
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Lincolnshire Committee of the Whole met June 12.

Webp meeting 07

Lincolnshire Committee of the Whole met June 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Present: Mayor Brandt

Trustee Feldman

Trustee Grujanac

Trustee Hancock

Trustee McDonough

Trustee Servi

Trustee Leider

Village Clerk Mastandrea

Village Attorney Simon

Village Manager Burke

Finance Director/Treasurer Peterson

Public Works Director Woodbury

Chief of Police Leonas

Assistant Village Manager/Community & Economic Development Director Letendre

Assistant Public Works Director/Village Engineer Dittrich

Roll Call

Mayor Brandt called the meeting to order at 8:26 p.m. and Village Clerk Mastandrea called the Roll.

2.0 Approval Of Minutes

2.1 Acceptance of the May 22, 2017 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the May 22, 2017 Committee of the Whole Meeting were approved as submitted.

3.0 Items Of General Business

3.1 Planning, Zoning and Land Use

3.2 Finance and Administration

3.21 Report and Consideration of Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Process, Approval Schedule and Goal Setting (Village of Lincolnshire)

Village Manager Burke provided a report for consideration of the Fiscal Year 2018 Budget process, approval schedule and goal setting.

Village Manager Burke asked the Board to provide feedback on any changes to the budget process, budget document, or assumptions staff should use when developing the budget. Trustee Hancock expressed his opinion, staff should strive to maintain the 75% fund balance as outlined in the policy and maintain the property tax rate at the rate it has been held to for the last few years.

Village Manager Burke noted there would be time over the next couple months if members of the Board had additional direction or feedback for the 2018 Budget.

3.3 Public Works

3.31 Consideration of an Ordinance Adopting the Prevailing Wage Rates to be paid to Laborers, Mechanics and Other Workers Performing Construction of Public Works for the Village of Lincolnshire (Village of Lincolnshire)

Village Manager Burke provided a summary of the state required ordinance adopting the prevailing wage rates to be paid to laborers, mechanics and other workers performing construction of Public Works for the Village of Lincolnshire.

Trustee Servi asked how the rates are determined and how it is decided where the Lincolnshire prevailing wage rates should be.

Village Attorney Simon stated the Department of Labor performed a broader, detailed survey this year of wages and benefits paid for prevailing wage work in Lake County.

There was a consensus of the Board to place this item on the Consent Agenda for approval at the next Regular Village Board Meeting.

3.32 Consideration of an Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Resolution Regarding Construction on State Highways (IDOT/Village of Lincolnshire)

Assistant Public Works Director/Village Engineer Dittrich provided a summary of the state required resolution regarding construction of state highways.

There was a consensus of the Board to place this item on the Consent Agenda for approval at the next Regular Village Board Meeting.

3.33 Consideration of Request for the Village of Lincolnshire to Submit Letter of Support to form the North Branch – Chicago River Watershed Workgroup

Assistant Public Works Director/Village Engineer Dittrich provided a summary of the request for the Village of Lincolnshire to submit letter of support to form the North Branch – Chicago River Watershed Workgroup noting the group is similar to that of the DesPlaines River Watershed Workgroup.

Trustee Grujanac asked if there are municipalities north of Lincolnshire who would be in the Watershed Workgroup noting concern with potential fees and wanting the cost of the program to be as fully shared as possible. Assistant Public Works Director/Village Engineer Dittrich stated Lincolnshire is not the northern most municipality in the Watershed Group; Gurnee and North Chicago are at the farthest limit of the watershed. Assistant Public Works Director/Village Engineer Dittrich noted once the Letters of Support from each municipality are received, the group will have a better understanding of number of participants and actual cost of membership.

Trustee Hancock asked if the budget impact will be known prior to the Board agreeing to join the group. Assistant Public Works Director/Village Engineer Dittrich stated currently the way the fees are set up, Lincolnshire’s share is approximately $1,700 but based on the level of commitment from other municipalities; a conversation will take place regarding what could be done with the fees once the other municipalities have committed.

Trustee Grujanac asked if the monitoring fee was above and beyond the $1,700. Assistant Public Works Director/Village Engineer Dittrich confirmed the monitoring fee was above and beyond the $1,700.

A brief conversation regarding the Des Plaines Watershed Workgroup member participation followed.

There was a consensus of the Board to place this item on the Consent Agenda for approval at the next Regular Village Board Meeting.

3.34 Consideration of Staff Recommendation Regarding Lincolnshire

Creek Drainage Improvements (Village of Lincolnshire)

Assistant Public Works Director/Village Engineer Dittrich provided an update and summary of staff recommendation regarding Lincolnshire Creek Drainage improvements. Assistant Public Works Director/Village Engineer Dittrich noted the Community Christian Church and neighboring residents have been receptive regarding working with staff.

Village Manager Burke noted the contract and approval of the easement agreement would come back before the Board.

There was a consensus of the Board to place this item on the Consent Agenda for approval at the next Regular Village Board Meeting.

3.35 Consideration of an Increase in the Contract Amount for the 2017 Sanitary and Storm Sewer Lining Project with Hoerr Construction of Peoria, IL, in an Amount not to Exceed $130,656.00 (Village of Lincolnshire)

Assistant Public Works Director/Village Engineer Dittrich provided a summary of the request to increase the contract for the 2017 sanitary and storm sewer lining project with Hoerr Construction. The increase is due to staff identifying an additional 500’ of lining that is critical. Village Manager Burke stated this may require a Supplemental Appropriation at the end of the fiscal year.

There was a consensus of the Board to place this item on the Consent Agenda for approval at the next Regular Village Board Meeting.

3.36 Consideration and Discussion of the 2018-2027 Village of

Lincolnshire 10-Year Capital Plan (Village of Lincolnshire)

Assistant Public Works Director/Village Engineer Dittrich provided a presentation regarding the 2018 – 2027 Village of Lincolnshire 10-year Capital Plan.

Trustee Hancock thanked staff for the presentation and noted information pertaining to anticipated cost savings or labor savings related to the various projects in the plan is very helpful. Trustee Hancock suggested staff include more descriptions in the plan for the expenditures to help the Village Board make decisions regarding equipment or infrastructure expenditures.

There was a consensus of the Board to place this item on the Consent Agenda for approval at the next Regular Village Board Meeting.

3.4 Public Safety 3.5 Parks and Recreation 3.6 Judiciary and Personnel

4.0 Unfinished Business

5.0 New Business

6.0 Executive Session

7.0 Adjournment

Trustee Grujanac moved and Trustee Hancock seconded the motion to adjourn. Upon a voice vote, the motion was approved unanimously and Mayor Brandt declared the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
