
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Millburn Community Consolidated School District 24 Board of Education met July 25.

Millburn Community Consolidated School District 24 Board of Education met July 25.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Regular Board of Education Meeting of the Board of Education of Millburn School District 24, Lake County, Illinois, held at Millburn Elementary School, was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Jane Gattone. Roll call was taken with the following Board Members in attendance: Jane Gattone, Diane Campbell, Carissa LaTourette, Trak Patel, Heath Rosten, Casandra Slade. Absent: Nichol Mangino.

Public Comment - There were no public comments.

Addition Of Discussion Items - There were no added items.

Action Items

Approve Building Permit for Spectrum Renovations Spectrum will be renting a section of Millburn Elementary for the upcoming school year. There are some renovations that need to be made to accommodate their program. Spectrum Center Schools and Programs serve students with special needs and differing abilities. A motion was made by Carissa LaTourette, seconded by Casandra Slade, to approve the Building Permit for Spectrum Renovations. On a roll call vote the following members voted Aye: Diane Campbell, Jane Gattone, Carissa LaTourette, Trak Patel, Heath Rosten, Casandra Slade. Nays: none. Absent: Nichol Mangino. The motion passed.

Consent Agenda

A motion was made by Trak Patel, seconded by Carissa Slade, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. On a roll call vote the following members voted Aye: Jane Gattone, Carissa LaTourette, Trak Patel, Heath Rosten, Casandra Slade, Diane Campbell. Nays: none. Absent: Nichol Mangino. The motion passed.

The Consent Agenda included:

1. Approval of Minutes

a. Public Hearing Meeting of June 27, 2016

b. Regular Board of Education Meeting of June 27, 2016

2. Treasurer's Report and Approval

3. Bill Approval and Payment Authorization

4. Activity Account

Personnel Report

A motion was made by Diane Campbell, seconded by Trak Patel, to approve the Personnel Report as presented. On a roll call vote the following members voted Aye: Carissa LaTourette, Trak Patel, Heath Rosten, Casandra Slade, Diane Campbell, Jane Gattone. Nays: none. Absent: Nichol Mangino. The motion passed.

The Personnel Report included:

1. Resignations

a. Allison Glancy - 1.0 FTE Kindergarten Associate (Paraprofessional)

b. Debra Miller - 1.0 FTE Custodian

2. Hire

a. Jennifer Allie - 1.0 FTELD/BD Teacher - MMS

b. Taylor Kerton - Summer Custodian


Budget Cycle Review

The Board was informed that the August 8th meeting would be a Special Meeting. One of the agenda items will be approval to display the tentative budget. There will be two meetings after that to discuss the budget before final approval.

Board Calendar Review Ms. LaTourette is working on the Board calendar. It will be presented at the Committee of the Whole meeting in September.

Bus Camera Update

Dr. Lind reminded the Board that there are currently cameras on four busses and the Board wanted to revisit the use in one year. There were twelve bus referrals last year. Mr. Walshire sent a survey to find out where students feel less safe. Number one was at recess and the second was on the bus. It would cost between $24,000-31,000 to outfit the remaining busses. Some discussion items included:

o whether to spend the money since there were so few incidences;

o bus incidences being underreported;

o additional training for the bus drivers;

o address bullying issues at recess;

o doubling the number of cameras on the busses;

o the cost of moving cameras to new busses when the bus leases are expired

Strategic Planning Update

Dr. Lind reported the following to the Board regarding the results of the Strategic Plan:

o A Foreign Language program is now in place

o Administration investigated scheduling. A third period was added at the middle school and band and choir will be held during school hours.

o Reinstating a Curriculum director was not realistic in this district, but an assistant principal comes at a lower Cost. This added administrator will take on oversight and administration of 504 meetings, assist with the day to day operations of both Schools by assisting with evaluations, PBIS, and discipline, which will free up the principals to do more with Curriculum.

o increase access to technology - teachers all received iPads. For the 2016-17 school year, all third and sixth grades will be piloting the iPads as well as two additional classrooms. A.5 FTE Technology Integrationist will be added.

o Diversified Staff - Dr. Lind attended a job fair seeking diversified candidates and made a connection with Northeastern University.

o Highly Trained Staff - with professional development opportunities; workshop allowance of S500/year; reimbursement of grad level courses at $200 per credit hour; salary schedule lane movement for grad level courses.

o Non-Core Academics - want a variety of highly engaging educational experiences at MS; an outstanding specials experience at MES; an outstanding Spanish program

o Financially stable - use resources to generate revenue (Spectrum rental); build in margins to smooth programming expenditures; financial profile score 2.55 total score; ending fund balance is improving; reliance eliminated on Tax Anticipation Warrants; days cash on hand is increasing.

o Positive culture and Climate - provided diversity training for middle school students; seventh graders create a genocide museum

o Outstanding Core Academics-instituted a new Writing curriculum; increased access to technology; indicators are MAP and PARCC testing; goal is to increase the percentage of students meeting growth targets on MAP

o Academically Sound/Good Students - support Social/Emotional Learning Standards using Second Step, student council, PBIS; modeling good citizenship; teaching behavior expectations; and student acknowledgement

o Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)- updating science curriculum

Board Agreement

This discussion will take place at the regular meeting in August.

Transportation Restructure

The restructuring includes eliminating the Transportation Coordinator position and Creating two positions - a Transportation Operations person and a full-time administrative assistant to support the Transportation Department and the Business Office. Since this restructure will not be approved until a later meeting, permission was granted to post the positions as anticipated vacancies.

Superintendent Job Description

This will be presented at the Committee of the Whole meeting in September.

Future Agenda Items

o Tentative Budget FY17 for Public Viewing

o Emergency Management Plans for Millburn Elementary and Millburn Middle Schools

o Parent/Student Handbook Changes for 2016-17

o Superintendent Goals

o Field Trips for 2016-17

Board Reports - None.

Superintendent Report - None.

Business Office Report

Dr. Johns reported that the legislature approved the Department of Commerce and Economic Development budget that provides energy efficiency incentives. There will be fewer electrical dollars available in 2016-17 since no funds were expended prior to May 31, 2016. There should see a slight decrease in the amount we pay for this program on our electric utility bills.

It was noted that Elizabeth Keefe, Jake Jorgenson, and Ben Walshire exited the meeting at 8:57 p.m.

Closed Session

A motion was made by Jane Gattone and seconded by Diane Campbell to enter into Closed Session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. On a roll call vote, the following Board Members voted Aye: Trak Patel, Heath Rosten, Casandra Slade, Diane Campbell, Jane Gattone, Carissa LaTourette. Nays: none. Absent: Nichol Mangino. The motion passed. The Closed Session began at 9:09 p.m.

A motion was made by Trak Patel and seconded by Diane Campbell to exit Closed Session. On a voice vote, all Board Members voted Aye. Nays: none. Absent: Nichol Mangino. The motion passed. The Closed Session ended at 9:41 p.m.

Regular Meeting Resumes

There being no further business, a motion was made by Diane Campbell and seconded by Trak Patel to adjourn the Regular Meeting. On a voice vote, all Board Members voted Aye. Nays: none. Absent: Nichol Mangino. The motion passed. The Regular Meeting adjourned at 9:41 p.m.
