
Lake County Gazette

Monday, February 3, 2025

Lake County Board met April 11

Lake County Board met April 11.

Here is the agenda as provided by the board:

Call to order

Moment of silence

Pledge of allegiance

Roll call of members

Additions to the agenda (for discussion only)

Special recognition

Public comment (items not on the agenda)

Chairman's remarks

Old business

New business

Consent agenda (Items 1 - 45)

1 17-0409

Minutes from March 14, 2017.

Attachments: March 14, 2017 Minutes.pdf

2 17-0418

Minutes from March 16, 2017 Strategic Plan meeting.

Attachments: March 16, 2017 Minutes.pdf

3 17-0419

Minutes from March 22, 2017 Strategic Plan meeting.

Attachments: March 22, 2017 Minutes.

Claims Against Lake County, IL

4 17-0411

Report of Claims Against Lake County, Illinois for the month of March 2017.

Attachments: March 2017


5 17-0338

Report from Erin Cartwright Weinstein, Clerk of the Circuit Court, for the month of

February 2017.

Attachments: County Board Report Feb 2017

6 17-0356

Report from Joy Gossman, Public Defender, for the month of February 2017.

Attachments: 02-17 Main

02-17 Main PTR

02-17 JUV Main

02-17 JUV PTR

7 17-0328

Report from Carla N. Wyckoff, County Clerk, for the month of February 2017.

Attachments: LCC Report for February 2017

8 17-0336

Report from Mary Ellen Vanderventer, Recorder of Deeds, for the month of February


Attachments: February 2017

9 17-0325

Report from David B. Stolman, Treasurer, for the months of October through

December 2016 and January 2017.

Attachments: Cash & investments Dec 2015

Cash & investments Dec 2016

Cash & investments Jan 2016

Cash & investments Jan 2017

Cash & investments Nov 2015

Cash & investments Nov 2016

Cash & investments Oct 2015

Cash & investments Oct 2016


10 17-0412

Resolution providing for the reappointment of Ellen Dimock as a trustee of the

Grayslake Fire Protection District.

Attachments: Ellen Dimock's Letter of Interest and Resume

11 17-0413

Resolution providing for the reappointment of Matthew Menges as a trustee of the

Lake Zurich Rural Fire Protection District.

Attachments: Matthew Menges's Letter of Interest and Resume

12 17-0414

Resolution providing for the reappointment of Harold Culler as a trustee of the Lake

Zurich Rural Fire Protection District.

Attachments: Harold Culler's Letter of Interest and Resume

13 17-0417

Ordinance providing for the reappointment of Jeff Werfel as Director of the Central

Lake County Joint Action Water Agency.

14 17-0420

Resolution providing for the reappointments of Marvin Raymond and John Reindl as

members of the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Attachments: Marvin Raymond's Letter of Interest and Resume

John P Reindl's Letter of Interest and Bio

Law and Judicial Committee

15 17-0365

Joint resolution approving a contract with DLR Group, Chicago, Illinois, for architectural

and engineering services for roofing replacement, upgrading the fire alarm system, and

installing new security and locking systems at the Robert W. Depke Juvenile Justice

Center in the amount not to exceed $133,490.

· In 2014 the Lake County Board approved an initial contract with DLR Group, Chicago,

Illinois, as part of Statement of Interest Number 13268 for architectural, engineering

and consulting services to provide comprehensive design services for the Phase 1

expansion of the Robert W. Depke Juvenile Justice Complex.

· As part of the 2017 budget and carry-over process, $1,500,000 was approved as part

of the facility assessment projects in the Corporate Capital Improvement Plan (CCIP)

for roof replacement, fire alarm system replacement, and security automation within the

existing Depke campus buildings.

· These projects require design and engineering services prior to procurement of

construction services.

· Comprehensive design services in the pre-negotiated DLR Group’s proposal include:

construction documentation, bid and permitting, and construction administration services.

· In accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, the

selected and recommended firm is DLR Group of Chicago, Illinois.

· This resolution authorizes the agreement with DLR Group, Chicago, Illinois, in the

amount not to exceed $133,490 and will be managed by the Facilities Department of

Finance & Administrative Services.

Attachments: 17067 PSA for DLR Group with Exhibit 1

16 17-0350

Joint resolution authorizing the purchase of the G2 Fire Station Alerting System from

US Digital Design Inc. of Tempe, Arizona, in an estimated total amount of $47,674.41,

with an annual maintenance cost of $2,184.57.

· The Emergency Telephone System Board (ETSB) has a need to provide fire station

alerting for its supported agencies.

· Funding for the alerting system is provided by ETSB’s collection of 911 fees.

· Pursuant to Article 10-101 of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, Cooperative

Purchasing, Lake County may participate in a cooperative purchasing agreement for

the procurement of goods, with one or more public procurement units, in accordance

with an agreement entered into between the participants.

· ETSB identified a cooperative purchasing contract with US Digital Design Inc. of

Tempe, Arizona, through the National Purchasing Partners Government Division

(NPPGov), to procure the software that was competitively solicited and awarded.

· A fire station alerting system interfaces between the Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD)

system at the 911 center and the computer system at the fire stations. It alerts the fire

station of the basic information of the call and allows the call taker to stay on the phone

with the caller; rather than, the current practices that requires the call taker to place the

caller on hold to manually alert/dispatch the call to the fire station.

· The benefits of the fire station alerting system are that the call taker can stay on the

phone and focus on the caller. The fire services will have quicker response to calls,

increased situational awareness, and enhanced mental preparedness by using clear,

consistent, station alerting vocals.

17 17-0366

Joint resolution authorizing various professional service agreements for psychological

services for the Lake County Psychological Services Division of the Nineteenth Judicial

Circuit Court in the estimated amounts of $180,000.

· The current agreements for Lake County Psychological Services expire on April 30, 2017.

· Due to services being recommended by Court staff, as needed or pursuant to court

orders, the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit Court annually budgets for these programs.

· Lake County wishes to enter into contracts for psychological services for the Lake

County Psychological Services Division of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit Court.

· Lake County extended requests to 23 potential service providers and received 13


· An ad hoc review committee reviewed all proposals and based on the criteria set forth

in the Request for Proposal and reference checks, selected the following eleven

providers: One Hope United, Lake County Health Department, NICASA, Behavioral

Services, A Safe Place, Omni Youth Services, Community Youth Network, Adelante,

Blain and Associates, Creative Counseling and Evaluation, and Vista Health. The Lake

County Health Department will be a new provider.

· This contract will cost the County an estimated annual amount of $180,000 and will be

managed by the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit Court and the Psychological Services Division.

Attachments: 17012 Award Recommendation

Health and Community Services Committee

18 17-0393

Joint resolution accepting the Susan G. Komen Foundation grant and authorizing an

emergency appropriation in the amount of $25,000 for the Illinois Breast and Cervical

Cancer Program to fund screening mammograms.

· The $25,000 Susan G. Komen grant will fund screening mammograms for uninsured

Lake County women.

· The $25,000 in grant funding has not been previously appropriated because the grant

resources were secured after the County’s adoption of the FY17 budget.

· The grant award will be for the period January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017.

· The $25,000 in grant money will assist the Lake County Health Department and

Community Health Center in providing needed mammograms to approximately 176 women.

Attachments: Susan G Komen 25K

19 17-0395

Joint resolution accepting the Illinois Department of Human Services grant and

authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $57,499 for the Substance

Abuse Prevention Program.

· The $57,499 Illinois Department of Human Services grant will help to fund staff,

program supplies, consultant costs, advertising, printing and travel for the County’s

Substance Abuse Prevention Program.

· The $57,499 in additional grant funding has not been previously appropriated because

the grant resources were secured after the County’s adoption of the FY17 budget.

· The grant award will be for the period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017.

Attachments: SAP Program Grant

20 17-0396

Joint resolution accepting the Illinois Department of Public Health grant and authorizing

an emergency appropriation in the amount of $75,000 for the HIV/AIDS Quality of Life Grant.

· The $75,000 Illinois Department of Public Health grant will help to fund HIV prevention

and treatment engagement services for Lake County residents living with the HIVvdisease.

· The $75,000 in additional grant funding has not been previously appropriated because

the grant resources were secured after the County’s adoption of the FY17 budget.

· The grant award will be for the period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017.

· The $75,000 in grant money will assist the Lake County Health Department and

Community Health Center in providing needed HIV prevention and treatment services

to approximately 245 residents living with the HIV disease.

Attachments: HIV AIDS Quality of Life Grant

21 17-0397

Joint resolution accepting the Illinois Department of Public Health grant and authorizing

an emergency appropriation in the amount of $14,792 for the Cities Readiness

Initiative Grant.

· The $14,792 Illinois Department of Public Health grant will help to fund the Cities

Readiness Initiative grant by allowing the purchase of open and closed Point of

Dispensing (POD) supplies (e.g., supplies to assist with appropriate antibiotic or

antiviral dispensing) and Medical Reserve Corps support supplies (e.g., volunteer


· The $14,792 in additional grant funding has not been previously appropriated because

the grant resources were secured after the County’s adoption of the FY17 budget.

· The grant award will be for the period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017.

Attachments: CRI Grant

22 17-0398

Joint resolution accepting the Illinois Department of Public Health grant and authorizing

an emergency appropriation in the amount of $65,937 for the Public Health Emergency

Preparedness Grant.

· The $65,937 Illinois Department of Public Health grant will help to fund the Public

Health Emergency Preparedness Grant that will be used to purchase medication for

Lake County’s emergency stockpile, provide training supplies and help maintain

emergency management equipment.

· The $65,937 in additional grant funding has not been previously appropriated because

the grant resources were secured after the County’s adoption of the FY17 budget.

· The grant award will be for the period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017.

· The $65,937 in grant money will assist the Lake County Health Department and

Community Health Center in securing stockpile antibiotics like Ciprofloxacin (CIPRO)

and Doxycycline (Doxy), as well as paying for maintenance on emergency

management equipment like the Identisys ID machine to provide identification for

employees, volunteers, consultants during an exercise or actual event.

Attachments: PHEP Grant

Public Works and Transportation Committee

23 17-0371

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Peter Baker & Son Company, Lake Bluff,

Illinois, in the amount of $388,731.40 for annual bituminous maintenance of various

roads and bike paths on the County highway system, and designated as Section


· 2017 Bituminous Maintenance: Contract Award.

· Each year, the County undertakes maintenance of its bituminous highway pavements,

shoulders, and bike path pavements to preserve the surface quality.

· A total of four bids were received, ranging from $388,731.40 to $642,636.45, and the

lowest responsible bidder is Peter Baker & Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the

amount of $388,731.40.

· This project is included in the highway improvement program.

Attachments: 13-0371 BidTabulation 2017 Bituminous _Revised

24 17-0359

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Patriot Pavement Maintenance Inc., Des

Plaines, Illinois, in the amount of $97,517.38 to provide for crack sealing of bituminous

and concrete pavement, where necessary, on various County highways, and

designated as Section 17-00000-04-GM.

· 2017 Crack Sealing: Contract Award.

· Each year, crack sealing is done to County highways to prevent the intrusion of water

and incompressible material into the cracks and to reinforce the adjacent pavement.

· A total of five bids were received, ranging from $97,517.38 to $265,662.50, and the

lowest responsible bidder is Patriot Pavement Maintenance Inc., Des Plaines, Illinois,

in the amount of $97,517.38.

· This project is included in the highway improvement program.

Attachments: 17-0359 Bid Tab, 2017 Crack Sealing.pdf

25 17-0344

Joint resolution appropriating $600,000 of Matching Tax funds to provide for the removal

and replacement of reflective pavement markers with recessed pavement markers at

various locations on the County highway system, and designated as Section


· 2017 Pavement Marker Replacement Program: Appropriation.

· The County has raised and recessed reflective pavement markers delineating medians and

lane lines throughout the County highway system.

· The Lake County Division of Transportation undertakes the removal and replacement,

where necessary, of these reflective pavement markers.

· This project will replace raised reflective pavement markers with recessed pavement

markers at various locations on the County highway system.

· Before a project letting can be held, an appropriation of $600,000 of Matching Tax funds is


· This project is included in the highway improvement program.

26 17-0345

Joint resolution appropriating $1,015,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds to provide for the

removal, replacement or refurbishment of pavement markings on the bituminous and

concrete pavements of various County highways, and designated as Section


· 2017 Pavement Markings for Bituminous and Concrete Pavements: Appropriation.

· The County has miles of pavement markings for medians, lane lines, and cross walks

on bituminous and concrete pavements.

· The thermoplastic and polyurea markings last longer than paint, but eventually require


· Before a project letting can be held, an appropriation of $1,015,000 of Motor Fuel Tax

funds is necessary.

· This project is included in the highway improvement program.

27 17-0403

Joint resolution authorizing an engineering services agreement with CDM Smith Inc.,

Chicago, Illinois, in the amount of $249,860 for engineering services for the Lake

County Water Main and Sanitary Sewer Infrastructure Assessment project.

· The County owns, operates, and maintains 12 public water systems totaling 295 miles

of water main, and five regional sewer systems and 10 local sanitary sewer systems

totaling 345 miles of sanitary sewer.

· There is a need for engineering consultant services to generate quantitative

infrastructure assessments for each pipe segment in the County’s sanitary sewer and

water main systems.

· The engineering consultant will utilize data from existing televised sewer inspections,

pipe material, age, break history, and critical location to establish the quantitative risk

analysis score for each pipe segment.

· The risk analysis results will be used to prioritize capital needs and develop a new

five-year capital plan for water main and sanitary sewer repair/replacement.

· Lake County procured services from CDM Smith Inc., Chicago, Illinois, in accordance

with the Purchasing Ordinance and the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act.

Attachments: 17-0403 Water Main & Sanitary Sewer Infrastructure Assessment Eng Svc Agreement.pdf

28 17-0372

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Peter Baker & Son Company, Lake Bluff,

Illinois, in the amount of $21,415.06 for the Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) surface removal,

patching and the addition of HMA leveling binder and surface courses on Magnolia

Avenue in the Warren Township Road District, and designated as Section


· 2017 Warren Township Road District: Contract Award.

· A total of four bids were received ranging from $21,415.06 to $35,918.06 with Peter

Baker & Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, being the lowest responsible bidder with a

contract amount of $21,415.06.

· This project is included in the highway improvement program.

Attachments: 17-0372 Bid Tab, Warren Road District 2017.pdf

29 17-0373

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Peter Baker & Son Company, Lake Bluff,

Illinois, in the amount of $173,559.11 for the Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) surface removal,

patching and the addition of HMA leveling binder and surface courses in the Highlands

Subdivision in the Fremont Township Road District, and designated as Section


· 2017 Fremont Township Road District: Contract Award.

· A total of four bids were received, ranging from $173,559.11 to $255,079.31, and the

lowest responsible bidder is Peter Baker & Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the

amount of $173,559.11.

· This project is included in the highway improvement program.

Attachments: 17-0373 Bid Tab, Fremont Township District 2017.pdf

30 17-0374

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Peter Baker & Son Company, Lake Bluff,

Illinois, in the amount of $55,731 for the overlay of existing pavement with Hot-Mix

Asphalt (HMA) and surface course on various streets in the Waukegan Township Road

District, and designated as Section 17-16000-01-GM.

· 2017 Waukegan Township Road District: Contract Award.

· A total of five bids were received, ranging from $55,731 to $77,900, with Peter Baker &

Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, being the lowest responsible bidder with a contract

amount of $55,731.

· This project is included in the highway improvement program.

Attachments: 17-0374 Bid Tab, Waukegan Road District 2017.pdf

31 17-0360

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff,

Illinois, in the amount of $2,037,134.14 for the resurfacing of Aptakisic Road, from

Buffalo Grove Road to Illinois Route 21, and Buffalo Grove Road, from Lake Cook

Road to Illinois Route 83, and designated as Section 16-00999-26-RS.

· Aptakisic Road and Buffalo Grove Road Resurfacing: Contract Award.

· Aptakisic Road, from Buffalo Grove Road to Illinois Route 21, and Buffalo Grove Road,

from Lake Cook Road to Illinois Route 83, are in need of resurfacing.

· These resurfacing improvements have been identified within the County’s pavement

management system, and are included in the highway improvement program.

· A total of three bids were received, ranging from $2,037,134.14 to $2,319,001.29, and

the lowest responsible bidder is Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in

the amount of $2,037,134.14.

Attachments: 17-0360 Bid Tab, Aptakisic Road, Buffalo Grove Road Resurfacing.pdf

32 17-0361

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff,

Illinois, in the amount of $736,607 for the resurfacing of Russell Road, from the I-94

northbound ramp to Kilbourne Road, and designated as Section 16-00078-16-RS.

· Russell Road Resurfacing: Contract Award.

· Russell Road, from the I-94 northbound ramp to Kilbourne Road, is in need of resurfacing.

· This resurfacing improvement has been identified within the County’s pavement

management system, and is included in the highway improvement program.

· A total of two bids were received, ranging from $736,607 to $816,951.52 and the lowest

responsible bidder is Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $736,607.

Attachments: 17-0361 Bid Tab, Russell Road Resurfacing.pdf

33 17-0376

Joint resolution appropriating a supplemental amount of $75,000 of Matching Tax

funds, authorizing a contract with McGinty Bros. Inc., Long Grove, Illinois, in the

amount of $137,551 for maintenance of recently planted native landscape areas along

various County highways, and designated as Section 17-00000-14-GM.

· 2017 Native Landscape Maintenance: Contract Award and Supplemental Appropriation.

· The County has planted native landscape areas for various projects on the County

system that require inspection and maintenance.

· This maintenance will be done by a contractor.

· A total of three bids were received, ranging from $137,551 to $297,068.50, and the

lowest responsible bidder is McGinty Bros. Inc., Long Grove, Illinois, in the amount of $137,551.

· This County Board, by prior resolution at its meeting of January 17, 2017, appropriated

$110,000 of Matching Tax funds for native landscape maintenance.

· Three additional locations were added after the original appropriation, requiring a

supplemental appropriation of $75,000.

· This project is included in the highway improvement program.

Attachments: 17-0376 Bid Tab, Native Landscape Maintenance 2017.pdf

34 17-0375

Joint resolution appropriating $1,260,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the resurfacing of

9th Street, from Lewis Avenue to Illinois Route 137, and designated as Section


· 9th Street Resurfacing: Appropriation.

· 9th Street needs resurfacing, from Lewis Avenue to Illinois Route 137.

· This resurfacing improvement has been identified within the County’s pavement

management system, and is included in the highway improvement program.

· Before a project letting can be held, an appropriation of $1,260,000 of Motor Fuel Tax

funds is necessary.

35 17-0377

Joint resolution appropriating $1,265,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the resurfacing of

York House Road, from Illinois Route 131 to Lewis Avenue, and designated as Section


· York House Road Resurfacing: Appropriation.

· York House Road needs resurfacing, from Illinois Route 131 to Lewis Avenue.

· This resurfacing improvement has been identified within the County’s pavement

management system, and is included in the highway improvement program.

· Before a project letting can be held, an appropriation of $1,265,000 of Motor Fuel Tax

funds is necessary.

36 17-0378

Joint resolution appropriating $2,425,000 of Matching Tax funds for the resurfacing of

Hunt Club Road, from Washington Street to Dada Drive, and designated as Section


· Hunt Club Road Resurfacing: Appropriation.

· Hunt Club Road needs resurfacing, from Washington Street to Dada Drive.

· This resurfacing improvement has been identified within the County’s pavement

management system, and is included in the highway improvement program.

· Before a project letting can be held, an appropriation of $2,425,000 of Matching Tax

funds is necessary.

37 17-0392

Joint resolution appropriating $1,315,000 of Matching Tax funds for the resurfacing of

Saunders Road, from Lake Cook Road to Deerfield Road, and designated as Section


· Saunders Road Resurfacing: Appropriation.

· Saunders Road needs resurfacing, from Lake Cook Road to Deerfield Road.

· This resurfacing improvement has been identified within the County’s pavement

management system, and is included in the highway improvement program.

· Before a project letting can be held, an appropriation of $1,315,000 of Matching Tax

funds is necessary.

38 17-0353

Joint resolution appropriating $520,000 of County Bridge Tax funds for the materials,

construction and acquisition of necessary easements, by agreement or condemnation,

for the replacement of three culverts under Fairfield Road and Deep Lake Road, and

designated as Section 15-00999-06-DR.

· 2016 Culvert Replacement: Fairfield Road and Deep Lake Road: Materials,

Construction and Easement Appropriation with Condemnation Authority.

· Three culverts need to be replaced under Fairfield Road and Deep Lake Road and

preliminary plans and specifications for these improvements have been prepared.

· These culvert replacements are included in the highway improvement program.

· Before a construction letting and easement acquisitions can proceed for the two

culverts under Fairfield Road, an appropriation and condemnation authority are necessary.

· The Deep Lake Road culvert will be replaced by Lake County Division of Transportation

day labor crews, and an appropriation of $520,000 of County Bridge Tax funds is

required for the materials.

39 17-0347

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with Baxter & Woodman Inc., Crystal Lake,

Illinois, for Phase I preliminary engineering services for the intersection improvement of

Stearns School Road at U.S. Route 41, in an amount of $465,565.12 appropriating

$560,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds, and designated as Section


· Stearns School at U.S. Route 41 Intersection Improvement; Phase I: Consultant

Agreement and Appropriation.

· This project involves Phase I engineering and environmental studies for the intersection

improvement of Stearns School Road at U.S. Route 41.

· A consultant will be utilized to undertake Phase I preliminary engineering services.

· In accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, the

recommended firm is Baxter & Woodman Inc., Crystal Lake, Illinois, in the amount of


· This project is included in the highway improvement program.

Attachments: 17-0347 Stearn School Road Consulatant Agreement Draft.pdf

40 17-0346

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with the Village of Lake Villa, Lake Villa

Township, and Antioch School District 34 stating the terms and conditions for the

construction of a new sidewalk along Grass Lake Road, from Oakland Ridge

Subdivision to Deep Lake Road, appropriating $220,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for

Transportation funds, and designated as Section 17-00075-15-SW.

· Non-Motorized Travel 2019 - Grass Lake Road Sidewalk Improvement: Village of Lake

Villa, Lake Villa Township, and Antioch School District 34 Agreement and Appropriation.

· Grass Lake Road will be resurfaced from Illinois Route 83 to Deep Lake Road.

· The Village of Lake Villa, Lake Villa Township and Antioch School District 34 desire to

partner with the County to construct a new sidewalk along Grass Lake Road, from

Oakland Ridge Subdivision to Deep Lake Road.

· Lake County Division of Transportation Non-Motorized Gap Analysis identified a need

for a sidewalk along the north side of Grass Lake Road within the project limits.

· The Village of Lake Villa will be the lead on the project and will own and maintain the


· The County will reimburse the Village of Lake Villa for the County’s share of this

project, estimated at $200,000.

· This improvement is included in the highway improvement program.

Attachments: 17-0346 Grass Lake Road Sidewalk Agreement Draft.pdf

41 17-0351

Joint resolution authorizing agreements with Cook County, Illinois, for the Cook County

improvement of Lake Cook Road, from Raupp Boulevard to Hastings Lane,

appropriating $3,830,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds, and designated

as Section 14-00999-01-WR.

· Cook County - Lake Cook Road Improvement, Raupp Boulevard to Hastings Lane;

Roadway and Detention Agreements and Appropriation.

· Cook County, Illinois, is the lead agency for the Lake Cook Road improvement, from

Raupp Boulevard to Hastings Lane, which includes improvements to Weiland Road and

Buffalo Grove Road.

· Lake County will reimburse Cook County for its share of this improvement, including the

reconstruction of portions of Weiland Road and Buffalo Grove Road and a portion of

the cost associated with the construction of a new detention pond, which is estimated to

be $3,188,923.

· Before construction can proceed, two agreements with Cook County are necessary

stating the terms and conditions for the road and detention pond construction.

· This improvement is included in the highway improvement program.

Attachments: 17-0351 Lake Cook Road Cook County Agreement Draft.pdf

17-0351 Lake Cook Road Detention Pond Agreement Draft.pdf

42 17-0352

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with Cook County, Illinois, for the

jurisdictional transfer of a section of Weiland Road from Lake County to Cook County,

and designated as Section 14-00999-01-WR.

· Weiland Road Jurisdictional Transfer: Cook County, Illinois, Agreement.

· Lake County will transfer the jurisdiction of Weiland Road, from Lake Cook Road

southwesterly 0.05 miles to the Lake-Cook County Line, to Cook County.

· This jurisdictional transfer is part of the Cook County improvement of Lake Cook Road,

from Raupp Boulevard to Hastings Lane.

· This project is included in the highway improvement program.

Attachments: 17-0352 Weiland Road Jurisdictional Transfer Agreement Draft.pdf

Financial and Administrative Committee

43 17-0367

Resolution authorizing a lease amendment with the City of Waukegan, for 100 parking

spaces located at 225 N. County Street, Waukegan, Illinois, in parking garage C, for an

annual amount of $39,000.

· Lake County currently leases 100 parking spaces under this lease for a charge of

$6,500 per month.

· Lake County reviewed the current use of space and determined that a reduction from

100 spaces to 50 spaces would meet our needs moving forward.

· This lease amendment is to reduce the cost paid by the County. The County shall pay

$65 per parking space for 50 parking spaces, for a total of $3,250 per month.

· The City of Waukegan agrees to provide 50 additional spaces to the County at no cost

for a total of 100 parking spaces in garage C.

· The total cost of this lease amendment reduces the amount paid by the County by $39,000 annually.

· This item was budgeted within the fiscal year (FY) 2017 budget and the lease will

continue to be managed by the Finance and Administration staff.

Attachments: 1st amendment waukegan parking garage c

44 17-0368

Resolution authorizing emergency appropriations for fiscal year (FY) 2017 in various

funds for certain projects, items, and activities budgeted in the prior year and not completed.

· This resolution authorizes the carryover, or reauthorization, of certain FY 2016 activities.

· These activities were not included in the FY 2017 budget; to have include them would

have hindered the proper scrutiny of the new FY 2017 budget.

· Without this action, these projects and/or items will not have the budget authority required.

Attachments: FY17 Carryovers - Apr 2017 Final

45 17-0404

Resolution authorizing a contract with CDW Government, Vernon Hills, Illinois, for

Cisco SmartNet Software Maintenance for a one-year period, with renewal options, in

an estimated annual amount of $44,135.10.

· Since 2008, the Information Technology (IT) Department has procured Cisco SmartNet

software maintenance through the State of Illinois joint purchasing contract.

· Our previous vendor no longer holds the state contract and there was a need to

establish a new contract for this service.

· Cisco SmartNet supports all network equipment that effects network switches, virtual

private network (VPN) and internet connectivity.

· Pursuant to Article 10-101 of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, Cooperative

Purchasing, Lake County may participate in a cooperative purchasing agreement for

the procurement of goods with one or more public procurement units in accordance

with an agreement.

· Lake County IT identified a cooperative purchasing contract with CDW Government,

Vernon Hills, Illinois through the National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance (NIPA)

to procure the needed services that was competitively solicited and awarded.

· This contract provides for a guaranteed percent discount off the current list price for

each network component and based on our current inventory the contract will cost the

County an estimated amount of $44,135.10.

Attachments: Cisco Recommendation

Regular agenda

Health and Community Services Committee

46 17-0084

Board of Health Report.

47 17-0400

Joint resolution authorizing the County Board Chairman to sign a contract with North

Highland Consulting, Chicago, Illinois, for facilitation and consulting services for the

Lake County Mental Health Coalition in an amount not to exceed $379,450.

· In August 2016, Chairman Aaron Lawlor announced the formation of the Lake County

Mental Health Coalition along with his co-chair Honorable Susan Garrett (former Illinois

State Senator, 29th District) and a diverse group of stakeholders that are capable of

effecting community-level change in the way our community addresses mental,

emotional, and behavioral health needs.

· The focus of the Lake County Mental Health Coalition will be to leverage limited

financial resources across agencies by developing a multi-agency data sharing model

and network that will aid service providers in coordinating care and identifying service

gaps. The long-term goal is to work with all partners to share data, collaborate on

services, develop evidence-based practices, and, together, build a sustainable

continuum of care.

· There is a need for consultant services to work with and support the efforts of the Lake

County Mental Health Coalition.

· In this phase, the consultant will conduct a current state assessment, evaluate options

for data sharing, develop data sharing agreements, and utilize research-based best

practices to aid service providers to have the data they need to collectively build service

capacity, address service gaps, enhance mental, behavioral and emotional health

services, and to collectively evaluate program outcomes.

· A Request for Proposal (RFP) was extended to 17 vendors, sealed proposals were

received from four vendors, and interviews were held with three firms.

· Based on the criteria set forth in the RFP, the evaluation committee selected North

Highland Consulting, Chicago, Illinois, as the most favorable proposal for Lake County.

· Funds for this contract are included as part of the 2017 budget and carry-over process

and this resolution authorizes the County Board Chairman to sign a contract in an

amount not to exceed $379,450.

Attachments: Award Recommendation North Highland

Public Works and Transportation Committee

48 17-0401

Joint resolution authorizing a second amendment to an agreement for sewer service

with the Village of Hawthorn Woods.

· The Village of Hawthorn Woods has requested that its sewer service area be amended

to include a 15-acre parcel know as Hawthorn Trails Phase Three.

· The parcel is located at the northeast corner of Quentin Road and Illinois Route 22.

· The request was discussed at the March 1, 2017 Public Works and Transportation

(PWT) Committee meeting, at which time the Village of Hawthorn Woods made a

presentation regarding the proposed development.

· Following the March 1, 2017 PWT Committee meeting, Planning, Building and

Development staff met with the developer and was successful in incorporating

additional design improvements. These improvements include: elimination of two

residential lots (39 and 37), increased lot sizes and setbacks, as well as a park between

the proposed houses and the project’s northern perimeter.

· This resolution authorizes a second amendment to the sewer service agreement with

the Village of Hawthorn Woods that amends the sewer service area to include service

to the Hawthorn Trails Phase Three parcel.

Attachments: 17-0401 Hawthorn Woods Second Amendment.pdf

Hawthorn Trails PWT Memo 4-5

49 17-0402

Joint resolution authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement for the Lake County’s

diversion of flow into Buffalo Grove’s force main.

· The Village of Buffalo Grove owns and operates its Port Clinton Lift Station and sanitary

sewer force main on Port Clinton Road which discharges into the County’s Des Plaines

River Water Reclamation Facility.

· The County owns and operates the Teal Lane Lift Station and sanitary sewer force

main, which is located along Port Clinton Road, near the Village’s lift station and force main.

· The County sanitary sewer system, downstream from the Port Clinton and Illinois Route

83 area, has sewage capacity limitations that could be eliminated by diverting the Teal

Lane Lift Station sewage flow into the Village’s Port Clinton Lift Station and force main.

· The Village’s Port Clinton Lift Station and force main have excess capacity available to

accept the County’s sewage flow.

· The County will design and construct a new force main to divert the flow from the Teal

Lane Lift Station to the Port Clinton Lift Station. In addition, the County must reimburse

the Village for recapture fees associated with the original construction of the Port

Clinton Lift Station and pay users fees to the Village based upon the sewage flow into

their lift station.

· The proposed agreement is for 30 years. This sewage diversion will eliminate the need

for the County to perform extensive downstream improvements to its sewer systems.

The cost to partner with Buffalo Grove is $780,000 as compared with an estimated

$1,200,000 for the County to complete downstream improvements.

· This sewage diversion will eliminate the need for the County to perform extensive

downstream improvements to its sewer systems.

Attachments: 17-0402 Buffalo Grove Diversion IGA.pdf

Planning, Building and Zoning Committee

50 17-0369

Resolution on Zoning Board of Appeals Case Number 8014, on the application of

Robert Bradley Petersen and Linda L. Petersen to rezone PIN 07-14-200-023 located

on the south side of N. Barberry Lane, approximately from the General Office District to

the Limited Industrial District.

· Robert Bradley Petersen and Linda L. Petersen are Co-Trustees of the Robert Bradley

Petersen and Linda L. Petersen Revocable Trust Agreement dated April 30, 2013. The

applicants have petitioned to rezone a 1.85-acre parcel being PIN 07-14-200-023

located on the south side of N. Barberry Lane, approximately 0.25 miles southwest of

the intersection of N. Delany Road and N. Barberry Lane, from the General Office

District to the Limited Industrial District.

· The proposed rezoning will integrate the operations of the existing excavation/concrete

crushing business with surrounding property owned by the Petersen’s (PIN 07-14-200-

021 and 07-14-200-024) that were rezoned in 2008 from the General Office District to

the Limited Industrial District.

· The rezoning petition is being partnered with an application for a Conditional Use for a

PUD Preliminary Plan under Zoning Board of Appeals Case Number 8022 to address

deviations from Chapter 151 of the Lake County Code, account for future expansion,

and enable regulatory flexibly in the integration of mixed uses associated with the business.

Attachments: 8014_8022 ExecutiveSummary_031617.pdf

8014_8022 Staff Report_Final_Modified PBZ Exhibit A-1_022117.pdf

8014_Rezone Site Plan.pdf

8014_Rezone_Bullets_PBZ Resolution_031617.pdf

location map ZBA #8014 #8022.pdf

Petersen Rezone Application.pdf

Petersen Sum#8014 #8022.pdf

ZBA Resolution_8014.pdf

51 17-0370

Resolution on Zoning Board of Appeals Case Number 8022, on the application of

Robert Bradley Petersen and Linda L. Petersen as Co-Trustees requesting approval of

a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) and PUD Preliminary

Plan on PINs 07-14-200-021, 07-14-200-023 and 07-14-200-024 consisting of 5.53

acres to expand an existing asphalt, concrete, redi-mix, rock and concrete crushing

plant; expand an existing caretaker’s residence; retain a second nonconforming

residence; and to incorporate site enhancements to improve onsite circulation and

overall business operations.

· Robert Bradley Petersen and Linda L. Petersen as Co-Trustees of the Robert Bradley

Petersen and Linda L. Petersen Revocable Trust Agreement dated April 30, 2013,

record owners, have submitted an application for a Conditional Use Permit for a PUD

and a PUD Preliminary Plan to expand an existing asphalt, concrete, redi-mix, rock and

concrete crushing plant, expand an existing nonconforming residence, provide for

future growth and incorporate site improvements to improve onsite circulation and

overall business operations.

· The Conditional Use Permit for a PUD Preliminary Plan approval also requests

regulatory flexibly in the integration of mixed uses associated with the business, and

provides limitations for future growth of the business.

· The subject properties are located on the south side of N. Barberry Lane,

approximately 0.25 miles southwest of the intersection of N. Delany Road and N.

Barberry Lane in Warren Township.

· This petition for a Conditional Use Permit for a PUD and PUD Preliminary Plan is being

partnered with an application for a rezoning in Zoning Board of Appeals Case Number 8014

Attachments: 8014_8022 ExecutiveSummary_031617.pdf

8014_8022 Staff Report_Final_Original Exhibit A_022717.pdf

8022 Petersen_FULLSET.pdf


8022_CUP_PUD_PBZ Exhibit B_022717.pdf

8022_CUP_PUD_ZBA Exhibit A-1_022717.pdf

location map ZBA #8014 #8022.pdf

Petersen CUP Application.pdf

Petersen Sum#8014 #8022.pdf

ZBA Resolution_8022.pdf

Financial and Administrative Committee

52 17-0083

Lake County Partners Report.


53 17-0415

Resolution providing for the appointments of Judy Martini and Michael Danforth to the

Lake County Stormwater Management Commission.

54 17-0416

Resolution providing for the appointment of members to the Lake County Commission

on Government Accountability and Reform.

· The Lake County Board approved the creation of a Lake County Commission on

governmental accountability and reform at its March 10, 2017 meeting.

· the ad hoc committee is specifically charged with the following responsibilities: 1)

Analyze state and county governments that have transitioned to an independent

redistricting system by evaluating their governance structure, methodology,

implementation and outcomes. Utilize information from proposals, such as the Illinois

Independent Map Amendment; 2) Study similar counties that transitioned to a

countywide elected chairman by identifying key issues, including board rules,

challenges, opportunities and decisions that were made to enhance the stated goals of

this resolution. Identify best practices and policies used to balance authority between

the County Board, Chairman and County Administrator. Prioritize models that ensure

strong accountability by elected leaders to the public, maintains strong professional

standards and sets high ethical standards and safeguards in line with the spirit and

intent of Lake County’s Ethics Ordinance and Standards of Conduct; 3) Examine similar

counties’ efforts to reduce the size of the board, assess and report on similar counties’

efforts to reduce the size of their boards. Identify positive and negative impacts on

efficiency, constituent services, policy decisions and compliance with the federal Voting

Rights Act; 4) Provide opportunities for stakeholders and the public to share ideas on

additional reforms that could be studied in the future; and

· The makeup of the Commission shall reflect the diversity of Lake County, including

political, race, gender, age, and socioeconomic diversity, and be representative of a

bipartisan group of leaders with diverse perspectives and backgrounds.

Attachments: Exhibit A - Reform Commission Membership

Petitions, Correspondence and Miscellaneous Business





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