
Lake County Gazette

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Highland Park Business and Economic Development Commission met March 17.

City of Highland Park Business and Economic Development Commission met March 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

I. Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 8:00 am

II. Roll Call

Present: Vice Chair Cox, Commissioners Amdur and Hart 

Business Development Assistant Rosen declared that a quorum was not present.

Absent: Chair Miller, Commissioners Dytrych, Lichtman & Oberman

Staff Present: City Manager Ghida Neukirch, Assistant City Manager Rob Sabo, Business Development Manager Carolyn Hersch, Deputy Director of Community Development, Drew Awsumb, Business Development Assistant Melissa Rosen

Council Present: Mayor Rotering and Councilman Knobel

Also Present: Central Business District Property Owners Association (POA) Chair Amy Amdur, Ravinia District Advisory Chair Katie Wiswald, Llyse Bombicino, Ripple Public Relations, SCORE Business Consultant and Vice Chair New Volunteer Orientation Jennifer Lang, Crossroads Car Wash Owner, Earl Slavin, Property owner Solna Braude, Style Shack Owner, Sherry Levin, Zeifert Eyecare Owner, Christine Zeifert, The Art Center of Highland Park Executive Director, Michele Cohen, Park District of Highland Park Director of Communications and Marketing, Liz Gogola, Highland Park Hospital President, Jesse Peterson Hall, Highland Park Hospital Community Relations Manager, Hania Fuschetto, Downtown Highland Park Alliance Managing Director Wendy Shotts, Abbas Kanji of Renaissance Place/The Tabani Group

Commissioner Oberman joined the meeting at 8:02 AM. With her arrival, a quorum was present.

III. Chair Report

Vice Chair Cox explained that Chair Miller was unable to attend the meeting due to being out of town.

Vice Chair Cox announced that the BEDC is coming up on the planning threshold for the 2017 Business Summit. Vice Chair Cox stressed the BEDC's continued efforts to make the event meaningful and relevant to the business community. He went on to explain that the Business Summit was born out of an idea that the BEDC could help businesses grow through interaction and engagement and that this continues to be an important theme of the BEDC. The expansion of the Mayor's Council for Business Development meetings to include all local business owners is a result of this goal. He asked attendees for their input regarding the Business Summit and asked that those ideas be communicated to Business Development Manager Hersch.

On behalf of Chair Miller, Vice Chair Cox asked the BEDC Commissioners to notify Manager Hersch if they are interested in being part of a Business Summit Work Group.

IV. Approval of the January 24, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Commissioner Amdur asked that the word “experiment' be changed to “experience' on page 8 of the draft meeting minutes.

Commissioner Amdur moved to approve the January 24, 2017 Minutes as amended.

Vice Chair Cox seconded the motion,

On the voice vote the Vice Chair declared that the motion passed unanimously.

V. Business Development Strategic Plan

City Manager Neukirch asked that the attendees introduce themselves to the group.

City Manager Neukirch presented the 2017 Business Development Strategic Plan. She explained that in developing the strategic plan it was import that the goals were specific, measurable, actionable and time-bound. In that way, the strategic plan can be continually reviewed and reassessed to assure that it reflects the City Council and the BEDCs goals and mission.


VI. Mayor's Report

Mayor Rotering thanked everyone for attending the meeting, Mayor Rotering also stressed how important it is to receive feedback from business and property owners as well as community partners. This collaboration helps the City meet the needs of the business community and the community atlarge and contributes in making Highland Park a vibrant and thriving place to live and do business.

Mayor Rotering went on to explain the City’s efforts over the past several years to support the business community including changes to the zoning code to allow development of residential buildings near the Central Business District. The goal of the zoning changes is to allow residents to age in place and increase feet on the street for local businesses.

Mayor Rotering added that the Mayor's Council for Business Development meetings are an opportunity for the City to share what is happening policy-wise. In addition, it gives City staff a chance to hear from the business community about what is working, as well as to share suggestions and garner feedback about ways the City can continue to offer support.

Mayor Rotering concluded by thanking the members of the BEDC, Councilman Knobel, City Manager Neukirch, Business Development Manager Hersch and Assistant City Manager Rob Sabo for their continued work and dedication.

VII. HP150 - High Land Parksesquicentennial Celebration Planning

Mayor Rotering announced that planning has begun for a year of celebration in honor of Highland Park's Sesquicentennial Anniversary. The City will be working with local arts organizations (The Art Center and Ravinia Festival), as well as calling for archives from the schools, businesses and houses of worship in order to celebrate the City's history. Many aspects of the City’s history will be celebrated including the importance of the train lines, the business community and the Native American impact on Highland Park's development.

Mayor Rotering added that the City will be looking for involvement from all aspects of Highland Park and is interested in feedback and participation in the Ideas Summit occurring in April and May.

VIII. Business District & Community Partner Reports

Briergate Business District SSA 18:

No Report

Ravinia District SSA 17:

Ravinia District Advisory Chair Katie Wiswald reported that the SSA property owners have decided to focus less on events due to the Food Truck Market being approved in the Ravinia Business District, and more on Beautification of the District, including lighting.

Centra Business District:

Wendy Shotts of the Downtown Highland Park Alliance expressed the excitement of the Alliance and business owners about the approval of the French Market in the CBD this summer. She added that many of the stores are having micro-events which have been generating enthusiasm among residents, The Alliance continues to promote CBD businesses via social media channels.

Chamber of Commerce:

Highland Park Chamber of Commerce President Ginny Glasner was unable to attend, but provided an update via Councilman Knobel,

Councilman Knobel reported that the Chamber has revamped some of their programming to better meet the needs of its members, One example is that the Professional Women's Roundtable is now held quarterly as a lunch series,

The Chamber recently held an event with the Deerfield and Glenview Chambers giving members an opportunity to expand their reach. More than 75 members attended.

The Chamber's 52"Annual Student Honor Dinner is being held on Thursday, April 6. This event is a wonderful opportunity to support students and see the next generation of leaders, The Chamber is still in need of a few more scholarships. Their goal is to give a scholarship to every honoree. The honorees are chosen by the High School faculty.

Crossroads Business District:

Earl Slavin of Crossroads Car Wash expressed concern regarding the vacancies in the Crossroads Business District,


Jennifer Lang of Score reported that Score has increased their client traffic in the northern area by 17%. Highland Park is up 13%. Score will be working with the Library to expand their hours.

Highland Park Hospital:

Highland Park Hospital President Jesse Peterson Hall provided an update about Highland Park Hospital, 2018 will be the 100 year of the hospital serving the community and President Hall expressed his interest in being a part of the City’s Sesquicentennial celebrations.

President Hall announced that the proposed merger that had been discussed between Northshore University Health System and Advocate Health System is formally off the table.

President Hall went on to discuss the continued modernization of Highland Park Hospital including improvements to the Women’s Hospital, Radiology & Imaging Services, Surgery Services and upcoming modernization of the Psychology Services and Emergency Room Services.

Park District of Highland Park:

Liz Gogola provided an update from the Park District. Ms. Gogola reported that the renovation of the Recreation Center is well underway and will be wrapping up by fall. Construction on Sunset Valley Golf Course is planned for May. Ms. Gogola also announced that Hidden Creek Aqua Park will celebrate its 20 year anniversary and will have several special events this summer to celebrate.

On May 25th the Park District will hold the 2" Annual Champions Banquet to recognize young athletes in Highland Park and will include a silent auction benefitting SMILE. She added that sponsorship opportunities are available throughout the year,

IX. Other Business

Mayor Rotering announced that along with Councilman Knobel, City Manager Neurkirch, Police Chief Paul Shafer, Chamber of Commerce Ginny Glasner and others attended the Partnership for a Safer Lake County and signed a pledge of welcoming and inclusive communities. The City Council then passed a resolution at the following meeting stating that Highland Park is one community regardless of background. Mayor Rotering announced that "Hate Has No Home Here' lawn signs would be available for residents both at City Hall and at the Highland Park Public Library.

X. Business from the Public

Vice Chair Cox stated in response to the concerns raised regarding vacancies in the Crossroads Business District that any vacancy is a concern for the City,

City Manager Neukirch added that Manager Hersch is in constant contact with brokers and property owners regarding current and potential vacant space. She emphasized that the City is trying to be proactive in making sure that the City remains current in its zoning regulations. Manager Neukirch explained that zoning changes that were recently passed are intended to stimulate growth and help support businesses, The possible restructuring of the POSO is also intended to stimulate business and decrease vacancies. In addition, City Manager Neukirch explained that permit fees and processes will be looked at in order to determine if the City can better serve businesses. City Manager Neukirch emphasized how important communication and collaboration are to this process and encouraged attendees to share their feedback with staff.

City Manager Neukirch introduced Abbas Kanji, a representative of the Tabani Group, the new owner of Renaissance Place. She explained that the City has engaged with Mr. Kanji and the Tabani Group regarding the revitalization of Renaissance Place including the former Saks space as well as the residential, commercial and office spaces.

Mayor Rotering stated that she is enthusiastic about the future of Renaissance Place and welcomed Mr. Kanji to the community,

Vice Chair Cox again emphasized that the BEDC is committed to helping support the business community and stressed the importance of collaborating with business owners. He asked the attendees to encourage their colleagues to attend the next Mayor's Council for Business Development meeting in order to stimulate a year-long dialogue with the business community. He stressed the Commission's desire to help business owners and encouraged them to share their feedback with the BEDC and City Staff.

Commissioner Amdur announced the opening of Coffee Speaks at Port Clinton and Blaze Pizza which is planning to open this spring.

XI. Adjournment

Vice Chair Cox called for a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Commissioner Amdur moved to adjourn the meeting.

Commissioner Oberman seconded the motion.

The Commission adjourned its meeting at 8:39 am
