
Lake County Gazette

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of North Barrington Board of Trustees met January 24.

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Village of North Barrington Board of Trustees met January 24.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

I. Call to Order and Roll Call

At 7:31 p.m. President Pino, called the Meeting to order. The Deputy Village Clerk called the roll and then led the pledge of Allegiance.

Present in Person: President Pino, Trustees Cobb, Kalinowski, Sauer, and Smith

Absent: Trustees Andrew and Weiner

Also Present:Village Administrator Kathy Nelander

Village Attorney Brad Stewart

Kris Lennon, Deputy Village Clerk

Al Stefan, Village Engineer

Susan Allman, Village Forester

Kim Ritschel, Parks & Recreation Chair

Linda Aylward, Environmental & Health Chair

Gery Herrmann, Plan Commission Chair

Maria Peterson

Bevin Brillembourg

Gerald Celano

Kevin Pyne

M/M Kevin Johnson

John Schnure

Deputy Robyn Stankiewicz, Lake County Sheriff

II.Public Comment

Gery Herrmann addressed the Board to inquire about the maintenance portion of the Flint Creek Restoration Project. He explained that the Village initially removed five trees on his property however; noted that no trees have been replaced. Mr. Herrmann added that he’s removed 3-4 large trees which fell into the creek near his property and noted that the Village has removed other fallen trees in the creek but not near his property.

Mr. Herrmann asked who was overseeing the restoration project since the previous individual (Nancy Schumm) resigned. He also inquired about future herbicide treatment/maintenance.

Village Administrator Kathy Nelander explained that the herbicide treatment/maintenance contract is currently before the Environmental & Health Commission for consideration. However; indicated that the commission has not voted on the matter yet.

Trustee Kalinowski added that a Section 319 Grant was awarded to the Village for the project which provides that the Village maintain the restoration for a specified length of time.

Maria Peterson addressed the Board to announce her candidacy to serve as a member of the Lake County Board. She briefly described why she was running and thanked the Board for their time. Ms. Peterson indicated that the General Primary Election will be held March 20, 2018.

It was noted that Ms. Peterson currently serves on the Plan Commission. There was discussion whether she could serve on the Plan Commission and the Lake County Board in the event she gets elected.

Gerald Celano addressed the Board to complain about the nuisances/disturbances regarding the chicken farm located on Scott Road. Mr. Celano explained that the nuisances include:

•Dogs bark all day/night. The Lake County Sheriff has been called numerous times however; no one is on the premises to address the issues.

•Roosters crow all day.

President Pino stated that he would provide an update on the chicken farm under Section

VII. Administration.

III.Village Commission Members Comment

Gery Herrmann addressed the Board as the Plan Commission (PC) Chairman. He explained that the Village Board asked the PC to review Mt. Prospect’s traffic calming program. Chairman Herrmann explained that the PC was opposed to implementing Mt. Prospect’s program. However; indicated that the PC could use Mt. Prospect’s program as a reference document.

Trustee Sauer stated that the Board is looking for its own policy using Mt. Prospect’s program as a guide.

Trustee Smith noted that a policy might not be applicable to all situations.

Trustee Kalinowski suggested that Chairman Herrmann meet with the Village Engineer to initially discuss guidelines as opposed to a policy. Chairman Herrmann agreed.

Chairman Herrmann stated that the PC also discussed the sale of Village owned properties as well as access to Grassy Lake.

IV. Consent Agenda

Motion: On motion of Trustee Kalinowski, seconded by Trustee Sauer, the consent agenda

consisting of the following agenda items were approved:

A.Approve Minutes of Regular Board Meeting 12/20/17; Special Board Meeting 1/10/18

B.Approve 1/24/18 Vouchers for payment of bills

C.Approve the Treasurer’s Report for the 8th month of Fiscal Year 2018

D.Approve Resolution # 2840, a Resolution Re-Appointing Gery Herrmann as Chairman of the Plan Commission

E.Approve Proclamation to Observe March as Women’s History Month

F.Approve Biltmore County Club’s request to hold a firework display on 6/29/18

G.Approve Resolution # 2841, a Resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between Barrington Township, Cuba Township and the Village of North Barrington to provide for Contribution under the Local Share Agreement with Pace for Senior/Handicapped Bus Service

Discussion: There was no discussion.

Vote on Motion

By Roll Call:Ayes:President Pino, Trustees Cobb, Kalinowski, Sauer and Smith


Absent:Trustees Andrew and Weiner


President Pino declared the motion approved.

V. Presentation

A.Susan Allman, Forester – Yearly Report

Ms. Allman provided the following information:

•128 Trees were removed for a total cost of $25,924 (62.5% were Ash trees and 37.5% were other).

•767 Ash trees have been removed since 2011.

•36 Tree plantings. Total cost $11,318.

•46 Heritage tree permits were issued. Zero permits denied. Zero violations.

Ms. Allman stated that her future plans include:

•Remove dead Ash trees in Village rights of way.

•Arbor Day - April 2018.

•Village 50/50 Tree Planting Program

•Tree of the Year Award

President Pino inquired about diseased/dying trees within the Village which Ms. Allman addressed.

Trustee Cobb commended Ms. Allman on her efforts particularly the Heritage tree permits.

VI. Code Amendments/Ordinances/Resolutions

A.Consideration of Ordinance #1317, an Ordinance amending Village Code Sections 1-1-4, 1-1-7, and 1-3-2 (Pertaining to General Provisions and Definitions of the Code

President Pino explained that the Village Attorney is in the process of reviewing and updating the Village Code. He asked Attorney Stewart to comment on the proposed amendments.

Village Attorney Brad Stewart stated that his review of the Village Code began with the introductory section. He explained that the changes to the Code were minor and that amendments would provide clarification to avoid potential legal issues against the enforceability of the Code.

It was noted that a red-lined version of the changes was not included in the Boards’ materials, however; Attorney Stewart assured the Board that a red-lined version would be added to packet materials regarding any future amendments.

Motion: Trustee Sauer moved to adopt Ordinance # 1317; seconded by Trustee Kalinowski.

Discussion: There was some discussion.

Vote on Motion

By Roll Call:Ayes:Trustees Cobb, Kalinowski, Sauer, and Smith


Absent:Trustees Andrew and Weiner


President Pino declared the Ordinance adopted.

B.Consideration of Resolution # 2842, a Resolution establishing Zoning Fees Pursuant to Title 10, Chapter 12, Section 10-12-2 of the North Barrington Municipal Code

President Pino provided a brief explanation of the proposed resolution. It was noted that the resolution imposes a new $300 fee for all zoning permit and petition requests.

Motion: Trustee Sauer moved to approve Resolution # 2839; seconded by Trustee Cobb.

Discussion: There was some discussion.

Vote on Motion

By Roll Call:Ayes:President Pino, Trustees Cobb, Kalinowski, Sauer, and Smith


Absent:Trustees Andrew and Weiner


President Pino declared the Resolution approved.

VII. Administration – President Albert Pino

A.Tabled: Motion to approve Resolution #_____, a Resolution urging the Governor to Veto Senate Bill 1451 (Small Cell Legislation)

The matter was removed from the agenda.

B.Discussion – Updating Village Code

The matter was previously discussed under Section VI. Code Amendments/ Ordinances/Resolutions of the evening’s agenda.

C.Discussion – Combining Parks and Environmental & Health Commissions

Kim Ritschel, Parks & Recreation (P&R) Chair and Linda Aylward, Environmental & Health (E&H) Chair addressed the Board to discuss the matter.

President Pino explained that each commission is lacking members and suggested that the commissions be combined.

Ms. Ritschel and Ms. Aylward addressed the Board and were both in agreement that they did not care to combine the commissions and believe that each commission is independently operational.

Ms. Ritschel added that she would try to recruit more volunteers for the P&R commission. Ms. Aylward noted the same.

There was discussion among the Board about different ways to recruit new volunteers for the various commissions.

D. Comprehensive Drainage Committee

President Pino explained that the Village is currently seeking volunteers to serve on the committee. It was noted that the committee would not include residents with current drainage issues.

E.Village Update

President Pino stated that the Village is looking at insurance plans for staff employees. He explained that he would be consulting with a Trustee and Member of the Finance Committee.

President Pino provided an update on the annexation of the property located on the west side of IL Route 59 and south of Haverton on the Pond Subdivision. He explained that the annexation was successful and noted that the owners of the chicken farm subsequently inquired about the process of seeking a zoning variation. President Pino added that the Village would also be seeking documentation, including plans, from the owners of the chicken farm.

Mr. Celano addressed the Board and noted his concern about witnessing an outdoor fire that was left unattended on the chicken farm. He stated that he was not sure about the contents of the fire. It was noted that the Fire Department should be called in the event of an unattended burn.

There was discussion among the Board and Deputy Robyn Stankiewicz, Lake County Sheriff,

about the ongoing nuisances at the chicken farm and how to best address the issues at this time.

VIII.Reports By Board Of Trustees

A.Trustee Jackie Andrew

Trustee Andrew was absent.

B. Trustee Ron Cobb

Trustee Cobb had no report.

C. Trustee Patricia Kalinowski

Trustee Kalinowski reported that she attended the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County (SWALCO) Board of Directors meeting on 1/18/18. Highlights included:

•SWALCO and Lake County are pursuing a plastic bag fee.

•SWALCO is encouraging more textile recycling.

•Cuba Township is no longer accepting electronic recycling.

Trustee Kalinowski reported that she would be attending an Emergency Management Meeting with Barrington Area Council of Governments (BACOG) on 1/31/18.

Trustee Kalinowski reported that Great Lakes Snow Systems was doing a good job with snow removal and the distribution of salt on Village roadways.

D.Trustee Janice Sauer

Trustee Sauer reported that Village Engineers would begin advertising for the 2018 Village Road Program on 2/2/18. Bids for the road program would be opened at the Village Hall on 2/19/18 at 10:01 a.m. (subsequently changed to 2/26/18). Following the bid openings, Village Engineers make a recommendation which is presented to the Board for consideration. The tentative schedule for the road program includes:

•April/May - Start construction.

•August 30th - Complete substantial road work.

•Month of September – Restoration

E.Trustee Todd Smith

Trustee Smith reported that the Village Administration was doing a good job with managing finances, specifically mentioning the Treasurers Report/Expenses and operating within the Village’s budget.

F. Trustee Lawre Weiner

Trustee Weiner was absent.

IX. Closed Session

There was no closed session.

X.New Business

There was no new business to discuss.

XI.Old Business

There was no old business to discuss.

XII. Adjournment

There being no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Smith moved to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Trustee Kalinowski. The voice vote was unanimous in favor.

At 8:46 p.m. President Pino declared the meeting adjourned.

These Minutes were approved by the Board at a meeting held February 28, 2018.
