
Lake County Gazette

Monday, February 3, 2025

Lake County Board met April 10.

Webp meeting 07

Lake County Board met April 10.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

Call To Order

Moment Of Silence

Pledge Of Allegiance

Roll Call Of Members

Additions To The Agenda (For Discussion Only)

Special Recognition/Presentations

1 18-0421

Resolution honoring the service of Gary Gordon, Finance and Administrative Services Director.

2 18-0426

Presentation from the Housing and Community Development Commission.

3 18-0428

State of the County Video.

Public Comment (Items Not On The Agenda)

Chairman's Remarks

Old Business

New Business

Consent Agenda (Items 4 - 41)

4 18-0385

Minutes from March 13, 2018.

Claims Against Lake County, Il:

5 18-0418

Report of Claims Against Lake County, Illinois for the month of March 2018.


6 18-0268

Report from Joy Gossman, Public Defender, for the month of January 2018.

7 18-0363

Report from Joy Gossman, Public Defender, for the month of February 2018.

8 18-0311

Report from Carla N. Wyckoff, County Clerk, for the month of February 2018.

Report from Mary Ellen Vanderventer, Recorder of Deeds, for the month of February 2018.

Report from David B. Stolman, Treasurer, for the month of January 2018.

11 18-0397

Report from David B. Stolman, Treasurer, for the month of February 2018.


12 18-0423

Resolution providing for the reappointment of Karen Wojciechowski as a trustee of the Grayslake Fire Protection District.

13 18-0424

Resolution providing for the reappointment of James Lang as trustee of the Lake Zurich Rural Fire Protection District Board.

14 18-0425

Resolution providing for the reappointment of Bruce L. Shrake as a member of the Lakes Region Sanitary District.

Law And Judicial Committee:

15 18-0297

Joint resolution authorizing participation of the Lake County State’s Attorney in the Major Crimes Task Force (“Task Force”).

• The Task Force, having been in place for over 20 years, recently completed an operational and structural review. As a result of that effort - which included Lake County Municipalities, the Lake County Sheriff’s Office, the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office (SAO), and the Illinois State Police - it was determined that the Task Force be continued through approval of updated By-Laws and membership Contract.

• The Task Force will provide high level investigation and law enforcement efforts cooperatively between Lake County municipalities and the Lake County and State participating offices, the need for which may exceed the ability of any individual municipality through its regular police services.

• The updated By-Laws, which also constitute the membership Contract, require a three-year commitment that commences on April 1, 2018. As required, the County Board (Board) authorized the updated Contract and By-Laws of the Task Force on March 13, 2018.

• Upon approval of this item, the Board will approve the participation of the SAO in the Task Force.

• The Task Force includes a Board of Directors on which the Lake County State’s Attorney will participate as the SAO Members’ representative and the Chief Deputy of the Criminal Division as alternate.

• The Task Force recognizes that Members do not acknowledge or accept responsibility for any claims due to property losses, claims in tort or in contract or other claims or losses made against any other members of the Task Force. Lake County Risk Management staff participated in the Task Force Contract and By-Laws drafting process.

• Comprehensive insurance and insurance-like coverage and risk management services will be offered for those participating in the Task Force.

16 18-0325

Joint resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation of a Title IV-D Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (IDHFS) and the Lake County State’s Attorney for the continuation of the State’s Attorney’s Child Support Enforcement Program for the period of July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, for a maximum reimbursement amount of $610,000 for staff wages and benefits.

• Since 1985, the State’s Attorney’s Office has entered into an annual IGA with the IDHFS to provide child support enforcement services.

• Pursuant to these annual agreements, the State’s Attorney’s Office reasonable costs for providing these services, as determined by IDHFS, are to be reimbursed.

• Since 1999, the State’s Attorney’s Child Support Enforcement staff has included three Assistant State’s Attorneys, four secretaries, three paralegals, and one investigator.

• The Child Support Enforcement Division handles approximately 12,000 active cases, including those to establish paternity, to set support upon voluntary acknowledgement, to establish medical support orders, and to enforce orders for payment of support.

• IDHFS has tendered a proposed State fiscal year (SFY) 2019 contract to reimburse personnel costs not to exceed $610,000, 66 percent of which is federal funds.

• Funding for the Lake County contract was reduced by a total of 12.86 percent ($90,000) from SFY 2017’s contract of $700,000, including a $50,000 reduction for SFY2018 and a $40,000 reduction for SFY2019.

• Sources of program funding include; $610,000 from the State of IDHFS, $9,475 reimbursement from the State’s Attorney’s Environmental Fund, $18,800 from a part-time paralegal position vacancy, and $61,725 from a full-time legal assistant position vacancy.

17 18-0256

Joint resolution authorizing the renewal of an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) 2018-55-024-KD between the Illinois Department of Health Care and Family Services (IDHFS) and the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit Court (Court) for grant funding to operate the Court’s Access and Visitation Program for state fiscal year (SFY) 2019 and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $45,000.

• Since 2009, The Nineteenth Judicial Circuit has received grant funding from the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (IDHFS) to operate its Access and Visitation Program (Program) that provides mediation services for never-married parents involved in visitation and custody-related disputes in an effort to increase child support collections from this population.

• IDHFS has renewed the IGA and awarded grant funding to the Court in the amount of $45,000 for SFY 2019.

• This program conducted 182 mediations from October 2016 to September 2017.

Joint resolution accepting the Highway Safety Program Grant (State Award ID Number (SAIN) 343-5727), awarded by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $8,636.40 for fiscal year (FY) 2018.

• The Lake County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) was awarded an Illinois Department of Transportation federal fiscal year (FFY) 2018 Highway Safety Program Grant (SAIN 343- 5727) in the amount of $8,636.40.

• The main objective of the grant is to conduct specific traffic enforcement campaigns focused on distracted driving in an attempt to maximize road safety.

• The grant requires the LCSO to conduct traffic enforcement details, at a cost not to exceed $8636.40, for the period of April 16 through April 30, 2018.

• There is no match required for this grant.

19 18-0372

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Construction Cleaning Company, Chicago, Illinois (Construction Cleaning) and further authorizing assignment of that contract to Clark Construction Group LLC, Chicago, Illinois, (Clark) as Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) for the final cleaning work for the Lake County Courthouse Expansion Project (LCCEP) in the amount of $109,400.

• The final cleaning work in this bid generally includes all interior and exterior final construction cleaning for the LCCEP.

• The Lake County Board has authorized Clark to proceed with a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the infrastructure and interior work pursuant to their contract for CMAR services.

• A bid was issued for final cleaning work on February 2, 2018.

• Sealed bids were received on March 1, 2018, from three nonlocal vendors ranging from $109,400 to $390,000.

• Construction Cleaning was determined to be the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.

Health And Community Services Committee:

20 18-0321

Joint resolution approving 2018 Lake County Affordable Housing Program (LCAHP) grant awards.

• In September 2017, Community Development staff released the Lake County Affordable Housing Program (LCAHP), HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) Program and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 2018 funding notice, soliciting eligible affordable housing programs and projects.

• As a result, the recent affordable housing application round resulted in 17 requests totaling $4,198,606 for only $2,200,000 in available housing dollars.

• The Affordable Housing Advisory and Recommendation Committee (ARC) recommends LCAHP funding of $300,000 as follows:

o$109,675 for one unit of affordable housing in Highland Park (Community Partners for Affordable Housing);

o $35,000 for rapid rehousing (Catholic Charities);

o $85,325 for new construction of infill housing (Youth Conservation Corps);

o $40,000 in support of housing assistance programs (Affordable Housing Corporation of Lake County); and

o $30,000 for grant administration (Community Development).

21 18-0368

Joint resolution to approve a Memorandum of Understanding between Lake County Workforce Development Board, Lake County and the One-Stop Operator Consortium in the amount of $116,213.

• Since 2000, the Job Center of Lake County has been operated under a partner consortium including the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES), the College of Lake County (CLC), and the Lake County Workforce Development Department (Workforce Development).

• New Federal legislation went into effect in 2015 that requires these services to be procured by the Workforce Development Board through a competitive selection process.

• The County met its obligation through the initial award of the One-Stop Operator to the Workforce Development Partner Consortium at the County Board meeting on June 13, 2017.

• The Workforce Development Board received notification in December 2017 from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) requiring that the competitive selection process be resolicited based on a finding that with no funding included in the original Request for Proposal (RFP) the competition was restricted and, as such, would limit the number of responses from entities already receiving Title One funds.

• Lake County was unsuccessful in their appeal of the finding by DCEO and re-released the RFP for the One-Stop Operator on February 22, 2018 to 26 vendors and one proposal was received from the consortium of the IDES, CLC, and Workforce Development.

• The review committee determined that the proposal submitted by the Workforce Development Partner Consortium satisfied the requirements set forth in the RFP.

• It is recommended that the consortium of the IDES, CLC, and Workforce Development be approved to continue to provide these services in the amount of $116,213.

22 18-0364

Joint resolution authorizing the Lake County Workforce Development Department, to enter into Summer Youth Employment Worksite Agreements with various organizations and businesses.

• Annually, Lake County approves a Summer Youth Employment Worksite Agreement with various organizations and businesses that will serve as worksites and provide summer youth employment to the 215 youth enrolled in the Lake County Summer Youth Employment Program.

• The worksite agreement outlines the responsibilities of the participating summer worksites and Lake County.

• This agreement will be entered with 30 to 35 organizations and businesses that meet the program requirements.

• Minimum program requirements include the following: 1. capacity to host a youth for six weeks for up to 25 hours per week; 2. provide on-site supervision; and 3. report assigned youth's progress.

• This joint resolution authorizes the County Board Chairman or his designee to officially, via signature, execute each agreement.

Public Works And Transportation Committee:

23 18-0360

Joint resolution authorizing a contract in the amount of $35,000 with Hoerr Construction Inc., Peoria, Illinois, using a shared services contract with the City of Lake Forest (Lake Forest), for 965 feet of sanitary sewer rehabilitation in the Highland Lake area.

• In furtherance of the County Board’s shared services strategic initiative, Public Works closely works with the County Administrator’s Office to identify shared service opportunities.

• The Public Works Department (Public Works) provides sewer service throughout portions of Lake County (County) and rehabilitates deteriorated and aging sanitary sewer systems.

• In 2017, Lake Forest - on behalf of the participating Municipal Partnering Initiative (MPI) group members City of Lake Forest, City of Highland Park, and Village of Mundelein - extended an invitation to bid for sewer rehabilitation services which included components such as sewer lining.

• As a result of that bid, Lake Forest contracted with Hoerr Construction as the lowest responsive and responsible bid and renewed the contract for an additional one-year term.

• Through this contract, Public Works coordinated with Lake Forest to obtain the same negotiated 2018 contract pricing for sewer lining services. As a result, Hoerr Construction submitted a quote to Public Works in the amount of $35,000 for 965 feet of sanitary sewer lining and associated work in Highland Lake.

• Pursuant to Article 10-101 of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, Cooperative Purchasing, Lake County may participate in a cooperative purchasing agreement for the procurement of goods with one or more public procurement units in accordance with an agreement entered into between the participants.

24 18-0403

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Boller Construction Company Inc. of Waukegan, Illinois, in the amount of $384,088 for the Lincoln Well House Improvements Project.

• The Lincoln Well House provides water service to portions of Fox Lake Hills.

• The facility was built in 1991 and certain piping, electrical, and mechanical equipment requires upgrades and modifications to convert to a Lake Michigan source of water supply.

• The project will include internal and external water piping installation, removal and replacement of existing roof, demolition and abandonment of existing tanks, replacement of existing standby generator, and associated electrical and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) work.

• An invitation to bid was extended to eight contractors and sealed bids were received from two ranging from $384,088 to $454,000. Boller Construction Company Inc. submitted the lowest responsive, responsible bid in the amount of $384,088.

25 18-0404

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Fab Tech Wastewater Solutions, LLC, O’Fallon, Missouri, in the amount of $225,000 for the Mill Creek clarifier work.

• The Mill Creek Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) provides service to portions of Old Mill Creek, Antioch, and Grandwood Park.

• The WRF, constructed in 1999 and expanded in 2008, requires repairs to and rehabilitation of the original clarifiers.

• The project - which will drain the clarifiers, dismantle the mechanical equipment, repair and replace the clarifier equipment - is a companion project to the Mill Creek electrical and process project awarded in February 2018.

• An invitation to bid was extended to seven contractors and sealed bids were received from three ranging from $225,000 to $301,826.

• Fab Tech Wastewater Solutions, LLC submitted the lowest responsive, responsible bid in the amount of $225,000.

26 18-0339

Ordinance providing for the establishment of a County altered speed zone of 45 miles per hour (MPH), currently designated 50 MPH on Dilleys Road, County Highway 15, from Stearns School Road, County Highway 74, to 3,000 feet north of Stearns School Road, County Highway 74, located in Warren Township, in conformity with Chapter 625 - Section 5/11-604 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes.

• Ordinance is required to establish speed zones.

• The necessary speed studies have been undertaken based on responses to the County sponsored “Road Safety Survey”.

27 18-0381

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $69,585.83 for the construction of leveling binder and surface courses on an existing milled surface on East Oakwood Drive, from North Oak Ridge Road to West Timberlake Road in Cuba Township Road District, which will be improved under the Illinois Highway Code for a total of 0.58 miles and designated as Section 18-04106-00-GM.

• A total of five bids were received, ranging from $69,585.83 to $94,890, and the lowest responsible bidder is Peter Baker and Son, in the amount of $69,585.83.

28 18-0383

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $237,164.54 for the Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) surface removal, Class D patching and constructing leveling binder and surface courses on various roads in Countryside Estates in the Fremont Township Road District, which will be improved under the Illinois Highway Code for a total of 1.60 miles, and designated as Section 18-07140-00-GM.

• A total of five bids were received, ranging from $237,164.54 to $333,141.54, and the lowest responsible bidder is Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $237,164.54.

29 18-0384

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $148,271.12 for the Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) surface removal, Class D patching and constructing leveling binder and surface courses on Bridle Trail Road, from Hunt Club Road north/northwest to Stearns School Road in the Warren Township Road District, which will be improved under the Illinois Highway Code for a total of 0.95 miles, and designated as Section 18-14102-00-GM.

• A total of three bids were received, ranging from $148,271.12 to $196,665.47, and the lowest responsible bidder is Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $148,271.12.

Bid Tab, Warren Road District 2018 Contract Award.pdf Attachments:

30 18-0349

Joint resolution appropriating $1,625,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for ice control salt needed for the 2018-2019 winter season, under the applicable Illinois Highway Code, and designated as Section 19-00000-05-GM.

• The Division of Transportation (DOT) will participate in the County’s joint procurement process for the acquisition of ice control salt for the winter season of 2018-2019.

• Before a letting can be held, an appropriation of funds is required.

31 18-0379

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Denler Inc., Joliet, Illinois, in the amount of $179,855.68 to provide for crack sealing of bituminous and concrete pavement, where necessary, on various County highways under the Illinois Highway Code, appropriating $216,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds, and designated as Section 18-00000-04-GM.

• Each year, crack sealing is done to County highways to prevent the intrusion of water and incompressible material into the cracks and to reinforce the adjacent pavement.

• This project is included in the highway improvement program.

• A total of three bids were received, ranging from $179,855.68 to $261,176.18, and the lowest responsible bidder is Denler Inc., Joliet, Illinois, in the amount of $179,855.68.

32 18-0380

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with J. A. Johnson Paving Company, Arlington Heights, Illinois, in the amount of $497,107.69 for annual bituminous maintenance of various roads on the County highway system, appropriating $600,000 of Matching Tax funds, and designated as Section 18-00000-13-GM.

• Each year, the County undertakes maintenance of its bituminous highway pavements to preserve the surface quality.

• This project is included in the highway improvement program.

• A total of four bids were received, ranging from $497,107.69 to $572,900, and the lowest responsible bidder is J. A. Johnson Paving Company, Arlington Heights, Illinois, in the amount of $497,107.69.

33 18-0387

Joint resolution appropriating $1,950,000 of 1⁄4% Sales Tax for Transportation funds for the acquisition of necessary right-of-way, by agreement or condemnation, and other right-of-way costs associated with the Gilmer Road, at Midlothian Road, intersection improvement, and designated as Section 10-00079-16-CH.

• The reconstruction and widening of the intersection of Gilmer Road, at Midlothian Road, is a project that is included in the highway improvement program with target construction in 2020 pending available funding and right-of-way.

• Preliminary plans and specifications for this improvement have been prepared and include constructing a new multi-use path between Midlothian Road and North Chevy Chase Road.

• Before right-of-way acquisitions can proceed, authority for appropriation and condemnation is necessary.

34 18-0405

Joint resolution appropriating a supplemental amount of $85,000 of 1/4% Sales Tax for Transportation funds, approving Change Order Number Three in the amount of $69,624.07, for Phase II design engineering services for the roadway reconstruction of Cedar Lake Road, from Illinois Route 120 to Nippersink Road, and designated as Section 08-00065-02-RS.

• Cedar Lake Road, from Illinois Route 120 to Nippersink Road, which needs to be reconstructed and widened, is currently under contract for Phase II design engineering with Crawford, Murphy and Tilley Inc., Aurora, Illinois, in the amount of $543,160.20.

• Change Order Number Three, in the amount of $69,624.07 is needed to cover additional coordination with the Lake County Forest Preserve District (LCFPD) and additional related engineering design elements, intergovernmental agreement revisions, modification of construction documents, extension of reconstruction limits to the south, revisions to the maintenance of a traffic plan to include a one-way detour which resulted in an estimated construction savings of $450,000.

• Change Order Number Two, in the amount of $11,684.35, was previously needed for additional engineering performed for the LCFPD site, including additional design, project schedule considerations, LCFPD seeding specification revisions, coordination and reviews by the LCFPD and preparation of temporary license agreement exhibits.

• Change Order Number One, in the amount of $170,108.25, was previously needed for additional engineering services, including additional coordination with the LCFPD, work related to the St. Joseph’s Church site, south end path design/culvert modifications, and staging associated with the main culvert replacement.

• Change orders need to be approved by the standing committees for cumulative net increases over 10 percent. Appropriations/transfers in excess of $50,000 require Financial and Administrative Committee approval. State Statute requires County Board approval of appropriations from this funding source.

• At its meetings of May 12, 2015 and January 17, 2017, the Lake County Board approved appropriations in the amounts of $655,000 and $70,000, respectively, from the 1/4% Sales Tax for Transportation funds for these design engineering services.

• Change Order Number Three in the amount of $69,624.07 - along with a contingency of approximately 18 percent - would be funded through a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $85,000 from the 1/4% Sales Tax for Transportation funds.

35 18-0260

Joint resolution authorizing emergency appropriations in fiscal year (FY) 2018 for the Division of Transportation (DOT) capital and bond funds, for projects previously approved and for additional revenue.

• This resolution authorizes emergency appropriations in the FY 2018 DOT capital funds budget for previously approved projects and additional revenue.

• These projects and revenue were not included in the FY 2018 budget.

• Without this action, these projects and revenue will not have the budget authority required.

• Due to the nature of transportation project work occurring over multiple years, this is a routine annual appropriation request to carry forward previously appropriated funds into the current fiscal year.

Planning, Building And Zoning Committee:

36 18-0392

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with the North Branch Chicago River Watershed Workgroup (NBWW) and administrative fund creation.

• The NBWW’s mission is to bring together a diverse coalition of stakeholders to improve water quality in the North Branch Chicago River in a cost-effective manner to meet Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) requirements.

• NBWW members include National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit holders and consists of municipalities, townships, drainage districts, publicly owned wastewater treatment works, Lake County Stormwater Management Commission (SMC), the County, corporate community and non-profit organizations.

• The NBWW plans to monitor and collect water quality data in the river to assist in formulating and prioritizing water quality improvement projects, and subsequently to seek grant funding to assist in the group’s efforts.

• The NBWW will be governed by bylaws that forms and governs the structure of the NBWW, with an elected executive board, and a voting, dues paying membership.

• The NBWW proposes to utilize the SMC as its administrative agent for entering into contracts, making payments, receiving dues or grants or other revenue, and for providing the financial accounting and reports required by the Agreement.

• This resolution authorizes and directs the Chair of the County Board and the Clerk of the County to execute the NBWW Agreement and administrative fund creation.

SMC memo/NBWW agreement.pdf Attachments:

Financial And Administrative Committee:

37 18-0395

Resolution authorizing emergency appropriations for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 in various funds for certain projects, items, and activities budgeted in the prior year and not completed.

• This resolution authorizes the carryover, or reauthorization, of certain FY 2017 activities.

• These activities were not included in the FY 2018 budget; to have included them would have hindered the proper scrutiny of the new FY 2018 budget.

• Without this action, these projects and/or items will not have the budget authority required.

38 18-0350

Resolution authorizing a two-year lease with Michael Henningfield, McHenry, Illinois, in the amount of $4,500 for lease of County property for farming.

• The County desires to enter into a two-year agreement for the sole intention of farming on the County farm property of approximately 45 tillable acres in Libertyville, Illinois.

• The opportunity to farm the property was posted by the Country through the Illinois Farm Bureau.

• Pursuant to Illinois Statutes (55 ILCS 5/5-1005), the County Board has authority to make all contracts and do all other acts in relation to property to exercise its corporate power, including to sell and convey or lease any real or personal property owned by the county.

• Since 2013, the County has leased the land for farming alfalfa on the site based on the minimal short-term disturbance of soils, from an ecological and land management perspective, and the overall reduction in application of chemicals and fertilizers once the crop is established.

• The leasing of the property for farming will reduce blowing soil, provide a natural barrier for blowing and drifting snow, and supports natural area management practices on the Central Permit Facilities grounds.

• The lease will provide annual revenue in the amount of $4,500 for a two-year lease.

18053 Farm Lease Attachments:

39 18-0390

Resolution authorizing the County Board Chairman to provide authority for the County Administrator or his/her designee to act in the capacity of Director of Finance and Administrative Services, including as Purchasing Agent for Lake County (County).

• Due to the resignation of Gary Gordon, a vacancy will exist in the position of Director of Finance and Administrative Services (Director).

• Among other responsibilities, the Director of Finance and Administrative Services, or his designee, is authorized to act as the Purchasing Agent.

• This resolution allows the County Administrator or his designee to act in the capacity as Interim Director for purposes of: 1. executing required financial documents on the County’s behalf; and 2. acting as or designating an individual to serve as Purchasing Agent.

40 18-0371

Resolution authorizing a contract with Globetrotters Engineering Corporation, Chicago, Illinois, (Globetrotters Engineering) for professional architectural and engineering (A/E) demolition design and construction administration services for Winchester House in Libertyville, Illinois, in the amount of $254,212.

• There is a need to enter into a contract to provide A/E demolition design and construction administration services for Winchester House.

• In accordance with the County Purchasing Ordinance, a Statement of Interest was issued for professional A/E services for the County Construction Department and responses were received from eight firms.

• Based on staff evaluations, Globetrotters Engineering is the most qualified firm to perform this work and a scope of services was negotiated for this project.

41 18-0389

Resolution authorizing the Collective Bargaining Agreement, (CBA) between the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) and Lake County Coroner’s Office/Lake County Board.

• This CBA, which will be for a term of December 1, 2016 through November 30, 2019, represents 10 employees who hold the position of Administrative Clerk, Deputy Coroner, Sr Deputy Coroner, Autopsy Technician/Clerk and Forensic Toxicologist.

• Employees covered by this agreement will receive wage increases in the following manner: 2.25 percent across the board effective December 1, 2016 (same as received by non-union employees), 2.5 percent across the board effective December 1, 2017 (same as received by non-union employees) and a 2.5 percent increase effective December 1, 2018.

• The Administrative Clerk and Autopsy Technician/Clerk will be eligible to receive a two percent discretionary performance increases on the anniversary of their third, sixth, and ninth years of service, provided specific performance goals and standards have been met and the County Board approves a Proficiency Incentive Program for non-union employees.

• The Forensic Toxicologist will be eligible for an educational incentive currently granted to the Deputy Coroners.

• As a result of the provisions negotiated in this agreement, wages will increase by $12,267 for fiscal year (FY) 2017, $13,918 for FY 2018 and $12,901 for FY 2019.

Regular Agenda

Health And Community Services Committee:

42 18-0065

Board of Health Report.

43 18-0320

Joint resolution approving 2018 Video Gaming revenue grant funding recommendations in the amount of $554,230.

• On August 13, 2013, the Lake County Board adopted the Lake County Video Gaming Ordinance, thereby permitting lawful video gaming within unincorporated areas of Lake County.

• In September 2016, Lake County Board approved the Video Gaming Revenue policy that outlined procedures for: 1. capturing video gaming administrative, legal, and enforcement costs; and 2. evaluating and possibly funding social programs, projects (excluding capital improvements), and/or services that benefit Lake County residents.

• Under this policy, Community Development administers and manages the awarded monies from the Video Gaming Management Center consistent with the already-established process used for Community Development Block Grants and Emergency Solutions Grants.

• Based on Lake County Board Policy, application scoring includes up to 60 points distributed based on the following priorities: 1. assessment, education and outreach for gambling addiction (60 pts.); 2. clinical gambling addiction services (45 pts.); 3. non-clinical gambling addiction services (30 pts.); and 4. other behavioral health services (15 pts.).

• In September 2017, Community Development received letters of intent for Video Gaming funds totaling $1,013,500 for $554,230 in available funds.

• On March 14, 2018, the Housing and Community Development Commission (HCDC) voted unanimously to recommend approval of 11 of the 16 applicants. Seven of the 11 recommended grant recipients were approved for 100 percent of their grant request. Following are each of the 11 approved grants:

o$75,000 to Nicasa for gambling education and outreach;

o$75,000 to Nicasa for clinical therapeutic services for gambling addicts;

o $4,000 to Consumer Credit Counseling Services of Northern Illinois to provide financial counseling to families negatively affected by gambling; and

o multiple grants to increase the capacity of behavioral health service providers in Lake County: Community Youth Network ($50,000); Catholic Charities ($50,000); Lake County Health Department ($120,000); A Safe Place ($40,000); Erie Family Health ($30,000); Youth Conservation Corps ($35,000); Arden Shore Child and Family Services ($65,230); and Fenix Family Health Center ($10,000).

Public Works And Transportation Committee

44 18-0378

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $930,226.84 for the resurfacing of Almond Road, from Fairfield Lane to Washington Street, which will be improved under the Illinois Highway Code for a total of 1.49 miles, appropriating $1,120,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds, and designated as Section 17-00999-33-RS.

• The resurfacing of Almond Road, from Fairfield Lane to Washington Street, has been identified within the County’s pavement management system and is included in the highway improvement program.

• Bike friendly paved shoulders will be added at various locations, and bike and pedestrian ramps and crossings will be reconstructed to meet current ADA standards.

• A total of three bids were received, ranging from $930,226.84 to $1,123,540.79, and the lowest responsible bidder is Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $930,226.84.

45 18-0386

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement for professional engineering services with Alfred Benesch and Company, Chicago, Illinois, for Phase II design engineering services for the intersection improvement at Fairfield Road and Monaville Road in Lake Villa and unincorporated Lake County, Illinois, in an amount of $518,882.36 appropriating $625,000 of 1⁄4% Sales Tax for Transportation funds for these engineering services, and designated as Section 15-00120-06-CH.

• This improvement project - which encompasses the change of the intersection of Fairfield Road and Monaville Road from a four-way stop to a roundabout, removal of the intersection of Old Monaville Road and Monaville Road, and installation of a cul-de-sac on Old Monaville Road - is included in the highway improvement program with target construction in 2020 pending available funding and right-of-way acquisition.

• A consultant will be utilized to undertake Phase II design engineering services.

• In accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, the recommended firm is Alfred Benesch and Company, Chicago, Illinois, in the amount of $518,882.36.

46 18-0370

Joint resolution approving a renewal Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Hainesville (Village) for the Lake County Planning, Building and Development Department (Department) to provide plan review and inspection services in building, fire, and safety codes for the Village.

• The Department has been completing inspections and plan reviews for the Village under a previous Intergovernmental Agreement since 2014. The agreement is expired and needs to be renewed.

• Due to increased efficiencies in the Department’s field operations and the Village’s convenient geographical location, the Department has the capacity to continue utilizing existing staff to assist the Village while maintaining the current level of service with the Department’s other clients and covering all departmental costs associated with such services to the Village.

• The proposed, renewed agreement - which includes current inspection and plan review hourly rates - would be effective from the date of execution for a period of two years.

47 18-0400

Joint resolution authorizing the vacation of an unimproved portion of Belden Avenue located north of 27573 W. Lake Shore Drive, Spring Grove, Illinois, in the J.L. Shaw’s Second Subdivision on Fox Lake and south of 38257 N. Dawn Circle, Spring Grove, Illinois, in the Lotus Woods Subdivision. Vacation request by Timothy and Michelle Koertgen and Connie Fulton, record owners.

• Timothy and Michelle Koertgen and Connie Fulton, record owners, are requesting the vacation of an unimproved section of Belden Avenue located east of W. Lake Shore Drive and Dawn Circle as shown on the Final Plats of J.L. Shaw’s Second Subdivision on Fox Lake and Lotus Woods Subdivision.

• The Board of Vacations held a public hearing on February 28, 2018 and recommended by unanimous vote to grant the vacation.

• Following recommendations by the Planning, Building and Zoning and Financial and Administrative Committees, the vacation request will proceed to the County Board for final action.

10, 2018 Financial And Administrative Committee:

48 18-0064

Lake County Partners Report.


49 18-0416

Resolution providing for the appointment of Norman Stephens representing the Vista Health System and Kimberly Shaliza Elliott representing the Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science as members of the Mental Health Coalition.

50 18-0417

Resolution providing for the appointment of Geetha Sivasubramanian, M.D. as a member of the Tuberculosis Sanatorium Board.

Resolution providing for the appointment of Robert Glueckert as a member of the Board of Review.

Petitions, Correspondence And Miscellaneous Business

Motion that this Regular September 2017 Session of the County Board of Lake County be adjourned until May 8, 2018.



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