
Lake County Gazette

Monday, December 23, 2024

Village of Wauconda License and Administration Committee met March 27.

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Village of Wauconda License and Administration Committee met March 27.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Committee Members: Chairman Howe

Others in Attendance: Trustee Black, Trustee Starkey, Administrator Timony, and Chief of Police Wermes

1. Call To Order

Chairman Howe called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

2. Approval Of Minutes

The minutes of the February 27, 2018 License & Administration Committee meeting were approved.

3. New Business

a. Discussion – Proposal for Electronic Records Retention Software

Administrator Timony presented to the Committee a proposal from TKB & Associates for the purchase of an electronic records retention software (Laserfiche). He explained that the Village’s current records retention process of keeping paper records is inefficient, takes up valuable storage space in the Village Hall, and does not provide redundancy in case of accidental destruction. Administrator Timony advised that the Laserfiche software is a commonly used software among local municipalities for records retention and would enhance the Village’s current process. He also advised that this software would comply with the Local Records Act.

Chairman Howe stated that this project would pay for itself quickly in terms of saved staff time for records recall and saved storage space. He added that this would also assist with FOIA responses and helping to preserve the Village’s permanent record. Chairman Howe recommended incorporating appropriate funds in the FY 18/19 budget for the purchase and implementation of the software and requested that as a matter of due care that alternative options to the Laserfiche software be explored prior to the purchase.

b. Discussion – Proposal for Classification and Compensation Study

Administrator Timony presented to the Committee a proposal from GovHR for the completion of a classification and compensation study. He explained the function of the study and stated that the proposed deliverable is a much needed human resources document to help facilitate the management and compensation of the Village’s 15 non-union positions. He advised that if approved this study and final deliverable would be available by the end of the summer for adoption by the Village Board. He added that review of the plan on an annual basis would become a part of the Village’s annual budget process.

Chairman Howe stated that the study and proposed deliverable would align with best practices for human resources and that the Village does not currently have a document or plan like this in place. He added that this would also work in conjunction with the Village’s current review and updating of the personnel policy manual. Chairman Howe recommended incorporating appropriate funds in the FY 18/19 budget for the completion of the proposed study and deliverable by GovHR.

c. Discussion – Proposal for e-Citation Software

Chief Wermes presented to the Committee a proposal from Quickets Solutions for the purchase of an e-Citation software platform. Chief Wermes explained that currently the police department issues manual, paper-form tickets for all citations. He added that this process is very time consuming and requires duplicating steps for data entry and reporting to the Circuit Court of Lake County, all of which take up valuable staff resources. Chief Wermes stated that the Quickets eCitation software will streamline the citation process for the Village and save staff time and allow for easy reporting and interface with the Circuit Court of Lake County. He added that this software will also assist with boat and shanty inspections, in turn saving staff time and improving customer service.

The Committee discussed the ROI of the proposed project and how the time savings and associated efficiencies will assist in department operations, reporting, and overall customer service. Chairman Howe recommended incorporating appropriate funds in the FY 18/19 budget for the purchase of the software and associated hardware.

d. Discussion – Oxcart Permit Systems Truck Permitting

Chief Wermes presented to the Committee a proposal from Oxcart Permit Systems for the implementation of an online permit application system for oversize and overweight vehicles. He advised that this is a free service and that over 70 Illinois municipalities are utilizing this service through the Metropolitan Mayor’s Caucus. He continued that this service is an opportunity for the Village to collect permit revenue that is currently not being captured by the Village. The consensus of the Committee was to proceed with the Oxcart system and to draft and present the applicable ordinance and agreement to the Village Board for approval.

e. Discussion – Massage Establishment Licensing

Chief Wermes introduced to the Committee a potential ordinance which would create a massage establishment license in the Village in order to provide the Village greater control over the activities of massage businesses operating within the Village. Chief Wermes stated that the Village has received complaints about certain alleged massage businesses in the Village that are not operating in compliance with the law. He added that some of these complaints have led to arrests. The proposed ordinance would amend the Village Code by adding a massage establishment license with various stipulations around the operation of massage businesses, including the requirement that all massage therapists be licensed by the State of Illinois. Administrator Timony added that this ordinance would streamline the compliance process, giving the Village greater authority to take needed measures to address non-compliant and/or illegal businesses.

The Committee discussed the need for this type of ordinance. The consensus was to continue discussion of this ordinance at a later meeting and to conduct business outreach among existing massage businesses to receive input on the proposed ordinance.

4. Old Business

a. Update – Village Personnel Policy Manual

Administrator Timony provided the Committee with an update on the revisions to the Village’s personnel policy manual. He stated that staff has completed a summary review of other community manuals in Lake County and a matrix outlining the differences and similarities with the Village’s current document has been created. A copy of the comparison was distributed to the Committee for their review.

Chairman Howe asked if GovHR could provide the Village with a proposal to complete the project and develop the Village’s policy versus starting from scratch. Administrator Timony advised that he would request this from GovHR and provide the Committee with a proposal once available.

5. Public Comment

There were no public comments.

6. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 6:24 p.m.
