City of Highland Park The Committee of The Whole met May 29.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Call To Order
At 4:32 PM, Mayor Rotering called the meeting to order and asked for a roll call.
Roll Call
Members Present: Mayor Rotering, Councilmen Stolberg, Kaufman, Blumberg (Arrived at 5:33 PM), Knobel, Holleman
Members Absent: Councilwoman Stone
Mayor Rotering declared a quorum was present.
Staff Present: Ghida Neukirch, Emily Taub, Jennifer Houtz-Menzies, Ashley Palbitska
Also Present: Corporation Counsel Steve Elrod
Approval Of Minutes
A. Regular Meeting of the Committee of the Whole – May 14, 2018
Councilman Stolberg moved to approve the minutes from the regular meeting of the Committee of the Whole held on May 14, 2018, as amended. Councilman Kaufman seconded the motion.
On a voice vote:
Voting Yea: Mayor Rotering, Councilmen Stolberg, Kaufman, Knobel,
Voting Nay: None
Absent: Councilmen Stone, Blumberg
Mayor Rotering declared the motion passed unanimously.
Closed Session
Councilman Kaufman moved the Committee close its meeting to the public, pursuant to the following cited sections of the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 Ilcs 120/2(c)), for the purpose of i) approval of closed session minutes (5 Ilcs 120/2(c)(21)); and ii) pending litigation (5 Ilcs 120/2(c)(11)). Councilman Stolberg seconded the motion.
On a roll call vote:
Regular Meeting – Committee of the Whole
Voting Yea: Mayor Rotering, Councilmen Stolberg, Kaufman, Knobel, Holleman
Voting Nay: None
Absent: Councilmen Stone, Blumberg
Mayor Rotering declared the motion passed unanimously.
At 4:34 p.m., the Committee recessed the public portion of the meeting to meet in Closed Session.
At 5:33 p.m., Mayor Rotering reconvened the open session of the Committee of the Whole Meeting.
Members Present: Mayor Rotering, Councilmen Stolberg, Kaufman, Blumberg, Knobel, Holleman
Members Absent: Councilwoman Stone
City Staff Present: Ghida Neukirch, Rob Sabo, Ron Bannon, Joe O’Neill, Ashley Palbitska
Also Present: Corporation Counsel Steve Elrod
Scheduled Business:
Joint Meeting with the Park District of Highland Park Regarding Highland Park Country Club (“Hpcc”) Intergovernmental, Shared Use, and Transfer Agreements Mayor Rotering explained the process of the meeting and provided background on the four separate agreements the Committee and Park District have been reviewing and negotiating regarding the Sale of the Hpcc golf course. The Committee, City Manager Neukirch, Corporation Counsel Elrod, Park District Board, Park District Counsel Bush, and Park District Executive Director McElroy discussed items related to the lease agreement for lot three that includes an annual management fee, possible assessments on the property, termination terms, environmental provisions, and casualty condemnation. They reviewed the tree nursery agreement and discussed the termination provision. They discussed the lease agreement for Lot 4 that includes clarification of the owner of the property, locker room availability, security and renovations, the golf pro shop and that an alternate location will be sought for the Park District’s administrative purposes, proposed parking lot changes, updates and the availability of parking spaces available for use with the Senior Center, location access points between Lot 4 and Lot 5, traffic controls and cost of those traffic controls, and the replacement of the term “license” with the term “easement”. They discussed items related to the transfer agreement that includes conveyance of the property, the possibility of offering a virtual reality golf experience, a shared facilities agreement surrounding golf course holes 13 and 14 and being part of the Lot 3 enterprise arrangements, an explanation as to the term assessments for the property that include an assessment by the Water Reclamation District, the request of two locations on Lot 1 for regional stormwater management use, and management operations agreements.
Mayor Rotering and Park District President Kaplan agreed that they would be able to meet with staff and respective Counsels to review the updated amendments and come to an agreement regarding the final draft of all four documents.
Others Matters
There was none.
Councilman Stolberg moved to adjourn. Councilman Knobel seconded the motion.
On a voice vote, the Mayor declared the motion passed unanimously.
The Committee of the Whole adjourned its meeting at 7:31 PM.