
Lake County Gazette

Friday, January 10, 2025

Community Consolidated School District 46 Board of Education met June 21.

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Community Consolidated School District 46 Board of Education met June 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call To Order and Roll Call

The Regular Board of Education Meeting of the Community Consolidated School District 46, Lake County, Illinois was held at Park Campus, located at 400 Townline Rd., Round Lake, IL on June 21, 2017

President Strack called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Steven Strack, Stephen Mack, Jason Lacroix and Tom Meskel. Members absent; Jim Weidman, David Northern and Kathleen Parkinson. Also Present: Superintendent Ellen Correll, Assistant Superintendent Paul Louis and Assistant Superintendent and CSBO Chris Bobek.

Establishment of Quorum

Quorum was established.

Pledge of Allegiance

Pledge of Allegiance took place at this time.

Approval of Agenda

President Strack requested a motion for the approval of the June 21, 2017 Board Meeting Agenda including the Personnel Addendum as presented. Motioned by Lacroix and seconded by Meskel for the approval of the agenda and Personnel Addendum as presented. Yeas: Meskel, Strack, Mack and Lacroix.

Nays: None.

Motion carried.

Public Conferf



2016-2017 Planning and Design Teams- Paul Louis and Amanda Woodruff gave an update on the Planning and Design Teams. These teams started during the 15-16 school year and are intended to be a multi-year process. The goal is to move the district towards a Professional Learning Community (PLC) model, as well as incorporate the "One District, One Direction" vision. These teams include building and district administrators and teachers representing each building and grade level. Each team meets regularly, they compare current practices in the district with identified best practices to determine appropriate recommendations. The presentation is in the Board Packet.

Board Member Reports


Superintendent Report

Ellen Correll asked the Board to send any questions regarding the District 127 solar project to her. Ellen also shared that this is the first year all the Board Members will attend the Triple Conference. Ellen asked the Board if they would consider approving a resource to be used by the district called News ELA. This resource provides high informational text at different reading levels.This purchase will come out of the curriculum budget and cost $14,800. This will be an action item on the July Board agenda.

Consent Agenda

President Strack requested a motion for the approval of the consent agenda including the Personnel Addendum as follows: o Minutes from the following meetings: o June 7, 2017 Regular Meeting o June 7, 2017 Closed Session Meeting

o Personnel Report as presented

o Exception Report as presented o Accounts Payable as presented o Avon and Prairieview Schoolwide Plans

o Imprest Check Listing as presented

o Treasurer's Report as presented o Budget Summary as presented o Student Activity Treasurer's Report as presented o Student Activity Monthly Report as presented o Revenue Multi-Year Variance Report o Expense Multi-Year Variance Report Motioned by Mack and seconded by Meskel for the approval of the consent agenda and Personnel Addendum as presented. Yeas: Lacroix, Strack, Meskell and Mack.

Nays: None.

Motion carried.

Action terras

President Strack requested a motion for the approval of the contract for Arbor Food Service.

Motioned by Mack and seconded by Meskel for the approval of the Contract.

Yeas: Meskel, Mack, Lacroix and Strack.

Nays: None.

Motion carried.

President Strack requested a motion for the approval of the purchase of kitchen equipment at cost of $47,853.09. Motioned by Mack and seconded by Lacroix for the approval of the purchase of kitchen equipment. Yeas: Lacroix, Strack, Meskell and Mack.

Nays: None.

Motion carried.

President Strack requested a motion for the approval of the technology purchase for Park Campus in the amount of $9,911.30. Motioned by LaCroix and seconded by Mack for the approval of the Park Campus technology purchase. Yeas: Mack, Lacroix, Strack and Meskel.

Nays: None.

Motion carried.

President Strack requested a motion for the approval of the contract extension for Paul Louis, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching, Learning and Assessment through June 30, 2019, at the current salary of $139,000. Motioned by Meskel and seconded by Mack for the approval of the contract extension for Paul Louis. Yeas: Strack, Mack, Lacroix and Meskel.

Nays: None.

Motion carried.

President Strack requested a motion for the approval of the 12 month contract for Dr. Stephanie Diaz, Director of EL, at the current salary of $82,000. Motioned by Mack and seconded by Meskel for the approval of the contract for Dr. Stephanie Diaz. Yeas: Meskel, Mack, Lacroix and Strack.

Nays: None.

Motion carried.

President Strack requested a motion for the approval of the Resolution to transfer funds from Working Cash to the Transportation Fund of up to $1.2 million. Motioned by Mack and seconded by Meskel for the approval of the Resolution to transfer funds. Yeas: Strack, Meskel, LaCroix and Mack.

Nays: None.

Motion carried.

Unfinished Business None.

New Business Discussion of the 2016-17 Illinois Physical Fitness Assessment

results- Amanda Woodruff shared the results of this State mandated assessment. This assessment is given to Illinois students in grades 3-12. Amanda shared the results for grades 5 and 7. Each grade participated in four tests, the pacer, curl-ups, sit and reach and push ups. D46 students fell into the "healthy fitness zone". The results are in the Board Packet.

Discussion of on-line registration and point of sale (POS)- On-line registration will allow parents to register their children from home using an internet-enabled device. Once registration documents are submitted they will be verified and approved by the schools. This will allow for instant data updates and registration counts. The district will initially offer this option for kindergarten registration and continuing registration. The system will have English and Spanish versions. Down the road the district will offer this feature to new-to-district students. The benefits to the district will be the use of less paper and printing costs, fewer data entry errors, more accurate information from families and an increased rate of completed continuing registration. The cost of implementation is $10,200. Eventually, paired with on-line registration would be point-of-sale (POS). This would allow families to pay fees on line.

Discussion of the Waste Disposal Contract-Chris Bobek explained that the waste disposal contract with Waste Management will expire in August of 2017. The original bid gave the district the option to renew on a yearly basis with Waste Management, upon completion of the original 3-year contract. Waste Management is currently working on a renewal quote for the district. Once it is received it will be provided to the Board. The Board will then need to make a decision whether or not to extend the contract or go out to bid.

First look and discussion of Board Policies:

2:100 Board Member Conflict of Interest

3:70 Succession of Authority

4:15 ldentity Protection

4:130-E Free and Reduced-Price Food Services; Mea Charge Notifications

5:120 Employee Ethics; Conduct; and Conflict of interest

5:285 Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers

5:300 Schedules and Employment Year

6:70 Teaching About Religions

The Board reviewed the recommended changes on the Board Policies. These Policies will be brought back for a second look and approval at the next Board meeting.

Topics for Future Agenda Items

News ELA

eBoard Policies

On-line Registration

eWaste Management

o Hazardous Road Crossing *Discussion of District Changes if no State Budget is Passed

Public Comment

Yana Dalton a Meadowview parent shared her concerns of not having recess everyday. Ellen Correll agreed to call her and discuss this further,

Closed Session

President Strack requested a motion to enter into closed session. Motioned by Mack and seconded by Meskel for the adjournment of open session and enter into closed session at 8:19 p.m. in accordance with Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120l2(c)(1) "The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity"; and/or 5 LCS 120/2(c)(11) "Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting"; and/or 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) "Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees."5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5)"The purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired.

Yeas: Lacroix, Meskel, Mack and Strack. Nays: None. Motion carried.
