Lake County Zoning Board of Appeals met September 14.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance (if flag is present)
4. Added to Agenda Items
5. Deferred Matters
6. Other Business
6.1 17-0959
#000257-2017 On the petition of George P. Block, Jr. as Trustee of the George P. Block Family GST Exempt Trust FBO George P. Block Jr., record owner of subject property located at 41286 N. Elime Road, Antioch Illinois and contains approximately 0.34 acres, are seeking the following variances from the requirements of the Lake County Code and any other zoning relief as required: 1) Allow a garage as a principal structure and principal use; 2) Reduce the minimum required front yard setback from 10 feet to 3 feet. It is the desire of the applicants to purchase the property with the existing garage and use it for storage purposes.
6.2 17-0960
#000259-2017 On the petition of Eddie Lagunas and the Chicago Trust Company, as plenary co-guardians of the estate of David Colcol, record owner of subject property located at 26770 N. Longmeadow Circle, Mundelein, Illinois and is approximately 0.93 acres, are seeking the following variance from the requirements of the Lake County Code and any other zoning relief as required: 1) Increase the maximum permitted Impervious Surface Ratio (ISR) from 20% to 26.82%.
7. Adjournment