
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Zion City Council met July 5.

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Zion City Council met July 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Mayor Hill called the meeting to order.

On call of the roll the following answered present: Commissioners Fischer, McDowell, McKinney, and Mayor Hill. Commissioner DeTienne was absent. A quorum was present.

Also present: Police Chief Steve Dumyahn, Fire/Rescue Chief John Lewis, Public Works Director Ron Colangelo, Accounts/Finance Director David Knabel, Building & Zoning Director Richard Ianson and City Attorney Paula Randall.

Mayor Hill led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Agenda Changes:

It was moved by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner Fischer to accept the City Council meeting agenda as presented. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; McDowell, aye; McKinney, aye; and Mayor Hill, aye. Motion carried.

Citizen Comments:

Clyde McLemore, Zion, stated that Mayor Hill wants to discredit him. He stated that he is allowed to speak for three minutes and he can say what he wants. He stated that he is not always wrong. He stated that he can’t believe that Mayor Hill supports the unethical and unlawful acts of the Township Supervisor. He stated that Mayor Hill lives outside the community. He stated that the Police Department is out of control. He stated that there are no African-Americans on the Fire Department or serving as Department Heads. He stated that Blacks are not hired but they make up forty percent of Zion’s population. Mayor Hill stated that he does not discredit Mr. McLemore unless he speaks an untruth.

Consent Agenda:

It was moved by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner McDowell, that the Consent Agenda be approved as follows:

(a) Approval of Minutes: a Regular Meeting held June 20, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. and approval but not release of Closed Session Minutes of a meeting held on June 20, 2017 at 7:57 p.m.

(a) Bills: Vouchers 126724 through 126800 drawn on First Merit Bank, Total: $583,202.80

Approved by omnibus vote as follows: Commissioners Fischer, aye; McDowell, aye; McKinney, aye; and Mayor Hill, aye. Motion carried.

Resolution/Temporary Road Closure/Jubilee Days:

It was moved by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner McKinney, that a Resolution (17-R-29) be passed requesting permission of the Illinois Department of Transportation for the temporary closure of Sheridan Road on September 4, 2017 between 12:00 P.M. and 3:30 P.M. from 23rd Street to 31st Street for the Jubilee Days Parade. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; McDowell, aye; McKinney, aye; and Mayor Hill, aye. Motion carried. Resolution passed.

Special Use Permit/2809 Damascus/Automotive Sales:

It was moved by Commissioner McKinney, seconded by Commissioner Fischer, that an Ordinance (17-O-35) be passed granting a Special Use Permit for automotive sales at 2809 Damascus Avenue to Steve Slocum, BC Automotive. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; McDowell, aye; McKinney, aye; and Mayor Hill, aye. Motion carried. Ordinance passed.

Ordinance/Redevelopment Plan & Project/Sheridan Road/RT 173 RPA:

It was moved by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner Fischer, that an Ordinance (17-O-36) be passed approving a Redevelopment Plan and Project for Sheridan Road/Route 173 RPA. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; McDowell, aye; McKinney, aye; and Mayor Hill, aye. Motion carried. Ordinance passed.

Ordinance/Designating Sheridan Road/RT 173 RPA:

It was moved by Commissioner McKinney, seconded by Commissioner Fischer, that an Ordinance (17-O-37) be passed designating the Sheridan Road/Route 173 RPA pursuant to the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; McDowell, aye; McKinney, aye; and Mayor Hill, aye. Motion carried. Ordinance passed.

Ordinance/Adopting Tax Increment Allocation Financing/ Sheridan Road/RT 173 RPA:

It was moved by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner McKinney, that an Ordinance (17-O-38) be passed adopting Tax Increment Allocation Financing for Sheridan Road/Route 173 RPA. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; McDowell, aye; McKinney, aye; and Mayor Hill, aye. Motion carried. Ordinance passed.

Ordinance Introduction/Issuance of General Obligation Refunding Bonds:

It was moved by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner McDowell, to accept the introduction of, and place on file, an ordinance authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source) of the City of Zion, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $3,700,000 to refund certain outstanding obligations of the City of Zion and for the payment of the expenses incident thereto. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; McDowell, aye; McKinney, aye; and Mayor Hill, aye. Motion carried. The ordinance will be placed on the July 18, 2017 City Council agenda for final approval and passage.

Vactor Truck Hatch Door Replacement:

A memo (17-DOC-50) was received from Director Colangelo requesting that the Council waive bids and accept the quote from Standard Equipment Company, Chicago, Illinois, in the amount of $27,939.08, for a replacement hatch door for the Public Works Department’s 2003 Sewer Vactor Truck. He stated that the machine is used to clean sanitary and storm sewers and for hydro excavating. He stated that the rear hatch door is in disrepair and needs to be replaced. Director Colangelo stated that the machine will not perform properly without an air tight seal on the door and mechanisms. He stated that even though the parts can be purchased from other vendors, they must still be supplied by Standard Equipment, thus the request to waive bids and accept the quote directly from the supplier. He stated that funding for the replacement comes from the General Fund and Water Fund’s motor equipment line items and was included in this fiscal year budget.

It was moved by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner McDowell, to waive bids and accept the quote from Standard Equipment Company of Chicago, Illinois, for a 2003 Vactor truck hatch door replacement for the Public Works Department in the amount of $27,939.08. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; McDowell, aye; McKinney, aye; and Mayor Hill, aye. Motion carried.

Letter of Commitment/Regional Lake Michigan Watershed Plan:

A memo (17-DOC-51) was received from Director Colangelo requesting that the Council consider approval of a Letter of Commitment for the City to participate in the development of a Regional Lake Michigan Watershed Plan. He stated that a City and a Zion Park District representative met with Lake County Stormwater Management Commission staff to discuss the proposed plan. Director Colangelo presented a meeting summary. He stated that City and Zion Park District staff believe that participation in the plan would benefit both parties as it would create eligibility for future grant opportunities. He stated that the City’s funding commitment would be $2,097.00 which can be spread over the next two fiscal years beginning in Fiscal Year 2019.

It was moved by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner McDowell, to approve a Letter of Commitment supporting the City’s participation in the development of a Regional Lake Michigan Watershed Plan. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; McDowell, aye; McKinney, aye; and Mayor Hill, aye. Motion carried.

Quote/Financing Capital Purchases:

A memo (17-DOC- 52) was received from Director Knabel regarding a quote from Municipal Funding Solutions LLC for financing of capital purchases as detailed in the Capital Projects Fund for purchases in Fiscal Year 2018. He stated that the first payment would be in Fiscal Year 2019. He stated that the City would be making final payments on two leases in Fiscal Year 2018 totaling $239,228 and these funds would be used in Fiscal Year 2019 so as not to increase the budget. He stated that credit approval from Municipal Funding Solutions LLC has been received. He stated that the annual payment for five years would be $238,443.58. Director Knabel recommended entering into the agreement as presented.

It was moved by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner McDowell, to accept the quote from Municipal Funding Solutions LLC and enter into an agreement for financing of capital purchases as detailed in the Capital Projects Fund for purchases in Fiscal Year 2018. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; McDowell, aye; McKinney, aye; and Mayor Hill, aye. Motion carried.

Amendment To Memorandum Of Understanding/Professional:

Firefighters Association IAFF Local 1999-

A memo (17-DOC-53) was received from Director Knabel stating that, as a result of recent negotiations with the IAFF Firefighters’ union, he presented a proposal for Council’s consideration. He stated that all portions of the union contract would remain the same with the exception of the Memorandum of Understanding relating to employee contributions to the health insurance plan. He stated that this memorandum would be removed from the contract and deductions would revert to the original 10% as detailed in the original contract. Director Knabel stated that this change would be retroactive to May 1, 2017.

It was moved by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner McKinney, to approve removal of the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Zion and the Professional Firefighters Association IAFF Local 1999 and therefore, health insurance plan employee contributions would revert to the original 10% as detailed in the original IAFF bargaining unit contract. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; McDowell, aye; McKinney, aye; and Mayor Hill, aye. Motion carried.

City of Zion Emergency Operations Plan:

A memo (17-DOC-54) was received from Chief Lewis regarding revisions to the City’s Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). He stated that the last version was dated March 20, 1989. He stated that the Illinois Emergency Management Act defines the need to maintain a current Emergency Operations Plan. He stated that, according to State Statute, a municipality’s EMA/ESDA Department maintains responsibility for the development and maintenance of the EOP. Chief Lewis stated that, under his direction, Jim Rissell, ESDA, has been coordinating with the Lake County Emergency Management Agency on the revision and development of the City’s plan. He stated that the revised plan has been completed, reviewed and revised by him and he has received initial approval from the Lake County Emergency Management Agency. Mayor Hill stated that the ESDA Director has quite a bit of responsibility under the plan. Chief Lewis stated that, per State Statute, the ESDA Director has responsibility for disaster management. Mayor Hill asked if Chief Lewis would “step up” first as ESDA Coordinator and Chief Lewis stated that he would. Mayor Hill stated that the plan states that the EOC (Emergency Operations Center) can be manned for storm preparedness for a “storm watch”. He expressed concern that if the EOC was manned for every storm watch, staff could become complacent, if a “storm warning” was issued and not man the EOC, which could open the City to liability. Chief Lewis stated that the plan is not a policy but a template for management of the EOC based on the nature of the event which could also change the location of the EOC. Attorney Randall stated that the manning the EOC during a storm watch is discretionary as the plan states that the EOC “may” be manned. Mayor Hill asked who serves as Public Information Officer (PIO). Chief Lewis stated that each Department has its own PIO. Mayor Hill stated that what information goes out and how it goes out opens the City for trouble if not handled by personnel carefully trained on how to deal with the press and communications. Mayor Hill asked if the City’s IT consultant is aware of the IT component in the plan. Chief Lewis stated that he believes that they are not aware, however, they must maintain support as part of their contract with the City. Mayor Hill stated that the CUBZ Commission could be helpful in communicating with residents during an emergency.

It was moved by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner Fischer, to approve the revised City of Zion Emergency Operations Plan as presented. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; McDowell, aye; McKinney, aye; and Mayor Hill, aye. Motion carried.

Departmental Commentary:

Clerk Burkemper stated that she and Attorney Randall performed the semi-annual Closed Session Minutes review and have determined that there are no minutes eligible for release at this time.

Commissioner Fischer stated that he attended the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Ramadan Dinner. He was asked to relay best wishes to the City Council and Chief Dumyahn and they look forward to them joining them in the future.


Thursdays through September 28th; 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; Zion Farmer’s Market Location Change - Zion Park District Leisure Center (2400 Dowie Memorial Drive)

July 18; 6:30 p.m.; Town Board Meeting Appropriation Ordinance Public Hearing

7:00 p.m.; Zion City Council Meeting Appropriation Ordinance Public Hearing

Closed Session:

It was moved by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner Fischer that the Council recess to Closed Session at 7:46 p.m., pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 “Open Meetings”, for the discussion of personnel and collective bargaining. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; McDowell, aye; McKinney, aye; and Mayor Hill, aye. Motion carried.

It was moved by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner Fischer to reconvene the Regular Council meeting at 8:31 p.m. with all members present. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; McDowell, aye; McKinney, aye; and Mayor Hill, aye. Motion carried.

Retiree Medical Insurance Coverage:

It was moved by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner Fischer to reinstate the medical/prescription BCBS insurance Single Plus One coverage for retiree Michael Hampton. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; McDowell, aye; McKinney, aye; and Mayor Hill, aye. Motion carried.

Union Contract Amendment/Fop Patrol Officers:

It was moved by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner McKinney to approve changes to the contract between the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council, Patrol Officers and the City of Zion effective May 1, 2017 resulting in a 3% increase on all compensable hours. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; McDowell, aye; McKinney, aye; and Mayor Hill, aye. Motion carried.

Union Contract Amendment/Fop Police Sergeants:

It was moved by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner Fischer to approve changes to the contract between the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council, Police Sergeants and the City of Zion effective May 1, 2017 resulting in a 3% increase on all compensable hours. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; McDowell, aye; McKinney, aye; and Mayor Hill, aye. Motion carried.


There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner McDowell, and unanimously approved the meeting be adjourned at 8:33 p.m. Motion carried.
