Village of Cary Committee of the Whole met October 3.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
I.Call to Order
This meeting was called to order at 6:34pm by Mayor Kownick.
II. Roll Call
Present: Mayor Kownick and Trustees Betz, Covelli, Weinhammer, Kraus, McAlpine and Cosler.
Absent: None
Others present included Village Administrator Jake Rife, Public Works Director Erik Morimoto, Community Development Director Brian Simmons, Police Chief Pat Finlon, Village Attorney Adam Simon and members of the audience per the sign-in sheet.
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Kownick led in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
IV. Public Comments
There being no comments from the public, Mayor Kownick closed Public Comments at 6:35 pm.
V. Discussion on Maplewood Property
Director Simmons provided an overview of the proposed Maplewood project.
Patrick Taylor, Principal of Central One, LLC, presented a revised plan based on feedback from the Board and residents at the August 22, 2017 Special Village Board Meeting. Mr. Tayor stated he welcomed additional feedback on the revised plan. Mr. Taylor's revised plan includes 5 multi-family buildings, 82 townhome units and open space along Krenz Avenue, Mr. Taylor plans on doing a traffic study to address traffic concerns.
Trustee Kraus asked if the parking for the multi-family buildings would be underground. Mr. Taylor stated this issue will be studied.
Trustee McAlpine stated at the previous meeting Mr. Taylor had presented the townhome unit concept with the possibility of having non-attached units which were more like single-family homes. Trustee McAlpine asked if this was still something being considered and feels it would be a good transition from the existing homes to the downtown area. Mr. Taylor stated if the Board prefers this option he can incorporate this into a revised plan for the Board to review.
Trustee McAlpine stated she would like to see different materials used for the outside of the multifamily units.
Trustee Kraus Stated he would like to see a road that connects to Cary-Algonquin Road to alleviate traffic concerns. Mr. Taylor stated this was a major part of the project.
Mary Ruys, 421 Krenz, stated the Maplewood property should be put on the tax roll as an income for the Village and schools. Ms. Ruys stated she feels Mr. Taylor's plan has addressed many of the concerns of the residents. Ms. Ruys is concerned about asbestos when the building is demolished and wants to make sure this is properly done. Ms. Ruys Stated she would like to have limits on construction times to minimize disruption to the surrounding neighborhood. Mr. Ruys is supportive of the proposed plan.
Tim Eagan, 565 Krenz, stated he feels the draft as presented contains too many units and is concerned about the number of people and cars this would bring. Mr. Eagan feels this location is not correct for the proposed development.
David Stevens, 338 Krenz, stated the revised plan shows more apartment buildings which are taller than what was discussed at the last meeting. Mr. Stevens Stated he agreed with apartment buildings close to the railroad tracks, but did not like the addition of an apartment building which would be visible from his residence. Mr. Stevens liked the park shown on the plan.
Martha Ritter, 239 N. School Street, stated she feels the retention pond is not sufficient for the development. Ms. Ritter stated she feels the open Space is not large enough for the surrounding community to utilize. Ms. Ritter does not support the planned development.
George Ritter, 239 N. School Street, stated during previous heavy rains the baseball fields have flooded and he is concerned about drainage. Mr. Ritter believes a high berm should be built so that the houses on School Street do not have a view of the apartments.
Mike Boyce, 572 Alida, complimented Mr. Taylor on the communication process and the consideration of feedback provided by the residents. Mr. Boyce Stated he is concerned about the density of the development as presented.
Bill Reitveld, 551 Krenz, feels a road from the Metra parking lot to Cary-Algonquin Road is an essential element to the proposed development due to the number of units and residents added to the area. Mr. Reitveld is concerned about the density for this area. Mr. Reitveld stated his concern about drainage.
Paul Ingallinera, 575 Krenz, stated he is concerned about the number of additional people that would be added to the area and what the impact on Services Such as police, fire and the school System Would be.
Tim Allen, 223 N. School, stated he is concerned about the density and drainage of the project.
Kristen Fadden, 26 N. Prairie, thanked Mr. Taylor for considering open space for children that would be living in the proposed development. Ms. Fadden is concerned about the proposed apartment building near her home where the existing bus lot is currently located. Ms. Fadden is also concerned about the increase in traffic in the area.
Dan Siebert, 410 W. Main Street, asked whether the apartments will be required to have sprinklers. Mr. Siebert asked Mr. Taylor where the air conditioning units would be located for the apartments. Mr. Taylor Stated he believed the units would be roof mounted.
Jim Hersh, owner of the industrial property located at 510 Cary-Algonquin Road, is supportive of the proposed plan but he is concerned about the intersection at Cary-Algonquin Road. Mr. Hersh also asked about a detention pond. Mr. Taylor stated he believes the detention area will be in the northwest corner of the proposed plan, but engineers will be consulted for this part of the project.
Fran Steinke, 533 Alida, asked Mr. Taylor how much of the detention pond would be removed. Mr. Taylor stated the area would have to be redesigned. Ms. Steinke Stated that the new detention area would need to be established before the removal of the old detention area. Ms. Steinke asked if a traffic study has been or will be done at the corner of School Street and Krenz. Director Morimoto stated Public Works has assisted by doing data collection around the neighborhood and the developer will complete a traffic study for the project.
Jerry Barrett, 557 Krenz, asked Mr. Taylor to clarify the number of units and how detaching the townhomes could result in an increase in the number of apartment units to maintain the developer's bottom line. Mr. Taylor stated that by detaching the townhomes square footage can be increased which will raise the sale price of the unit.
Trustee McAlpine asked what the general price point would be for the townhomes. Mr. Taylor estimated one townhome product would be around $275,000-300,000 and the other product would be around $300,000 - 350,000. Trustee McAlpine asked if Mr. Taylor would consider changing the building closest to Prairie Street into detached townhomes. Mr. Taylor stated yes, that could be considered.
George Ritter, 239 N. School Street, asked Mr. Taylor how close to the existing lot lines on School Street that the developer could build. Director Simmons stated there would be a 40 foot setback from the property line.
Izabela Gorzka, 20 Daybreak Ridge Trail, stated there are many young professionals moving to the area but feels they prefer single family homes rather than apartments. Ms. Gozka also feels better access to the Metra area is important.
Mike Boyce, 572 Alida, asked if the public should be involved in the zoning process. Mayor Kownick stated the public will be notified when zoning meetings are scheduled so anyone who is interested may attend. Mr. Boyce complimented the Village on the information that can be found on its Website.
Trustee Betz encouraged residents to sign up for the Village's Weekly email blast to stay updated on Village business and local events.
Bill Reitveld, 551 Krenz, thanked the Village Board for letting the residents voice their opinions regarding this project. Mr. Reitveld asked if an association would be managing the finished development and be responsible for Snow plowing and other needed services.
Trustee Cosler stated he has not received any positive feedback from residents and is concerned about the density, traffic and drainage. Trustee Cosler liked Trustee McAlpine's suggestion about changing one of the buildings to townhomes.
Trustee McAlpine Stated she feels multi-family buildings would be appropriate near the Metra station. Trustee McAlpine inquired about Trustee Covelli's comment at a previous meeting regarding putting some retail on the east side of the development. Mr. Taylor stated he is open to this idea if there is a market for it.
Trustee Betz stated she was concerned about the density of the proposed plan. Trustee Betz stated she liked the three multi-family buildings near the railroad tracks but felt the other two shown may be better suited as town homes.
Trustee Weinhammer stated she was not in favor in the density of the proposed plan. Trustee Weinhammer stated she would be supportive of a single family home development on the property. Trustee Weinhammer Stated she would not support a plan that proposes multi-family development.
Trustee Covelli stated she felt the proposed plan was too dense. Trustee Covelli agrees with resident Mary Ruys regarding the tax implications of not developing the property. Trustee Covelli stated she would like to see Some retail incorporated if it is closer to the downtown area. Trustee Covelli would also like to See a park in the open Space area.
Mayor Kownick stated he liked the three buildings close to the train tracks which are presented as multi-family in the proposed plan. Mayor Kownick stated he has received feedback from the public reflecting interest in more upscale living spaces and Seniors who are looking for one-floor residences. Mayor Kownick also Stated the residents' concerns about drainage should be addressed.
Trustee Cosler asked if there would be a road Connecting the commuter lot to Cary-Algonquin Road. Administrator Rife stated that staff has asked Mr. Taylor to include the road connection.
The Village Board asked Mr. Taylor to bring back an updated plan incorporating the feedback received for the Board to review.
VI. Adjourn
There being no further items to discuss, a Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 pm.
Motion: Trustee Kraus
Second: Trustee Cosler