
Lake County Gazette

Friday, January 24, 2025

Village of Cary Village Board met June 5.

Webp meeting 06

Village of Cary Village Board met June 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

I.Call to Order

This meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Kownick.

II.Roll Call

Present: Mayor Kownick and Trustees Covelli, Weinhammer, Betz, Kraus, McAlpine and Cosler

Absent: None

Others present included Village Administrator Rife, Public Works Director Morimoto, Community Development Director Simmons, Police Chief Finlon, Finance Director DuCharme, Management Analyst Sage, Village Attorney Uhler and members of the audience per the sign-in sheet.

III. Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Kownick led in the recitation of the pledge of Allegiance.

IV. Open Forum

Tim Ritter suggested an urban planning class develop a plan for the Maplewood property.

There being no further comments from the public, Mayor Kownick closed Open Forum at 6:04 p.m.

V. Mayor's Report

Mayor Kownick recognized Mark Chernak on his 20-year employment anniversary.

VI. Trustee Reports


VII. Consent Agenda

1. Consider for Approval the Warrant Dated June 5, 2018

2. Consider for Approval Revised Minutes of the May 1, 2018 Village Board Meeting

3. Consider for Approval Minutes of the May 15, 2018 Village Board Meeting

4. Consider for Approval Minutes of the May 15, 2018 Committee of the Whole Meeting

5. Consider for Approval Road Closures Associated with the Trojan Track and Cross Country Association (TTCCA) 10K5K Race on June 17, 2018

6. Consider for Approval an Ordinance Waiving the Restrictions of Section 5.20 (Loudspeakers & Amplifiers) of the Cary Code of Ordinances for a Special Event at 96 Georgetown Drive and Cimarron Park

7. Consider for Approval an Ordinance Waiving the Restrictions of Section 5.20 (Loudspeakers & Amplifiers) of the Cary Code of Ordinances for a Block Party at the Sterling Ridge Subdivision

8. Consider for Approval a Resolution Authorizing an Extension of the Financial Services Agreement with Lauterbach & Amen, LLP through July 31, 2021 in the Annual Amount of $379,271 for Personnel Services and $41,200 for Software and Associated Services for a Total Contract Amount of $420,471

9. Consider for Approval a Resolution Approving the First of Two Possible Contract Extensions with Visu-Sewer Inc., Bridgeview, Illinois, for the 2018 Sewer Lining Program and Authorizing the Village Administrator to Execute a Contract in an Amount Not to Exceed $40,000.00

10. Consider Approval an Ordinance Granting a Variance to Increase the permitted Lot Coverage from 35% to 37% for the Property Located at 460 W. James Way

11. Consider for Approval an Ordinance Granting a Conditional Use and Variance to Reduce the required Side Yard Setback for a Detached Garage for the Property Located at 546 W. Main Street

12. Consider for Approval an Ordinance Granting a Variance for an Off-Premise Residential Development Sign for the West Lake Residential Subdivision on the Property Located at 3118 Three Oaks Road

13. Consider for Approval a Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Execute an Amendment to the Reimbursement Agreement with AT&T for Work Associated with the Cary Metra Station Improvement in the Estimated Amount of $98,277.00 with a 12% Contingency for a Maximum Authorized Reimbursement of $110,000.00

14. Consider for Approval a Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Execute a Contract through April 30, 2019 with RYCO Landscaping, Lake in the Hills, Illinois, and Allowing for up to Two (2) Optional One-Year Extensions

15. Consider for Approval an Ordinance to Amend Village Ordinance Section 2.300.90 - Fines and Costs Applicable to all Offenses, Title 5 – Business Taxes, Licenses and Regulations, Chapter 5.28 – Solicitors and Chapter 5.29 - Ice Cream Vendors

Motion: Trustee Kraus moved, seconded by Trustee McAlpine, to approve Consent Agenda Items #1 – #15.

Ayes: Betz, Cosler, Covelli, Kraus, McAlpine, Weinhammer

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Motion Carried

VIII. Items for Separate Action

1. Consider for Approval a Resolution Approving the Execution of a Sale and Lease Agreement between the Village of Cary, Realty Executives, and Galati's Hideaway for the Lease of Public Right-of-Way

Motion: Trustee McAlpine moved, seconded by Trustee Betz to approve a Resolution Approving the Execution of a Sale and Lease Agreement between the Village of Cary, Realty Executives, and Galati's Hideaway for the Lease of Public Right-of-Way.


Village Administrator Rife provided an overview of the history related to the sign.

Patsy Frits proposed an alternate to the agreement previously discussed. Ms. Frits stated Galati's was not open to the alternate proposal.

Mayor Kownick stated the terms of the agreement have been discussed and reviewed by the Village Attorney, and feels the agreement in its current form satisfies both parties.

Sean McHugh of Galati's stated they do not want to modify the agreement currently before the Board.

Ayes: Betz, Cosler, Covelli, Kraus

Nays: None

Abstain: Weinhammer, McAlpine

Motion Carried

IX. Administrator's Report

Village Administrator Rife stated there will be a Tax Reform seminar hosted by Senator Dan McConchie on June 12th at Village Hall. Administrator Rife stated the Special Village Board meeting on June 4th provided valuable feedback that will be explored by staff, legal counsel and our risk management provider.

X. Department Head Reports

Director Morimoto stated signage will soon be visible at the Metra station for the renovation and pedestrian projects. Director Morimoto stated staff will begin ordering equipment and signage for the lake and park facility.

XI. Future Agenda Items and Discussion by Village Board


XII. Adjourn

There being no further items to discuss, a Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:23 p.m.

Motion: Trustee Kraus

Second: Trustee Betz

The Voice Vote noted all ayes and the motion carried.
