
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Waukegan Township Board met August 10.

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Waukegan Township Board met August 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Waukegan Township, County of Lake, of the State of Illinois was held at Waukegan Township’s Supervisor’s Office located at 149 South Genesee Street, Waukegan, Illinois on Thursday August 10, 2017.

The Board Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Clerk Rose M. Staben.

Clerk Staben requested a motion to appoint Senior Trustee Johnson to preside the Waukegan Township Board Meeting of August 10, 2017. Motion by Trustee Hewitt, second by Trustee Castellanos. Ayes: Trustee Rice, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Senior Trustee Johnson. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Senior Trustee Johnson asked Highway Commissioner Arthur Craigen to led the Members in the Pledge of Allegiance and Senior Trustee Percy L. Johnson led the Members in prayer.

Roll Call: Senior Trustee Percy L. Johnson, Trustee Opal Rice, Trustee Sylvester Castellanos, Trustee Nathaniel Hewitt, Clerk Rose M. Staben and Highway Commissioner Arthur Craigen. Also Present: Juan Hernandez/HR Assistant/Deputy Clerk. Excused: Supervisor Patricia Jones and Assessor Mark Stricklin.

Senior Trustee Johnson requested a motion to approve the Agenda for the August 10, 2017 Waukegan Township Board Meeting as presented. Motion by Trustee Rice, second by Trustee Hewitt. Ayes: Trustee Rice, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Senior Trustee Johnson. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Senior Trustee Johnson requested a motion to approve the Minutes for the July 27, 2017 Waukegan Township Board Meeting as presented. Motion by Trustee Hewitt, second by Trustee Rice. Ayes: Trustee Rice, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Senior Trustee Johnson. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Senior Trustee Johnson requested a motion to approve the Cash-on-Hand as August 02, 2017 as presented. Motion by Trustee Castellanos, second by Trustee Hewitt. Ayes: Trustee Rice, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Senior Trustee Johnson. Nays: None. Motion carried.

PPRT Taxes Received since last report -

Town - $

R&B - $

For the states fiscal year of (July 01 - June 30, 2017) we have received a total of for Town $96,385.86 and for R & B $28,707.98

Town RE Tax -

Total received FY 2017-18 $690,100.83

GA RE Taxes -

Total received FY 2017-18 $320,864.65


Total received FY 2017-18 $104,805.04

SEN'R RE Taxes -

Total received FY 2017-18 $496,614.62

RB RE Taxes

Total received FY 2016-17 $78,131.75

Other Payments Rec'd

Citizen Participation:

Waukegan resident Mr. Fred Turner was present to observe the Township Board meeting.

Supervisor’s Report:

Senior Trustee Johnson mentioned that the “Annual Golf Outing” is scheduled for August 18, 2017 and will be held at the Foss Park Golf Course in North Chicago. He welcomed everyone to participate for the benefit of the Eddie Washington Center and the Staben House.

Attorney Newsome entered the Board Meeting at 5:08 p.m.

Senior Trustee Johnson mentioned that the “5K for Labor Day Run/Walk” is scheduled for September 02, 2017 and will be held at the Independence Grove Forest in Libertyville. He welcomed all Board Members to attend this event.

Senior Trustee Johnson mentioned that the “Annual Coalition Luncheon” is scheduled for October 27, 2017 and will be held at the Milan Banquet in Waukegan. He said the Coalition works hard to keep its members on track. The luncheon will also include a job fair and tickets can be purchased for this event.

Senior Trustee Johnson mentioned that the “North Chicago Days” event went well and that it was great to see the Township participants in the parade. He thanked Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Rice, Clerk Staben, Assessor Stricklin and Township staff for their participation.

Senior Trustee Johnson mentioned that the next parade will be “Gurnee Days” scheduled for August 13, 2017. He said the line-up will be at 11:45 a.m., at the corner of Delany Road and Old Grand Avenue.

Senior Trustee Johnson distributed the “Outside Agency Requests” for Shiloh Baptist Church of Waukegan for their 100th Anniversary program support. The Coalicion Latinos Unidos for their scholarship program support. The Southside Positive Youth for their Stop the Violence Tournament program support.

Senior Trustee Johnson mentioned that the “United Belizeans of Northern Illinois” will be having their scholarship gala on August 12, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. He asked the Board Members interested in attending this event to see Deputy Clerk Hernandez for tickets.

Senior Trustee Johnson mentioned that those interested in attending the Shiloh Baptist Church anniversary celebration to inform the Township today to secure a reservation. He said the event will be held at the Milan Banquet hall.

Highway Commissioner’s Report: None.

Assessor’s Report: None.

Executive Session:

Senior Trustee Johnson requested a motion to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of Personnel-5ILCS 120/2 (C1) at 5:25 p.m. Motion by Trustee Rice, second by Trustee Castellanos. Ayes: Trustee Rice, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Senior Trustee Johnson. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Open Session resumed at 5:30 p.m.

Action on Payroll:

Senior Trustee Johnson requested a motion for the approval of agenda item #13, Payroll period ending July 21, 2017 in the amount of $112,408.76 as presented. Motion by Trustee Rice, second by Trustee Hewitt. Ayes: Trustee Rice, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Senior Trustee Johnson. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Action on Invoices:

Senior Trustee Johnson requested a motion for the approval of agenda item #14, approval of the following invoices for bills submitted for the August 10, 2017 Board Meeting: Invoices for Town Fund in the amount of $11,317.55; Invoices for G/A Fund/Eddie Washington Center in the amount of $3,087.60; Invoices for G/A Fund/Staben House in the amount of $1,494.10; Invoices for Town Fund/Assessor’s Office in the amount of $2,302.07; Invoices for Road and Bridge/Highway Department the amount of $55,659.51; Senior Fund/Park Place in the amount of $11,051.75; Senior Fund/Gift Shoppe in the amount of $0; Invoices for Home Sweet Home in the amount of $6,364.03; Invoices for Fundraisers in the amount of $120.00; as presented. Motion by Trustee Rice, second by Trustee Hewitt. Ayes: Trustee Rice, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Senior Trustee Johnson. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Action on Paid Bills:

Senior Trustee Johnson requested a motion for the approval of agenda item #15, Paid Bills submitted after July 27, 2017 Board Meeting in the amount of $4,485.00 as presented. Motion by Trustee Castellanos, second by Trustee Rice. Ayes: Trustee Rice, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Senior Trustee Johnson. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Emergency Bills: None.

Action Items:

Senior Trustee Johnson requested a motion for the approval of the “Waukegan Township Recommendation For Staff Appointment” of Mary Ann Hartke/Operations Coordinator, effective as of August 21, 2017 as presented. Motion by Trustee Hewitt, second by Trustee Castellanos. Ayes: Trustee Rice, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Senior Trustee Johnson. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Senior Trustee Johnson requested a motion for the approval of the “Agency Request” for Outside Agency Requests for Shiloh Baptist Church of Waukegan in the amount of $500.00, Coalicion Latinos Unidos in the amount of $510.00 and Southside Positive Youth in the amount of $300.00 as presented. Motion by Trustee Hewitt, second by Trustee Castellanos. Ayes: Trustee Rice, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Senior Trustee Johnson. Nays: None. Motion carried.

New Business: None.

Old Business: None.

Announcements: None.


Senior Trustee Johnson thanked Supervisor Jones and the Township Board for presenting him and his family the Resolution in memory of his sister Jessie Mae Jones. Also, for the kind condolences, well wishes and prayers.

Trustee Castellanos mentioned that Park Place will be welcoming the Belizean Ambassador Francisco D. Gutierez on August 11, 2017 at 2:30 p.m. and welcomed the Board Members to this event.


There being no further business to come before the Board, Senior Trustee Johnson adjourned the August 10, 2017 meeting at 5:45 p.m.
