
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Lincolnshire Board of Trustees met June 12.

Webp meeting 06

Lincolnshire Board of Trustees met June 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Present: Mayor Brandt Trustee Feldman (Arrived at 7:04 p.m.)

Trustee Grujanac

Trustee Hancock

Trustee McDonough

Trustee Servi

Trustee Leider

Village Clerk Mastandrea

Village Attorney Simon

Village Manager Burke

Chief of Police Leonas

Public Works Director Woodbury

Village Treasurer/Finance Director Peterson

Assistant Village Manager/Community & Economic Development Director Letendre

Assistant Public Works Director/Village Engineer Dittrich

Roll Call

Mayor Brandt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., and Village Clerk Mastandrea called the Roll.

2.1 Approval of the May 22, 2017 Regular Village Board Meeting Minutes

Trustee Servi moved and Trustee Grujanac seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Village Board Meeting of May 22, 2017 as presented. The roll call vote was as follows:

AYES: Trustees Grujanac, Servi, Hancock, and Mayor Brandt.

NAYS: None.

ABSENT: Trustees Leider, Feldman, and McDonough.

ABSTAIN: None. Mayor Brandt declared the motion carried.

3.0 Reports Of Officers

3.1 Mayor’s Report

3.11 Administration of Oath to New Police Officer Pablo Pesa

Mayor Brandt administered the Oath of Office to new Police Officer Pablo Pesa.

Chief of Police Leonas introduced Police Officer Pablo Pesa and provided those in attendance information relative to his background and experience. Chief of Police Leonas presented Police Officer Pesa his Police badge.

Officer Pesa introduced his family, photos were taken, and then Police Officers in attendance joined Officer Pesa for photos.

3.12 FMI Medical/Fexan Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Mayor Brandt informed the Board that she, Village Manager Burke, Assistant Village Manager & Economic Development Director (AVM/CED) Letendre attended the ribbon cutting for FMI Medical/Flexan which recently relocated to Lincolnshire from Elk Grove Village. Mayor Brandt noted Lake County Partners and Ann Maine were also in attendance at the ribbon cutting.

3.13 Memorial Day Commemoration

Mayor Brandt thanked former Mayor Brett Blomberg for serving as master of ceremonies and staff for attending and organizing the Memorial Day Commemoration.

3.14 Daniel Wright Science Olympiads

Mayor Brandt congratulated the Daniel Wright Science Olympiads for winning the National Championships again this year.

3.2 Village Clerk’s Report - None

3.3 Village Treasurer’s Report

3.4 Village Manager’s Report

3.41 FMI Medical/Flexan Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Village Manager Burke noted appreciation to Building Official Mike Jesse for making it possible for FMI Medical/Flexan to open on time. Building Official Jesse handled all the permits and inspections in a professional and efficient manner and was responsive to the time constraints identified by FMI Medical’s leadership.

4.0 Payment Of Bills

4.1 Bills Presented for Payment on June 12, 2017 in the amount of $974,724.04

Village Treasurer/Finance Director Peterson provided a summary of the June 12, 2017 bills prelist presented for payment with the total being $974,724.04. The total amount is based on $226,900 for General Fund; $169,500 for Water & Sewer Fund; $505,700 for Water & Sewer Improvement Fund; $20,400 for Vehicle Maintenance Fund; $24,800 for E911Fund; and $27,600 for General Capital Fund.

Trustee Grujanac moved and Trustee Feldman seconded the motion to approve the bills prelist dated June 12, 2017 as presented. The roll call vote was as follows:

Ayes: Trustees Servi, Grujanac, Feldman and Hancock.

Nays: None.

Absent: Trustees Leider and McDonough.

Abstain: None. Mayor Brandt declared the motion carried.

5.0 Citizens Wishing To Address The Board (On Agenda Items Only)

6.0 Petitions And Communications

7.0 Consent Agenda

7.1 Approval of an Ordinance Amending a Special Use for a Planned Unit

Development for an Attached Single-Family Residential Townhome Community (Ordinance No. 16-3391-118) (Pulte Homes – Revised Development Plans and Plat and Revised Unit Mix)

7.2 Ratification of Contract with Constellation Energy Services Inc. for the Village’s Non-Franchise Electricity Accounts (Village of Lincolnshire)

7.3 Approval of Village of Lincolnshire and Lincolnshire Sports Association Request to Use Village Streets for Annual Fourth of July Parade and Race and Granting a Waiver of the Village Street Usage Policy Cash Bond Requirement (Village of Lincolnshire / Lincolnshire Sports Association)

Trustee Grujanac moved and Trustee Servi seconded the motion to approve the Consent Agenda. The roll call vote was as follows:

Ayes: Trustees Grujanac, Servi, Hancock, and Feldman.

Nays: None.

Absent: Trustees McDonough and Leider.

Abstain: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

8.0 Items Of General Business

8.1 Planning, Zoning & Land Use 8.2 Finance and Administration

8.21 Receipt and Presentation of 2016 Village of Lincolnshire Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (Audit) (Village of Lincolnshire)

Village Treasurer/Finance Director Peterson provided a presentation of the 2016 Village of Lincolnshire Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Village Treasurer/Finance Director Peterson noted the Auditors opinion regarding the Village of Lincolnshire’s Financial Statements is that they present fairly in all material respects the financial position of Lincolnshire.

Trustee Hancock stated the reports shows contributions as a percentage of covered employee payroll seemed higher in 2008 – 2013 and asked why the percentage has declined recently. Village Manager Burke noted in previous years, the Village was making supplemental, voluntary contributions per the Pension Boards recommendations making the contributions as a percentage higher. Village Treasurer/Finance Director Peterson noted the Village Board had previously set a goal to achieve at least an 80% funded status for the Police Pension Fund, and once that objective was reached the supplemental annual contributions could go down. Trustee Grujanac asked if the percentage would level out. Village Treasurer/Finance Director Peterson and Village Manager Burke both noted the percentages would level out.

Village Treasurer/Finance Director Peterson continued with the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report presentation.

Trustee Hancock asked if there was a footnote indicating what the transfer out of the General Fund is. Village Treasurer/Finance Director Peterson stated the financial report includes a footnote stating of the $6.8 million, of which $1.3 million is land held for resale, is part of the Village’s available fund balance. Village Manager Burke stated the anticipated closing on the properties surrounding the Fresh Market is counted towards the fund balance reflected in the annual financial report. A conversation regarding transfers made to the fund balance followed.

Village Treasurer/Finance Director Peterson continued with the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report presentation and reviewed debt of the Village, of which a little over $12 million is the Sedgebrook SSA Bonds. Village Treasurer/Finance Director Peterson proceeded to review the auditors’ notes on GASB, auditors’ communication to the Board; auditors noted deficiencies; and management letter.

Village Treasurer/Finance Director Peterson stated one of the significant deficiencies noted in the auditors’ report was Police Department cash receipts and stated this was not specific to Lincolnshire but in relation to reporting with Lake County. Trustee Hancock asked if there was a way to correct this. Chief of Police Leonas stated Lake County is in the process of looking at e-ticketing and overhauling their system. Chief of Police Leonas noted Lincolnshire’s policies are up-to-date and practices are consistent; however, staff is looking at what Lake County is doing and will adjust accordingly.

Village Treasurer/Finance Director Peterson finalized the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report presentation. Mayor Brandt expressed her appreciation for the presentation and noted no action is necessary other than acceptance of the annual financial report by the Village Board.

8.3 Public Works

8.31 Consideration and Approval of Proposed Corporate Center Tree

Removal Project (Village of Lincolnshire)

Public Works Director Woodbury provided an update of the proposed corporate center tree removal project noting the Village Board had previously indicated consensus toward implementing Option 2 outlined in the memorandum. Public Works Director Woodbury noted this option would allow staff to work with each property owner, prioritize the most critical removals utilizing tree bank funds, while also asking for a commitment to replant from each property owner. The goal would be to utilize funding close to the amount traditionally spent on the spring Tree Adoption Program; which totals approximately $30,000. Public Works Director Woodbury noted staff will work with each property owner to obtain a solid commitment to replant a number of trees, and a time frame to be agreed upon by the property owner and staff.

Public Works Director Woodbury noted he and Village Manager Burke met with Van Vlissengen President, Chuck Lamphere as directed by the Board. Mr. Lamphere stated some of the property owners in the corporate center have been reluctant to remove trees in the past because they knew they could not possibly meet the replanting requirements in the code as it was formerly written. Public Works Director Woodbury noted Mr. Lamphere assured staff that if this program is approved by the Village Board, Van Vlissingen would be amenable to put up additional funding above and beyond what the Village would be contributing to address additional tree removal outside what staff has identified. Van Vlissingen noted they would be willing to work with other property owners, not identified by staff, to encourage them to remove dead trees as a result of the new code revisions.

Mayor Brandt thanked staff for meeting with Van Vlissingen as directed by the Board.

Village Manager Burke noted the corporate center is governed in a very unique way; the Village has been very hands-off with regards to parkway trees because the properties are covered by lease agreements and their underlying covenants and restrictions. Many of these documents govern the care and maintenance of all trees on a property including parkway trees.

Trustee Hancock asked for clarification regarding the former Ordinance as it relates to replacement. Public Works Director Woodbury clarified a tree needed to be replaced with trees totaling the same amount of inches as the size taken out. So if a 48” diameter tree was taken out, the property owner would be required to plant a number of trees which, if added up, would total 48”. Trustee Hancock asked if the former code related to commercial and not to residential properties. Public Works Director Woodbury confirmed the code related to any commercial property owner. Village Manager Burke noted the revised code makes it possible for staff to work with the property owners on removal and replacement and use good forestry practice.

Trustee Hancock stated if the code has been revised, why not make this a one-time offer, for a period of time, at the land owners expense to take the trees down instead of using tree bank money for removal. Public Works Director Woodbury stated the way the code has been revised does not put the property owners on the clock. Trustee Hancock suggested putting the property owners on the clock for tree removal with the revised code requirements for replacement. Public Works Director Woodbury noted the funds that would be allocated for the removals are not funds coming out of the Village budget but funds coming out of the tree bank which was built up over several years due to defaults on bond moneys paid. Therefore, the money in the tree bank is corporate center monies to be used for purposes of replanting, and the code was revised to state the monies could be used for removals. Village Manager Burke clarified the code revision and the direction from the Board to enhance the entry ways to spur on leases in the commercial areas.

Trustee Hancock asked why the Village would pay for removals and not the property owners noting his desire would be to use the tree bank money for replanting after the property owners pay for removal. Village Manager Burke noted the tenants in the corporate center have been removing trees but have not been able to replace the trees due to the diameter requirements so they have made contributions to the tree bank fund and recognize the funds have been accrued over time. Mayor Brandt noted her opinion is that the corporate owners are not taking down trees because it is costly. Mayor Brandt stated there are dead trees all over the Village; the corporate centers are the gateways to the community and where tax revenue comes from and to beautify and enhance is important. Mayor Brandt agrees it is important to incentivize.

Trustee Hancock noted it is difficult to support a program using tree bank money for removals without knowing how the proposed expenditure of funds may affect the overall corporate center.

Trustee Hancock asked if the corporate centers take down trees, are there any penalties per the code. Public Works Director Woodbury stated the way the code has been revised allows staff to come up with tree accountability requirements. Trustee Hancock noted his opinion is that the incentive should be the dead trees get taken down without posting a bond for a period of time since the tree bank is there for planting trees. Trustee Hancock stated he is not in support of the current structure of the proposed Corporate Center Tree Removal Project.

Trustee Servi expressed agreement with Trustee Hancock and stated he would be more inclined for Option 1 because it provided some incentives for the corporate center but also makes them accountable.

Trustee Grujanac stated the dead trees need to come down and replaced noting her opinion is the corporate owners would benefit from the incentive to use the tree bank money for removal.

A conversation regarding what was presented to Van Vlissingen and additional options followed.

Trustee Feldman noted she was in favor of Option 2.

Mayor Brandt stated in her opinion, one of the things Lincolnshire prides itself on is being attractive, pristine, and trees. Mayor Brandt stated this has been one of her goals and noted several areas where there are dead trees. Mayor Brandt noted the proposed project recommended by staff is responding to direction provided by the Village Board over the course of several meetings.

A conversation regarding how the proposed plan came to be, the goals staff and the Board would like to accomplish and possible commitment from the property owners followed.

Village Attorney Simon noted the per tree removal cost is more known then the per tree replacement cost given the different value of trees by species.

Trustee Hancock suggested providing incentive to the property owners to take the dead trees down; Lincolnshire can then help them with replacement trees. A discussion regarding incentive for the property owners to take the dead trees down at their cost and providing funds for replacement trees followed.

Mayor Brandt suggested having another meeting with Van Vlissingen to get more feedback regarding alternate options.

A conversation regarding current proposed option as incentive to the property owners and impact of possible options followed.

Trustee Grujanac asked if she made a motion and it fails, could this be brought back and would the Mayor vote in the case of a tie. Village Attorney Simon stated the Mayor gets to vote in the following circumstances; if it is three to one or if it is three to three and stated this could wait until more Trustees are present.

Trustee Grujanac moved and Trustee Feldman seconded the motion to approve the proposed Corporate Center Tree Removal Project. The roll call vote was as follows:

Ayes: Trustees Grujanac, Feldman and Mayor Brandt.

Nays: Trustees Hancock and Servi.

Absent: Trustees McDonough and Leider.

Abstain: None. The Mayor declared the motion failed.

Mayor Brandt asked what would happen with the proposal from here and can it be readdressed. Village Attorney Simon stated this can be re-introduced again for a new vote in two weeks. Mayor Brandt suggested putting this under items of General Business at the next Regular Village Board Meeting.

Trustee Servi asked if a Nay voter or a Trustee not in attendance had to bring this item up for reconsideration. Village Attorney Simon stated if the Board would like to make a motion of reconsideration, the motion can only be made by someone on the prevailing side, and in this case that would be one of the Nays or someone who is absent. This is just if the Board would want to move forward with the parliamentary procedure for reconsideration. Village Attorney Simon stated there is no Public Hearing preceding this decision so it does not have to be handled in this manner. Trustee Hancock noted he would bring this back for reconsideration.

Trustee Servi asked if staff could provide more information to address concerns made by the Board. Mayor Brandt suggested the Board drive around and look at the corporate areas instead of spending more staff time. Village Manager Burke noted staff would investigate other options.

Trustee Feldman asked if there was anything in the code that would require someone to take down a dead tree. Public Works Director Woodbury stated the code states a dead tree needs to be taken down if it is deemed a hazard or a nuisance.

8.4 Police

8.41 Consideration of an Ordinance Amending Section 11-12-7 and 11-12-8 of Title 11, Chapter 12, of the Village of Lincolnshire Village Code (Modify Minimum age for Sale or Purchase of Tobacco From 18 to 21 Years Old) (Lake County Health Department)

Chief of Police Leonas provided an update regarding the proposed amendment to 11-12-7 and 11-12-8 of Title 11, Chapter 12, of the Village of Lincolnshire Village Code (Modify Minimum age for Sale or Purchase of Tobacco From 18 to 21 Years Old).

Trustee Feldman noted some concern regarding raising the age to 21 since when someone turns 18 they are old enough to vote, go to war, and fire a gun but would not be able to purchase a cigarette. Trustee Grujanac noted the predominant age of the people who buy for underage children are in the 18 – 21 range.

Trustee Hancock moved and Trustee Grujanac seconded the motion to approve an Ordinance Amending Section 11-12-7 and 11-12-8 of Title 11, Chapter 12, of the Village of Lincolnshire Village Code (Modify Minimum age for Sale or Purchase of Tobacco From 18 to 21 Years Old). The roll call vote was as follows:

Ayes: Trustees Grujanac, Servi, Hancock, and Feldman.

Nays: None.

Absent: Trustees McDonough and Leider.

Abstain: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

8.5 Parks and Recreation

8.6 Judiciary and Personnel

9.0 Reports Of Special Committees

10.0 Unfinished Business

11.0 New Business

12.0 Executive Session

13.0 Adjournment

Trustee Grujanac moved and Trustee Servi seconded the motion to adjourn. The voice vote was unanimous and Mayor Brandt declared the meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
