by the Illinois Baseball Coaches Association. 

4) Mundelein High School Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Orchestra both earned superior ratings at the

North Shore Jazz Festival at Glenbrook South High School. Freshman saxophonist Garrett Munz was recognized as an outstanding Soloist. 

5) The Business Appreciation Breakfast is February 16 at the Doubletree Hotel, beginning at 7:30AM. 

6) Mundelein's STAND-UPTask Force is asking parents to complete a survey regarding teen drug use

and perceptions. The survey is available on the Village website. 

7) Fremont Library is hosting a "Kid's Day Off" STEM/LEGO robotics program on February 20.

Mayor Lentz commented on the impressive new addition at Lakeside Lanes, calling it a great improvement to Mundelein.

Public Works Committee (Russell, Kim, Semple)

Metropolitan Pump Company -- Soft Start Motors (Resolution No. 17-02-09)

Motion to adopt a Resolution waiving formal competitive bidding procedures, accepting the proposal, and approving a Purchase Order for the purchase of Soft Start Motors from Metropolitan Pump Company of Romeoville, Illinois, in the amount of $56,948.00.



MOVER: Kerston Russell, Trustee

SECONDER: Dakotah T. Norton, Trustee | AYES: Norton, Rekus, Russell, Abernathy, Kim, Semple

Finance Committee (Semple, Abernathy, Rekus)

Nine-Month Financial Report

Motion to accept the Fiscal 2017 Nine-Month Financial Report.

Director Haywood explained that this is a summary report of the Village's Corporate Fund and Water/Sewer Fund for the first nine months of FY2017 (May 2016 through January 2017). He noted revenues of $21 million and expenditures of just under $19.6 million (down slightly from the previous year). He also noted that state income tax is down approximately 11%, sales tax numbers are relatively flat, there was a pension increase of approximately $460,000 and water Consumption/revenue was up over 15% due to a drier summer.


MOVER: Ray Semple, Trustee | SECONDER: Holly Kim, Trustee

AYES: Norton, Rekus, Russell, Abernathy, Kim, Semple

Governing Body Bill Approval February 13, 2017

Motion to approve the payment of bills, as indicated in the Governing Body Report for the period between January 24, 2017 and ending February 13, 2017, in the amount of


RESULT: CARRIED UNANIMOUS) MOVER: Ray Semple, Trustee SECONDER: Dakotah T. Norton, Trustee AYES: Norton, Rekus, Russell, Abernathy, Kim, Semple

Public Safety Committee (Rekus, Semple, Abernathy)

Mundelein High School Police Liaison Agreement

Motion to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement.

Chairman Rekus noted that this is a two-year renewal through the end of the 2019 school year.



SECONDER: Ray Semple, Trustee AYES: Norton, Rekus, Russell, Abernathy, Kim, Semple

Emergency Operations Center Communication System Upgrade (Resolution No. 17-02-10)

Motion to adopt a Resolution waiving the formal competitive bidding process and accepting a Proposal from Radicom Communications Systems, McHenry, Illinois, and approving a Purchase Order for Radio Communications System upgrades at the Fire Station Emergency Operations Center, 1000 North Midlothian Road, Mundelein, Illinois in the amount of $26,316.54.

Public Safety Director Guenther explained that Mundelein is participating in a statewide disaster drill in May (a mock scenario to test Emergency Operations Centers). He stated that this purchase is for the upgrade of equipment for the drill and going forward.

RESULT: CARRIED UNANIMOUS MOVER: Bill Rekus, Trustee SECONDER: Ray Semple, Trustee

 AYES: Norton, Rekus, Russell, Abernathy, Kim, Semple

Communication and Marketing Committee (Kim, Norton, Russell)

Chairman Kim:

1) Explained that gateway signage design is underway.

2) Provided contact information for businesses requesting a table at the Business Appreciation


3) Announced that a Latino Citizens Police Academy will be starting Soon.

Transportation & Infrastructure Committee (Norton, Rekus, Kim)

FY17 Street Resurfacing Project (Village Parking Lot) Change Order #1

Motion to approve Change Order No. 1 to the FY17 Street Resurfacing Project increasing the contract value in the amount of $114,702.51 and authorize the Village Engineer to sign.

RESULT: CARRIED UNANIMOUS) MOVER: Dakotah T. Norton, Trustee | SECONDER: Kerston Russell, Trustee

AYES: Norton, Rekus, Russell, Abernathy, Kim, Semple

FY17 Street Resurfacing Project (Village Parking lot) Change Order #1

Motion to approve and issue a purchase order in the amount of $114,702.51 to Maneval Construction Company for the FY17 Street Resurfacing Project.

Trustee Abernathy requested an explanation for the change order. Public Works & Engineering Director Boeche stated that a favorable rate for the resurfacing of the parking lot at Seymour and Park was obtained as an add-on to a road project contract.

RESULT: CARRIED UNANIMOUS) MOVER: Dakotah T. Norton, Trustee SECONDER: Kerston Russell, Trustee AYES: Norton, Rekus, Russell, Abernathy, Kim, Semple :

FY17 Street Resurfacing Project and Village Parking Lot

Motion to make progress payment to Maneval Construction Company in the amount $182,163.79 for the FY17 Street Resurfacing Project.

RESULT: CARRIED UNANIMOUS) 肉七 MOVER: Dakotah T. Norton, Trustee

SECONDER: Kerston Russell, Trustee

AYES: i Norton, Rekus, Russell, Abernathy, Kim, Semple

FY16 Street & infrastructure improvements Part 2 Construction Change Order #3

Motion to approve Change Order No. 3 to the FY16 Street & Infrastructure improvements Part 2 Construction Project increasing the contract value in the amount of $22,784.47 authorize the Village Engineer to sign.


MOVER: Dakotah T. Norton, Trustee

SECONDER: Kerston Russell, Trustee

AYES: Norton, Rekus, Russell, Abernathy, Kim, Semple

FY16 Street & Infrastructure improvements Part 2 Construction Change Order #3

Motion to approve and issue a purchase order in the amount of $22,784.47 to Campanella & Sons, Inc. for the FY16 Street and Infrastructure Improvements Part 2 Construction Project.



MOVER: Dakotah T. Norton, Trustee SECONDER: Kerston Russell, Trustee

AYES: Norton, Rekus, Russell, Abernathy, Kim, Semple

FY16 Street & Infrastructure improvements Part 2 Construction Change Order #3

Motion to make a final payment to Campanella & Sons, Inc. in the amount of $29,831.21 for the FY16 Street and Infrastructure improvements Part 2 Construction Project.


MOVER: Dakotah T. Norton, Trustee

| SECONDER: Holly Kim, Trustee

| AYES: Norton, Rekus, Russell, Abernathy, Kim, Semple


Omnibus Vote items

Auction of Excess Village Equipment (Resolution No. 17-02-11)

Motion to adopt a Resolution Regarding the Auction of Excess Village Equipment.

Trustee Rekus asked if mileage records are kept and if mileage is a determining factor in the decision to sell. Director Boeche confirmed that records are kept but stated that mileage is nota determining factor. He explained that the decision is often made when new vehicle features displace older vehicles. Trustee Rekus then referenced a 2006 GMC being sold and asked if analysis and comparison to other vehicles is done. Director Boeche replied that extensive studies track vehicles' usage, as well as efforts to re-use vehicles in other departments. He added that new purchases are typically made through the state of Illinois joint purchase program, which limits options but results in optimal pricing. Trustee Rekus concluded by asking if the Village utilizes any electric vehicles and Director Boeche stated that at this point, electric vehicles are not cost effective and would not meet the needs of certain departments, such as the Police Department. Administrator Lobaito confirmed that alternative vehicles have been researched but stated that operational needs often drive purchase decisions. However, he assured the Board that staff constantly seeks cost efficiencies.

RESULT: CARRIED (UNANIMOUS) MOVER: Bill Rekus, Trustee SECONDER: Holly Kim, Trustee AYES: Norton, Rekus, Russell, Abernathy, Kim, Semple

Sawvel Tree Service Purchase Order

Motion to approve a Purchase Order in the amount of $30,000.00 for Parkway Tree Removals & Stumps.


MOVER: Holly Kim, Trustee

| SECONDER: Bill Rekus, Trustee

AYES: Norton, Rekus, Russell, Abernathy, Kim, Semple


Village Administrator

Tall Grass Ridge Homeowners Association (Resolution No. 17-02-12)

Motion to adopt a Resolution Approving the Consent of the Village of Mundelein of Amendment to the Declaration of Covenants Conditions and Restrictions for Tall Grass Ridge Homeowners ASSociation. も Administrator Lobaito stated that this allows for utility sheds in backyards and more 米 fencing material options, provided they comply with all Village building Codes.


SECONDER: Holly Kim, Trustee AYES: Norton, Rekus, Russell, Abernathy, Kim, Semple

Campaign Signs

Administrator Lobaito noted that the Building Department is sending notices to all candidates regarding the placement of campaign signs.

Village Attorney

Attorney Marino reported that there is a need for an Executive Session.

Village Clerk

Clerk Timmerman reported that the Candidate Ballot Proof for the April 4, 2017 Consolidated Election was reviewed, certified and returned to the Lake County Clerk's Office.


Motion to recess into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section

2(c)(11), land acquisition or sale of property pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2(C)(5) and minutes pursuant to 5 LCS 120, Section 2 (c)(21).


The 3135th Regular Meeting was recessed at 8:28PM.


MOVER: Dakotah T. Norton, Trustee

SECONDER: Dawn Abernathy, Trustee

AYES: Norton, Rekus, Russell, Abernathy, Kim, Semple

Motion to reconvene Village Board Meeting


MOVER: Dawn Abernathy, Trustee

SECONDER: Dakotah T. Norton, Trustee

AYES: Norton, Rekus, Russell, Abernathy, Kim, Semple

The 3135th Regular Meeting was reconvened at 9:39PM.


Clerk Timmerman took the roll. It indicated the following:

Board Attendance

PRESENT: Trustees Abernathy, Kim, Norton, Rekus, Russell and Semple; Mayor Lentz ABSENT: None

Village Attendance PRESENT: Assistant Village Administrator Flynn, Village Administrator Lobaito and Attorney Marino


Motion to adjourn the Regular Board Meeting


MOVER: Ray Semple, Trustee

| SECONDER: Holly Kim, Trustee

AYES: Norton, Rekus, Russell, Abernathy, Kim, Semple

The 3135th Regular Meeting was adjourned at 9:40PM.