City of Highland Park Housing Commission met July 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:
Call to Order:
At 6:32 p.m., Chairman Ross called the regular meeting of the Highland Park Housing Commission, Peers Housing Association, Ravinia Housing Association, Walnut Housing Association, and the Sunset Woods Association to order. Each of the Commissioners also serves as Directors of each of the Housing Associations. Chairman Ross asked Staff to call the roll.
Roll Call:
Commissioners Present: Chairman Ross, Commissioners C. Adler, J. Adler, Arnold, Saret
Commissioners Absent: Commissioners Meek, Oldham
Councilwoman Present: Holleman
Student Council Absent: Kaufman
Staff declared that a quorum was present.
Staff Present: Later
Also Present: Cerabona
Business from the Public:
There was no Business from the Public.
Approval of Minutes:
1. Commissioner J. Adler moved to approve the minutes of June 7, 2017. Commissioner Saret seconded the motion.
On a roll call vote
Voting Yea: Chairman Ross, Commissioners C. Adler, J. Adler, Arnold, Saret
Voting Nay: None
Chairman Ross declared that the motion passed unanimously.
Scheduled Business:
1. Items for Omnibus Vote Consideration
•Payment of Invoices
Senior Planner Later advised there are no invoices.
• Ratification of Payments
Senior Planner Later advised there are none.
2. Housing Commission Peers, Walnut, Ravinia, and Sunset Woods
• Consideration of June Management Reports for Peers, Walnut, and Ravinia
Senior Planner Later noted the drywall repairs in one building refers to Walnut Place (cost not associated with the HC as the HC does not own Walnut). A full assessment of the buildings are being conducted to determine the extent of the damage of the foundation and walls.. Operating costs will be used to pay for repairs and the owners will be responsible for any additional costs that are not covered by the operating budget.
• Sunset Woods’ Financials from HODC
Senior Planner Later advised a tax exemption has been filed; she will update the HC on the status.
• Housing Trust Fund Financials
Senior Planner Later advised nothing is outstanding.
• Sunset Woods
o Audit & Taxes
Senior Planner Later referred to the letter from the selected company, Novogradac. There are 3 entities; these could be combined. Association funds are separate for Walnut, Peers, & Ravinia. HODC recommends marinating the books for the 12 units and the 2 units separate.. Commissioner J. Adler asked what the benefit is to keep funds separate. Chairman Ross stated the reason is that HOME funds were used to purchase the initial 12 units and the 2 other units were purchased separately at a later time without IHDA funds. He noted the association account bank statements should be sent to HODC.
Senior Planner Later stated that the new audit (via Novogradac) Offers recommendations for better reporting.
Commissioner J. Adler moved to approve the audit, and allow the Chair to execute same.
On a roll call vote
Voting Yea: Chairman Ross, Commissioners C. Adler, J. Adler, Arnold, Saret
Voting Nay: None
Chairman Ross declared that the motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner J. Adler asked if the other units will be audited by Novogradac. Senior Planner Later stated they were included in the RFP process.
Chairman Ross noted there is a huge increase in water at Walnut. Senior Planner Later advised that the contractor that was asked to participate declined to submit a bid.
Commissioner J. Adler asked about the windows at Peers. Senior Planner Later stated the projects have been separated into two, and it is in the bid process. She advised the City would now accept bid bonds.
Item #6 was moved up on tonight’s agenda.
6. Peers Capital Projects
Senior Planner Later referred to Page 142. Three bids are being requested (air conditioning condenser, kitchen, windows/bays). Costs range from $19,000-$22,000 for kitchen replacement. It was discussed if hallways need air conditioning; it was decided it is necessary.
Commissioner C. Adler moved to utilize the company Evergreen recommends, which is State Mechanical. Commissioner Arnold seconded the motion.
On a roll call vote
Voting Yea: Chairman Ross, Commissioners C. Adler, J. Adler, Arnold, Saret
Voting Nay: None
Chairman Ross declared that the motion passed unanimously.
It was noted the kitchen work, will happen following window replacement.
15 Item #5 was moved up on tonight’s agenda.
5. Walnut Service Coordinator Update
Senior Planner Later referred to Page 141 and noted she will forward the duties of the Social Services Coordinator in the next meeting packet. It was noted this position expires September 30, 2017. The memo was reviewed.
Chairman Ross summarized that HUD owes Walnut (then North Shore Senior Center) $21,000. It was asked who can absorb these services for the residents. He asked the following:
• How will North Shore Senior Center be paid if HUD doesn’t pay the grant?
• What will the HC do if the HUD grant is not renewed?
Councilwoman Holleman stressed the critical services needed there. She stated we have a responsibility to steward these residents Senior Planner Later stated she would contact Evergreen for other resources. Commissioner C. Adler stated social inclusion has always been offered.
Chairman Ross presumes it likely that HUD will not come through. Councilwoman Holleman stated if this is the case, taxpayers should be notified of this challenge.
Commissioner Arnold suggested residents be bused tot the senior center for services.
Item #4 was moved up on tonight’s agenda.
4. Insurance Renewal
Senior Planner Later noted the current insurance policy offers a guaranteed replacement cost. Chairman Ross stated the property insurance is very expensive. Senior Planner Later stated that last year, extensive research was done. He asked that we inquire to Evergreen what they pay for insurance. Senior Planner Later advised the policy begins August 9, 2017. Chairman Ross suggested more investigation be done. He would like to inquire as to why the cost is high.
Commissioner C. Adler stated an advisor would be appropriate. Senior Planer Later said NFP is the broker and insurance advisor. Co-insurance was referenced. It was asked what flood insurance is. He noted the categories by NFP need to be further explained.
Councilwoman Holleman suggested Senior Planner Later inquire if insurance can be under the City’s umbrella.
Commissioner Saret moved to authorize the Chair or Vice Chair to execute the insurance agreement at his discretion. Commissioner Arnold seconded the motion.
On a roll call vote
Voting Yea: Chairman Ross, Commissioners C. Adler, J. Adler, Arnold, Saret
Voting Nay: None
Chairman Ross declared that the motion passed unanimously.
3. RHA Property Purchase Offer & Appraisal
Senior Planner Later advised there is a mixed-use development at 515 Roger Williams. The developer wishes to buy the parking lot he is using for his required parking requirements. The development includes 5 affordable units.
Councilwoman Holleman gave a background on the developer and this issue. She stated this would spur future development. This is the former 7-Eleven property.
Senior Planner Later explained the appraisal for the HC’s review. She and Chairman Ross stated this adds value to the existing parcel. Zoning and subdividing was discussed. Ravinia Housing will become out of zoning compliance (but was previously allowed) when constructed under the zoning at that time. Parking standards are now 2 parking spaces per unit (rather than the previous 1.5 spaces). Various (transit-oriented) developments were referenced.
Councilwoman Holleman reminded the parcel has already been given up. Commissioner C Adler said the HC had not approve the sale of the property just yet. Commissioner C. Adler stated the price of the property is comparison to the affordable units that will be added to the City’s housing stock. He suggested that when the development is ready for occupancy, (at project completion), the developer can take title to the property.
Senior Planner Later advised this is subject to HUD, Red Capital, and City Council approval. The developer would absorb the cost associated with this transaction and inclusion into the proposed development.
Commissioner C. Adler stated the attorney should review all possible ramifications. Senior Planner Later referred to Pages 64-66 noting she had prepared a detailed memo that outlined the necessary approvals and implications. Contingencies can be added.
The offer letter on Page 71 was discussed.
Chair Ross asked if the HC agrees to the sale and if the appraisal is acceptable. Senior Planner Later reviewed Pages 67-68. Commissioner Arnold summarized that the HC wants to sell the property however the offer is low. Councilwoman reminded that Staff suggested this scenario to the developer.
Commissioner Saret moved to recommend to sell the property. Commissioner J. Adler seconded the motion.
Commissioner Saret amended the motion to include that the project gets titled when the occupancy occurs.
Commissioner J. Adler accepted the amendment.
On a roll call vote
Voting Yea: Chairman Ross, Commissioners C. Adler, J. Adler, Arnold, Saret
Voting Nay: None
Chairman Ross declared that the motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner J. Adler moved that the HC recess at 8:16 p.m. and go into Executive Session. Commissioner Saret seconded the motion.
On a roll call vote
Voting Yea: Chairman Ross, Commissioners C. Adler, J. Adler, Arnold, Saret
Chairman Ross declared that the motion passed unanimously.
Scheduled Business:
Chairman Ross asked Staff to call the roll at 8:33 p.m.
Roll Call:
Commissioners Present: Chairman Ross, Commissioners C. Adler, J. Adler, Arnold, Saret
Commissioners Absent: Commissioners Meek, Oldham
Councilwoman Present: Holleman
Student Council Absent: Kaufman
Staff declared that a quorum was present.
Staff Present: Later
Also Present: Cerabona
Back to…….
3. RHA Property Purchase Offer & Appraisal (continued)
Commissioner C. Adler moved to accept the $70,000 offered purchase price, subject to entering into a binding written contract. Commissioner J. Adler seconded the motion.
On a roll call vote
Voting Yea: Chairman Ross, Commissioners C. Adler, J. Adler, Arnold, Saret
Voting Nay: None
Chairman Ross declared that the motion passed unanimously.
Other Business:
Senior Planner Later advised that at Sunset Woods, a rental resident left her car running in the garage; this resident will now be required to park outside the garage.
Commissioner Saret moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:39 p.m. Commissioner Arnold seconded the motion.
On a roll call vote
Voting Yea: Chairman Ross, Commissioners C. Adler, J. Adler, Arnold, Saret
Voting Nay: None
Chairman Ross declared that the motion passed unanimously.