
Lake County Gazette

Monday, December 23, 2024

Village of Wauconda Village Board will meet May 1

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Village of Wauconda Village Board will meet on May 1.

Here is the agenda as provided by the board:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call

4. Public Comment: Citizens wishing to address the Village Board on any topic of Village business may do so during the public comment section near the beginning of the agenda after requesting to speak by providing name, address, and contact information on the sign-in form near the entrance to the Board room. Citizens wishing to address the public body on any specific item that appears under new business on the agenda will have an opportunity to do so when that agenda item is under consideration if they have requested to address the Board on the topic by completing the sign-in form located near the entrance to the Board Room prior to the start of the meeting. Please keep remarks concise. Individual speakers will be limited to three minutes. All audience participation must be recognized by the Mayor including questions to other Board members, staff or petitioners. When there is a controversial issue or large group present, the Mayor may limit the total amount of time allocated to those who want to speak and all who speak are asked to comply with the established time limit.

5. Approval of Agenda

     (Last Ordinance No. was 2018-O-09) (Last Resolution No. was 2018-R-05)

6. Motion to Approve Consideration of Consent Agenda by Omnibus Vote

7. Consent Agenda

     A. Approval of the Bills for Payment from April 7, 2018 through April 20, 2018 in the Amount

          of $155,109.56                                                                                                                     (Pg. 3)

     B. Minutes of the April 17, 2018 Regular Village Board Meeting                                             (Pg. 18)

8. Motion to Approve Items a Through B on the Consent Agenda

9. Old Business

     A. (Action) Consideration and Approval of the FY 2018/19 Budget                                         (Pg. 24)

     B. (Action) Approval of Street and Parking Lot Closure Request from Wauconda Moose Lodge

          #1969 for July 28, 2018 Fundraising Event                                                                          (Pg. 99)

10. New Business

     A. (Action) Consideration and Approval of Mayor Knight’s Appointments for:                        (Pg. 100)

          1) Director of Human Resources/Risk Management – Kevin Timony

          2) Fire Marshall – Dave Geary

          3) Deputy Liquor Commissioner – Trustee Ken Armswald

          4) Chairman of the ZBA/Plan Commission – Rob Fosness

          5) Vice Chairman of the ZBA/Plan Commission – Dave Jakubek

          6) ZBA/Plan Commission Members (2) – Jeff Lockhart and Wade Meyer

          7) Board of Fire and Police Commissioners – Jeff Sode

     B. (Action) Consideration and Approval of a Resolution Appointing the Village of Wauconda’s

          Representatives to Serve as Director/Alternate on the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County

          (SWALCO) Board of Directors                                                                                            (Pg. 102)

     C. (Action) Consideration and Approval of a Resolution Appointing the Village of Wauconda’s

          Representatives to Serve as Director/Alternate on the Central Lake County Joint Action Water

           Agency (CLCJAWA) Board of Directors                                                                              (Pg. 104)

     D. (Action) Consideration to Award a Contract to Manusos General Contracting Inc. for the

          Wastewater Treatment Plant Sand Filter Building Improvements                                        (Pg. 106)

11. Mayor’s Report

12. Committee Reports & Trustee Comments

13. Executive Session

     (5 ILCS 120/2(C)(6)) The setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body.

14. Adjournment
