
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Lincolnshire Committee of the Whole met June 26.

Meeting 09

Lincolnshire Committee of the Whole met June 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Present: Mayor Brandt

Trustee Feldman

Trustee Grujanac

Trustee Hancock

Trustee McDonough

Trustee Servi

Trustee Leider

Village Clerk Mastandrea

Village Attorney Simon

Village Manager Burke

Finance Director/Treasurer Peterson

Public Works Director Woodbury

Chief of Police Leonas

Assistant Village Manager/Community & Economic Development Director Letendre

Economic Development Coordinator Zozulya

Roll Call

Temporary Chair McDonough called the meeting to order at 7:09 p.m. and Village Clerk Mastandrea called the Roll.

2.0 Approval Of Minutes

2.1 Acceptance of the June 12, 2017 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the June 12, 2017 Committee of the Whole Meeting were approved as submitted.

3.0 Items Of General Business

3.1 Planning, Zoning and Land Use

3.11 Update Regarding Milwaukee Avenue Corridor Plan – Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning Local Technical Assistance Grant Funding Application (Village of Lincolnshire)

Assistant Village Manager/Community & Economic Development (AVM/CED) Director Letendre provided an update regarding the Milwaukee Avenue Corridor Plan noting this week staff will submit the request for a local technical assistance grant to Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP). Staff requests Board support for the submittal.

Trustee McDonough asked if the Village of Buffalo Grove is not applying jointly with Lincolnshire. AVM/CED Director Letendre confirmed Buffalo Grove is not going to be jointly applying and has indicated to staff they have higher priority projects. Trustee McDonough asked if this would impact the cost to Lincolnshire. AVM/CED Director Letendre stated this will not impact the cost to Lincolnshire. Trustee McDonough asked if Lincolnshire is asking CMAP to give Lincolnshire a Grant. AVM/CED

Director Letendre confirmed Lincolnshire is asking CMAP to award us a Grant and planning assistance. Economic Development Coordinator Zozulya noted the only cost Lincolnshire would bear is the local match which is 20% if we are successful. Village Manager Burke noted staff thought there might be a higher rate of success in receiving the Grant if Buffalo Grove decided to participate as a collaborative application.

Trustee McDonough ask for a brief explanation regarding the project. AVM/CED Director Letendre stated the application is for planning assistance relative to Lincolnshire’s sense of place and what we would like to see on Milwaukee Ave. Village Manager Burke stated a planning document would be the product of this request; looking at the development along the corridor and the amenities but not at the width or widening of Milwaukee Avenue.

There was a consensus of the Board to move forward with the application.

3.2 Finance and Administration

3.3 Public Works

3.31 Consideration of Acceptance of an Easement for the Purposes of Extending Sanitary Sewer on Riverwoods Road (Village of Lincolnshire)

Public Works Director Woodbury provided a summary of the proposal for acceptance of an easement for the purposes of extending sanitary sewer on Riverwoods Road.

Trustee McDonough asked if this would have some bearing on a bike path in the area. Public Works Director Woodbury stated he was not aware of a proposed bike path in this area. A conversation regarding the path system in the proposed area followed. There is no plan to extend the bike path in the area at this time.

There was a consensus of the Board to place this item on the Consent Agenda for approval at the next Regular Village Board Meeting.

3.4 Public Safety

3.41 Report Regarding Vernon Hills Final Invoice for Installation of

Starcom 21 System per User Agreement Approved September 28, 2015 (Village of Lincolnshire)

Chief of Police Leonas provided a summary of the Starcom 21 Radio system Agreement and request for final invoice for installation. A Special Appropriation may need to be made since this was originally budgeted in 2016.

A discussion regarding how this was budgeted for followed. Village Manager Burke noted the bill would be brought forward on the bill list at the July 10, 2017 Village Board Meeting.

There was a consensus of the Board to place this item on the bill list at the next Regular Village Board Meeting.

3.5 Parks and Recreation 3.6 Judiciary and Personnel

4.0 Unfinished Business

5.0 New Business

6.0 Executive Session

Trustee Grujanac moved and Trustee Feldman seconded the motion to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing Pending Litigation. The roll call vote was as follows:

Ayes: Trustees McDonough, Feldman, Grujanac, and Servi.

Nays: None.

Absent: Trustees Hancock and Leider.

Abstain: None.

Temporary Chair McDonough declared the motion carried and the Board went into Executive Session at 7:19 p.m. and came out of Executive Session at 7:24 p.m.

7.0 Adjournment

Trustee Grujanac moved and Trustee Feldman seconded the motion to adjourn. Upon a voice vote, the motion was approved unanimously and Temporary Chair McDonough declared the meeting adjourned at 7:29 p.m.
