
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Schiller Park President and Board of Trustees met June 7.

Webp meetingroom04

Village of Schiller Park President and Board of Trustees met June 7.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

I. Call To Order

II. Pledge Of Allegiance

III. Roll Call: President N. Caiafa

Trustee M. Diaz Trustee T. Deegan

Trustee R. Klug Trustee R. Lima

Trustee J. Golembiewski Trustee C. Gorzynski

Village Clerk R. Jos

IV. Swearing In/Presentation

V. Approval Of Minutes:

Regular Board Meeting of May 17th, 2018

VI. Persons Wishing To Be Heard

VII. Consent Agenda For Consideration And Action:

A. Acknowledgement of receipt, and authorization to place on file the following:

1. Police Department Report

2. Public Library Minutes

3. Recreation Department Report

4. Request Memo from the Fire Department (MABAS at Restaurant Pad)

5. Letter from the American Legion Post No. 104 re: Request for the Use of the Community Center for their monthly meetings.

VIII. Discussion And Action Items:

1. Village Manager’s Report

2. Village Engineer’s Report

3. Department Heads’ Report

4. Elected Officials’ Comments

IX. Committee Reports For Consideration And Action:

A. Public Works (Streets, Water, Storm Water, Engineering, Fleet/Building Maintenance) Chr. Diaz, Klug, Golembiewski

1. Motion to authorize the purchase of a double drum roller from McCann Industries for the Public Works Department in the amount of $29,175.00, which includes $3,500.00 for trade-in of old drum roller.

2. Motion to approve a proposal from Safe Step, LLC, for sidewalk saw cut services to remove potential walking hazards per Option #1 at $36,506.00 (excluding repair and replacement) and authorize the Village Manager to sign.

B. Recreation (Parks, Special Events, Senior Services, Library)

Chr. Klug, Lima, Golembiewski

1. Current report.

C. Community Development (Planning, Zoning, Health, Building, Environment, and Transportation) Chr. Golembiewski, Gorzynski, Lima

1. Current report.

D. Public Safety (Police, Fire, Emergency Management, 911, and EMS)

Chr. Deegan, Diaz, Gorzynski

1. An Ordinance Amending the Automated Traffic Law Enforcement System of the Village of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois.

2. An Ordinance of the Village of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois Approving an Automated Traffic Law Enforcement Agreement with SafeSpeed, LLC.

E. Administration/Finance (Human Resources, Insurance, Bills, Legal)

Chr. Lima, Diaz, Deegan

1. Motion to approve the current List of Bills in the amount of $636,633.76, including non-recurring payments to the following vendors:

a. General Emergency Products – HVAC Maintenance Agreement

b. HR Green – Delta Lift Station

c. Vito Lirosi & Coven Law Group – Workers Compensation Settlement

2. Motion to authorize a transfer of grant funds in the amount of $6,249.00 from the General Fund to the Foreign Fire Insurance Fund.

3. An Ordinance Abating a Certain Tax Levy for the Tax Year 2017 for Special Service Area #7

F. License (Business, Liquor, Ordinances, Utilities, and General Permits)

Chr. Gorzynski, Klug, Deegan

1. An Ordinance Amending Chapter 110 of Title Eleven of the New Millennium Code of the Village of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois Regarding Liquor License Requirements for Changes in Use and Restaurant Visibility.

2. An Ordinance of the Village of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois, Amending Chapter 112 of Title Eleven of the New Millennium Code of the Village of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois Limiting Video Gaming Establishments and Regulating the Issuance of Licenses and Operation of Video Gaming Terminals.

3. An Ordinance of the Village of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois Authorizing the Village Manager to Enter Into Contract for the Purchase of Electricity from the Lowest Electricity Provider for Street Lighting Through the Northern Illinois Municipal Electric Collaborative Bid Process.

X. Report Of The Mayor For Consideration And Action:

A. Proclamations:

1. 2018 Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week

B. Appointments:


C. Other matters:


XI. Other Business

XII. Executive Session:

A. Purchase or Lease of Real Property, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5),

B. Setting of a Price for the Sale or Lease of Property, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(6)

C. Pending Litigation, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11)

D. Probable or Imminent Litigation, 5 ILC 120/2(c)(11)

E. Salary Schedules for one or More Classes of Employees 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)

F. Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance or Dismissal of Certain Employees 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)

G. Collective Bargaining Negotiations Matters 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)

H. Discussion of Minutes of Meetings Closed under the Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21)

I. Security Procedures, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(8)

XIII. Adjournment
