
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Tower Lakes Board met November 20.

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Village of Tower Lakes Board met November 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1) Roll Call, Pledge, and Sign-In: Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. Present: Trustees Bolger (President Pro Tem), Schardt, Kierig, Steffen, Burnidge and Skurla.

Absent: President Parro.

Also attending: Village Clerk Burgoon, Chief Sinacore, BI Cantieri, Treasurer Wiorek, K. Stevens (PC Member), M. Kierker (Wauconda Fire Dept.), J. Ipsen (Resident).

2) Public Comments: Village resident Jacqueline Ipsen, 412 Oxford Rd., spoke strongly in favor of the Village allowing backyard chickens. She stated that, in her research, she could not find much in the way of public safety as a hazard to the community and noted that the emotional benefits they would bring to a family would be the same as with any pet. Tr. Bolger informed her that, while a decision by the VB has not yet been made, the PC did extensive research on the subject of urban poultry and made a presentation at the Oct. VB meeting, recommending that the Village continue to not allow. BI Cantieri and PC member Ken Stevens also provided additional commentary on concerns, with Ken noting that many of the smaller lot sizes within the Village would not be large enough to comfortably accommodate the recommended per bird area amount.

3) Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the October 16, 2017 Village Board minutes was made by Tr. Kierig and seconded by Tr. Schardt. Motion passed unanimously.

4) Police/Pubic Safety: Tr. Steffen reported on the Police subcommittee meeting prior to the VB meeting: (i) North Barrington School invited the TLPD, Wauconda FD and local heroes to their Heroes Breakfast; students each wrote thank-you notes in recognition for their service. (ii) A report was filed with the LC Sheriffís Office about an elderly black male in a gold or silver vehicle making multiple attempts to engage in conversation with children at bus stops in the early morning hours and after school in the Timberlake Estates subdivision. (iii) Chief Sinacore was notified by a member of TLCF of some restricted funds available for possible youth education projects, which the Village could apply for. (iv) The monthly report was distributed at the meeting and officersí hours are in-line.

5) Planning, Building and Zoning: (i) BI Cantieri reported twelve permits were issued last month and inspections are ongoing. (ii) The homeowners at 25318 N. Barsumian Dr. requested an extension of their ordinance violation (garden structure) compliance deadline of January 1, 2018 due to extenuating personal circumstances; BI Cantieri granted an extension to April 1, 2018. (iii) Tr. Burnidge stated that the same residents had also inquired about constructing a ìGranny Podî (small backyard cottage) for an aging parent, but BI Cantieri informed them that existing ordinances would not allow such a structure. (iv) Tr. Kierig inquired if BI Cantieri had any status updates on the foreclosed property at 128 South Hills Dr.; BI Cantieri has received no recent communication. (v) PC member Ken Stevens gave an update on the real estate project as the PC has been sifting through much data provided by area realtors. The real estate value and time on market analyses are skewed as the number of times properties are put on/taken off the market and price reductions are not taken into account when computing days on market and percent to asking price. The under $550,000 properties are selling. More focus needs to be directed at the desirability of the community, not just the dollar amount per square foot. How TL compares to surroundings communities and how to grow value and interest in TL are being examined.

6) Treasurerís Report/Budget/Finance: (i) Treas. Wiorek reported on the Treasurer’s report and monthly bills. A motion to pay the monthly bills as presented was made by Tr. Kierig and seconded by Tr. Skurla. Motion passed unanimously by roll call vote. (ii) Treas. Wiorek stated that a separate bank account would be opened to handle SSA #3 funds with Office Manager Baggett, Pres. Parro, Tr. Schardt and Treas. Wiorek as signatories. A motion to approve the establishment of an account at Barrington Bank & Trust to handle SSA #3 funds was made by Tr. Kierig and seconded by Tr. Steffen. Motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.

7) Stormwater Management: (i) Tr. Skurla gave an update on the Rain Garden Project on behalf of Andy Hay. IEPA has accepted the Quarter 3 claim form and it is being processed, so payment of $19,000 is expected soon. Andy applied for consideration for a presentation at the next annual ILMA; if accepted, it would have a high impact on funds matching. The ACE permit is still in process for Wagner Park. The Rain Garden Project’s primary consultant, Nancy Schumm, is moving to Baltimore; her assistance and expertise have been invaluable assets. (ii) Tr. Skurla suggested that an award be created for volunteers who have gone above and beyond for the Village to show formal recognition of appreciation; the PC will follow up. (ii) Tr. Skurla stated that the project to improve drainage on the west side of Warwick Rd. has been completed and some swale maintenance on the north side of Esther Dr. was performed. Drainage enhancement is to be implemented at E. Lake Shore Dr. and Oxford Rd. TLIA has requested that swale drainage be improved at the west side entrance to Barsumian Park, but it is not likely to be addressed until spring.

8) Roads: Tr. Skurla stated that projects have been completed for the season, with the exception of patching as weather allows. BI Cantieri inquired about road holes created by Nicor that have not yet been fixed and Tr. Kierig said that he needs a list of hole locations to submit to Nicor for patching.

9) Public Health: Tr. Steffen reported that mosquito treatments are done for the season and that septic inspections are satisfactory.

10) Grounds: (i) Tr. Steffen stated that he has been working with TLIA Grounds Chair John Yancey on obtaining bids to work jointly; TLIA has significantly more property. Three bids have been received, with a goal of four. (ii) Electrical work is underway in Fenview and CCE for entrance signage and so that Fenview can install electric streetlights (converted from gas); now waiting for final hookup from ComEd. (iii) Two Village brush pick-ups were completed, one performed by Cuba Township and the other by Trees of Green.

11) Urban Forestry: Tr. Steffen submitted an application for 2017 Tree City USA status and it was accepted. He also applied for a special recognition award which the Village may be eligible for because of amendments made to the Tree Ordinance.

12) Water System/Utilities: (i) Regarding the SSA #3, Tr. Kierig reported that the water main project was supposed to start last week, but the contractor got delayed on another project, so will start the week after Thanksgiving. Work will continue provided temperatures are above 20 degrees. Iron removal facility work will not be visible until spring, as the filter needs to be manufactured first. Shop drawings will be passed between Robinson Engineering and the contractor over the winter and erection of the tank is anticipated to begin in March. The tap fee to connect to the water system is currently $3,500. About a half a dozen houses are on private well, but could connect to the Village water system; those properties are exempt from the SSA #3. Tr. Kierig recommended increasing the tap fee to $5,000 should any of those properties choose to connect in the future. Tr. Steffen asked about implementing an escalating tap fee instead, maybe reevaluating the issue next year. BI Cantieri suggested amortizing those properties for the SSA #3. (ii) Village Code needs to be updated to allow for either copper or polyethylene tubing instead of only copper when connecting residential water services with the water mains; both material types are in accordance with Illinois Plumbing Code. A motion to approve An Ordinance Amending the Village of Tower Lakes Village Code (Re: Title 11, “Water”: Section 11-1-6, “Residential Water Services”) was made by Tr. Kierig and seconded by Tr. Steffen. Motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.

13) Intergovernmental: IML has partnered with the Illinois Bicentennial Commission to promote opportunities for member municipalities to celebrate Illinoisí 200th birthday. A motion to adopt a Resolution in Support of Illinois Bicentennial Celebrations was made by Tr. Kierig and seconded by Tr. Skurla. Motion passed unanimously.

14) Administrative/Legal: (i) As discussed at the August VB meeting, the Village will vacate property adjacent to 703 N. Lake Shore Dr. to TLIA, who will then implement a property swap with the homeowner so the homeownerís property will be one contiguous parcel. A motion to approve an Ordinance Vacating a Portion of the Path Right-of-Way Between North Lake Shore Drive and the Public Parkway Which is Part of Tower Lake as Platted, in the Tower Lake Park Subdivision was made by Tr.†Schardt and seconded by Tr. Skurla. Motion passed unanimously by roll call vote. (ii) Tr. Steffen gave an update on the Communications Committee. He has been working with Debbie Baggett regarding responsibilities discussed at the committee meeting. Quarterly newsletter material will be provided to Debbie two weeks in advance, with a goal of being more up front and transparent about what is discussed at the VB level.

15) Updates: None.

16) Old Business: None.

17) New Business: None.

A motion to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. was made by Tr. Steffen and seconded by Tr. Kierig. Motion passed.
